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Text File | 1994-09-01 | 300.7 KB | 6,392 lines |
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- T H E " O F F I C I A L "
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- Post-Release v5.8 - MINOR revision
- Last Updated: August 30, 1994 EST
- Written by: Hank Leukart (ap641@cleveland.freenet.edu)
- "DOOM: Where the sanest place... is behind a trigger."
- "DOOM: Such mayhem the likes of which have never
- been witnessed in this particular dimension!"
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------
- ----------
- This FAQ is to aid in informing the public about the game DOOM, by id
- Software. In no way should this promote your killing yourself, killing others,
- or killing in any other fashion. Additionally, Hank Leukart claims NO
- responsibility regarding ANY illegal activity concerning this FAQ, or
- indirectly related to this FAQ. The information contained in this FAQ only
- reflects id Software indirectly, and questioning id Software regarding any
- information in this FAQ is not recommended.
- ---------------------
- ---------------------
- All specific names included herein are trademarks and are so
- acknowledged: id Software, DOOM, Apogee, Wolfenstein 3-D, Creative
- Labs, WaveBlaster, Sound Blaster, Advanced Gravis, Gravis UltraSound (GUS),
- Gravis Gamepad, Forte, Roland, Roland Sound Canvas, Pro Audio Spectrum,
- IBM, Microsoft, MS-DOS, Atari, and Jaguar. Any trademarks not mentioned here
- are still hypothetically acknowledged.
- ----------------
- ----------------
- This article is Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hank Leukart. All rights reserved.
- You are granted the following rights:
- I. To make copies of this work in original form, so long as
- (a) the copies are exact and complete;
- (b) the copies include the copyright notice and these paragraphs
- in their entirety;
- (c) the copies give obvious credit to the author, Hank Leukart;
- (d) the copies are in electronic form.
- II. To distribute this work, or copies made under the provisions
- above, so long as
- (a) this is the original work and not a derivative form;
- (b) you do not charge a fee for copying or for distribution;
- (c) you ensure that the distributed form includes the copyright
- notice, this paragraph, the disclaimer of warranty in
- their entirety and credit to the author;
- (d) the distributed form is not in an electronic magazine or
- within computer software (prior explicit permission may be
- obtained from Hank Leukart);
- (e) the distributed form is the NEWEST version of the article to
- the best of the knowledge of the distributor;
- (f) the distributed form is electronic.
- You may not distribute this work by any non-electronic media,
- including but not limited to books, newsletters, magazines, manuals,
- catalogs, and speech. You may not distribute this work in electronic
- magazines or within computer software without prior written explicit
- permission. These rights are temporary and revocable upon written, oral,
- or other notice by Hank Leukart. This copyright notice shall be governed
- by the laws of the state of Ohio.
- If you would like additional rights beyond those granted above,
- write to the author at "ap641@cleveland.freenet.edu" on the Internet.
- ---------
- ---------
- [1] Introduction
- *1-1* A word from Hank Leukart
- [1-2] About the "Official" DOOM FAQ
- (1-2-1) About the "Official" DOOM ASCII Logo
- [1-3] Getting the "Official" DOOM FAQ
- [1-4] Adding to the FAQ
- [1-5] The DOOM Mailing List
- (1-6) Acknowledgments
- [1-7] Accurate Information
- [2] What is DOOM?
- [3] What makes DOOM different from Wolfenstein 3-D?
- [3-1] Texture-Mapped Environment
- [3-2] Non-Orthogonal Walls
- [3-3] Light Diminishing/Light Sourcing
- [3-4] Variable Height Floors and Ceilings
- [3-5] Environment Animation and Morphing
- [3-6] Palette Translation
- [3-7] Multiple Players
- [3-8] Smooth, Seamless Gameplay
- (3-9) New Monsters and Artificial Intelligence
- [3-10] Weapons
- [3-10-1] What does BFG9000 stand for?
- [4] Who created DOOM?
- [4-1] How can I contact id Software?
- [5] What are the differences between the different releases of DOOM?
- *5-1* What is the shareware release?
- [5-2] What is the mail-order release?
- *5-3* What makes the six versions different?
- *5-4* What is the commercial release?
- (5-5) I bought DOOM in a store, is it illegal?
- [5-6] What is the Jaguar release?
- *5-7* What is WinDOOM?
- *5-8* What are DOOM ports are in the works?
- [6] Where can I get DOOM?
- [6-1] How can I get the shareware release?
- *6-1-1* What are the file names?
- [6-1-2] How can I get DOOM using FTP?
- [6-1-3] How can I get DOOM using AFS?
- [6-1-4] How can I get DOOM on a BBS?
- [6-2] How can I get the mail-order release?
- *6-3* How can I get the commercial release?
- [6-4] How can I get the DOOM Specs for creating add-on utilities?
- (6-5) Where can I get the serial play and node building source code?
- (6-6) What books about DOOM are available?
- [7] What is needed to run DOOM?
- [7-1] What is REQUIRED to run DOOM?
- [7-2] What sound cards does DOOM support?
- [7-3] What game controllers does DOOM support?
- [8] How can I use multiple players in DOOM?
- [8-1] How does the multi-player gameplay work?
- [8-1-1] How does pausing, saving, and loading work?
- [8-1-2] What are the different uniform colors for?
- [8-1-3] How does a player see what others are doing?
- [8-1-4] How do players communicate using Chat Mode?
- [8-1-5] How do the weapons work?
- [8-1-6] What happens when a player dies?
- [8-1-7] Can players exchange supplies?
- [8-1-8] Miscellaneous
- [8-2] What exactly is "DeathMatch" mode?
- [8-3] How does DOOM work with networks?
- *8-3-1* What are the network command line parameters for DOOM?
- (8-3-2) How does DOOM determine player colors?
- [8-3-3] How can I use DOOM on Novell Netware Lite?
- [8-3-4] How can I use DOOM on other types of networks?
- [8-3-5] How can I set up a small inexpensive DOOM network?
- [8-4] How can I play DOOM by serial link?
- [8-5] How can I play DOOM over the Internet?
- *8-5-1* How can I play DOOM using IHHD?
- *8-5-2* How can I play DOOM using TCPSetup?
- [8-6] How can I setup DOOM to be played on a multi-player BBS?
- (8-7) Where can I find multi-player partners?
- [9] How can I cheat in DOOM?
- [9-1] What are the DOOM cheat codes?
- *9-2* What command line parameters exist?
- (9-2-1) What do the dots that appear in development mode mean?
- [10] Can someone tell me how to...?
- [10-1] Where are the DOOM secret levels?
- [10-1-1] Knee-Deep in the Dead?
- [10-1-2] The Shores of Hell
- (10-1-3) Inferno
- (10-2) Where are the secret doors in DOOM?
- (10-2-1) Secret Master List
- *10-2-2* Knee-Deep in the Dead
- *10-2-3* The Shores of Hell
- *10-2-4* Inferno
- [10-3] When should I use each weapon?
- [10-4] Where can I get each weapon for the first time?
- (10-5) Where can I find the various powerups in the game?
- (10-5-1) How much do health and armor items help me?
- [10-6] How powerful is the ammunition?
- (10-6-1) How much ammunition is obtained from picking up
- the various types?
- [10-7] How many enemies are in the entire game?
- [10-7-1] Knee Deep in the Dead
- [10-7-2] The Shores of Hell
- [10-7-3] Inferno
- [10-8] How many shots does it take to kill each enemy?
- (10-9) Which enemies will attack each other?
- *11* What is DOOM add-on software and where can I get it?
- *11-1* If I don't have FTP access, how can I get these files?
- [12] What cheating utilities have been made for DOOM?
- [13] What add-on utilities allow me to alter DOOM?
- [13-1] BSP v1.2x
- *13-2* DEHACKED v1.3
- *13-3* Deframed v1.0
- (13-4) DEU v5.21
- (13-5) DMapEdit v3.0
- (13-6) DMAUD v1.1
- [13-6-1] DMFE v0.0.1
- [13-7] DMGRAPH v1.1
- (13-8) DMMUSIC v1.0a
- (13-9) DOOMCAD v4.3
- (13-10) DOOM Color Changer
- (13-11) DOOMDump v0.9
- (13-12) DOOM Editor: The Real Thing v2.60b4
- [13-13] DOOMTOOL
- [13-14] DOPE v1.02
- (13-15) IDBSP v1.0
- [13-16] Jumble v3.0
- [13-17] MDE: My DOOM Editor v0.90b
- (13-18) Move Level v2.0
- (13-19) MUS2PWAD v1.0
- [13-20] NodeNav v0.8
- (13-21) RanDOOM v1.65
- (13-22) REJECT v1.0
- (13-23) Renegade Graphics DOOMED v1.1c/e
- [13-24] RENWAD
- [13-25] VERDA v0.20
- (13-26) VERDA Node Builder v1.05
- (13-27) WADED v1.23
- [13-28] WAD Extended Tools v1.0
- [13-29] WAD Hacker v2.0
- [13-30] WADMASTER v0.5
- [13-31] WADNAME
- (13-32) Wads_Up v1.1
- [13-33] WAD Tools v1.0
- [14] What add-on data files exist for DOOM?
- (14-1) Graphics
- (14-2) Missions
- (14-2-1) A comprehensive listing
- (14-2-2) DOOM DeathMatch WAD Ranking
- (14-2-3) PWAD Authoring Template v1.4
- (14-3) Sounds
- (14-4) Music
- (14-5) LMPs (Recordings)
- *14-6* DEHACKED patches
- [15] What other miscellaneous DOOM add-ons exist?
- [15-1] BNUDOOM v1.26
- (15-2) DIRPWAD
- (15-3) DOOMBSP Source Code
- [15-4] The DOOM Hall of Fame: Collectors Edition
- (15-5) The DOOM Hacker's Tool Kit v1.0
- *15-6* The DOOM Help Service
- *15-7* The DOOM Honorific Titles
- [15-8] DOOM Launcher for OS/2 v1.1
- (15-9) The DOOM Level Design FAQ v1.1
- [15-10] DOOMLOAD v2.01a
- [15-11] DOOM Master v2.0
- *15-12* DOOMenu v10.0
- [15-13] DOOMODEM v1.0
- [15-14] DOOM Modem Contact List R7
- [15-15] DOOMPICS.ZIP
- [15-16] DOOM Serial Connection Manager v1.06b
- [15-17] DOOM Utilities v0.1
- (15-18) DOOM WAD Manager v1.30c
- (15-19) The DOOM IPX Network FAQ v1.2
- (15-20) LNTYP v1.01
- (15-21) MIDI2MUS
- [15-22] OLDIPX.ZIP
- [15-23] SER4.ZIP
- [15-24] The Ultimate DOOM Maps
- [15-25] The Unofficial DOOM Specs v1.4
- [16] Future add-on software
- (16-1) Add-on software wish list
- [16-2] Add-on software in the making
- [17] Why won't DOOM work correctly?
- [17-1] How can I use SMARTDRV.EXE with DOOM?
- [17-2] Why am I getting an "OUT OF MEMORY" error with DOOM?
- [17-3] Why does DOOM crash when I start it?
- [17-4] How can I run DOOM under OS/2?
- [18] Why won't my sound card work with DOOM?
- [18-1] Why won't my Sound Blaster v1.0 or v1.5 work with DOOM?
- (18-2) Why won't my Sound Blaster Pro work with DOOM?
- (18-3) Why won't my Gravis UltraSound work with DOOM?
- [18-4] Why does the game crash when using my Gravis UltraSound?
- [18-5] Why won't my Pro Audio Spectrum 16 work with DOOM?
- [18-6] Why won't my ATI Stereo-F/X work with DOOM?
- [19] Miscellaneous DOOM problems
- [19-1] Why won't my mouse work with DOOM?
- [19-1-1] Why does my mouse start moving itself during play?
- [19-1-2] Why won't my two button mouse work with DOOM?
- [19-1-3] Why won't my IBM PS/2 mouse work with DOOM?
- [19-2] Why does netDOOM seem to crash at certain times?
- (19-3) Why won't my modem work with DOOM?
- [19-4] Why is my network slowing down when using DOOM?
- (19-5) Why won't the v1.666 patch install correctly?
- [19-6] DOOM is too easy
- [19-7] DOOM is too hard
- [19-8] I get motion sickness when playing DOOM
- (20) Confidential NORAD Transmission
- (21) Other literature available from Hank Leukart
- [22] Conclusion
- [23] Revision History
- [23-1] Pre-Game-Release FAQs
- [23-2] Post-Game-Release FAQs
- -------------------------
- CHAPTER [1]: Introduction
- -------------------------
- *1-1*: A word from Hank Leukart
- ===============================
- Because I have ESP, I know that right now, you're thinking:
- "What in the world is he doing? He's releasing yet ANOTHER FAQ?
- Is this guy satanic or what?"
- id decided that in the last few weeks that they should keep
- releasing versions of DOOM on the Internet until they had a version with no
- bugs. :) And, hopefully, with v1.666, they will have finally done it. So,
- here is the "Official" DOOM FAQ, v5.8. Who was it who sent me E-mail asking
- if I was a masochist? <grin>
- Because I have ESP, I know that right now, you're thinking:
- "Wait a minute! I just downloaded DOOM v1.666. Why did I get this
- incredible FAQ with it?"
- id Software was kind enough to allow me to package the FAQ with
- DOOM v1.61bt and with DOOM v1.666. I think this will be great for all DOOM
- players, as many of their questions can be answered immediately. This should
- also cut down on questions to id's technical support.
- Because I have ESP, I know that right now, you're thinking:
- "Okay, now what is he going to talk about? After all, it has only
- been a few weeks since the last FAQ! What new, cool add-on utilities could
- he plug?
- I do admit that in the last few weeks, I haven't seen any major
- upgrades on any of the DOOM editors or other popular utilities. I have
- seen, however, a new utility that has probably caught on the fastest of any
- of the add-ons. Matt Fell recently released a small file outlining the
- DOOM.EXE. This file gave way to DEHACKED by Greg Lewis
- (gregory.lewis@umich.edu). And what a COOL utility! Some of the patches
- made for DEHACKED allow monster "morphing," a shotgun that fires as fast
- as a chain gun, and a flame thrower to replace the plasma gun. Other
- special-effects include flying enemies and enemies that look like trees. I
- recommend downloading this utility along with some of the patches. See
- Chapters [13-2] and [14-6] for more information.
- Because I have ESP, I know that right now, you're thinking:
- "Let me see. If I can scramble my brain waves, maybe he won't be
- able to read my mind anymore."
- Okay, you figured me out. I don't actually have ESP after all.
- Anyway, watch out for mind readers, memorize the FAQ, and above all, "keep
- on DOOMing!"
- -Hank Leukart
- [1-2]: About the "Official" DOOM FAQ
- ====================================
- Welcome to the post-release v5.8 of the "Official" DOOM FAQ. What
- does that mean? Post-release is after the game is released, version 5.8 is a
- minor revision written after 5.7, "Official" means absolutely nothing,
- DOOM is the name of the game, and FAQs are [F]requently [A]sked [Q]uestions.
- Here's how revision classification works. If a new version of
- the FAQ only has a small amount of information changed or added, the version
- number is increased by 0.1. This is called a "minor revision." If a new
- version of the FAQ has a substantial amount of new information changed or
- added, the version number is increased by 0.5. This is called a "standard
- revision." If a new version of the FAQ has a huge amount of added or changed
- information, major parts of the FAQ are rearranged, or major parts of the FAQ
- are rewritten, then the version number is increased by 1.0. This is called a
- "major revision."
- You may be wondering why chapter numbers are enclosed in either
- []'s, ()'s, or **'s. The definition of these is as follows:
- []: Chapters enclosed in brackets mean that the information
- contained in the chapter has not been updated in this or the
- previous FAQ.
- (): Chapters enclosed in parenthesis mean that the information
- contained in the chapter has not been updated since the previous
- FAQ.
- **: Chapters enclosed in asterisks means that the information
- contained in the chapter is new or has been updated for the
- current version of the FAQ you are reading.
- (1-2-1): About the "Official" DOOM ASCII Logo
- =============================================
- Thanks to Frans P. de Vries (fpdevries@hgl.signaal.nl), an
- incredible ASCII DOOM logo was added to the beginning of the document in
- v5.5 of the FAQ.
- Please keep in mind that, as is rest of this document, the logo
- is copyrighted. This FAQ may not be split into parts and distributed.
- Therefore, the logo may not be used independently from the "Official" DOOM FAQ
- in any other documents apart from the "Official" DOOM FAQ, the Unofficial
- DOOM Specs, and DOOM iNsAnItY.
- Thank you for respecting U.S. copyright laws.
- [1-3]: Getting the "Official" DOOM FAQ
- ======================================
- I am sorry to announce that my DOOM Mailing List has been
- canceled, due to numerous problems. Anyone who has had a subscription to
- the list in the past will no longer receive updates, and no new
- subscriptions are permitted. There is a new mailing list, however. See
- Chapter [1-5] for more information.
- The "Official" DOOM FAQ can still be requested from me, however. My
- Internet E-mail address is "ap641@cleveland.freenet.edu." Please make the
- subject of your E-mail "DOOM FAQ Request."
- The "Official" DOOM FAQ is posted every two weeks (or earlier
- if a new version is released) on the following Usenet groups.
- (1) comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
- (2) comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.announce
- (3) comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.misc
- (4) alt.games.doom
- The "Subject:" line of the post will be "'Official' DOOM FAQ v??.??"
- where "??.??" is the version number of the FAQ.
- New releases of the "Official" DOOM FAQ are uploaded to the
- following Internet FTP sites.
- (1) ftp.uwp.edu IN /pub/incoming/id
- IN /pub/msdos/games/id/home-brew/doom
- (2) infant2.sphs.indiana.edu IN /pub/doom/incoming
- IN /pub/doom/text
- (3) wuarchive.wustl.edu IN /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/games/doomstuff
- The file name of the upload will be "doom??.faq" where "??" is the
- version number of the FAQ. This filename is for FTP sites only. BBS
- filenames are below.
- New releases of the "Official" DOOM FAQ are uploaded to Software
- Creations BBS (and other BBSes) under the file name "dmfaq??.zip" where "??"
- is the version number of the FAQ.
- Software Creations BBS:
- (a) (508)-365-2359 2400 baud
- (b) (508)-368-7036 9600-14.4k v.32bis
- (c) (508)-368-4137 14.4-16.8k HST/DS
- ATTENTION: ALL BBSes, Compuserve, America Online, GEnie, and all
- other information services. PLEASE conform to the naming standard of the
- "Official" DOOM FAQ when placing this file on your system. The file name
- should be "dmfaq??.zip" where the "??" is the version number of the FAQ or
- "dmfaq??.txt" if the FAQ is a text file instead of PKZIPped.
- [1-4]: Adding to the FAQ
- ========================
- If you want something added to the FAQ, please send E-mail to
- "ap641@cleveland.freenet.edu" (no quotes), explaining what your addition is.
- It will be reviewed, and if accepted, added to the next FAQ version. In
- the E-mail, please supply your name and E-mail address.
- Please note that all submissions to the FAQ become the property of
- the author (Hank Leukart) and that they may or may not be acknowledged.
- By submitting to the FAQ, you grant permission for use of your submission
- in any future publications of the FAQ in any media. The author reserves
- the right to omit information from a submission or delete the submission
- entirely.
- [1-5]: The DOOM Mailing List
- ============================
- The DOOM Mailing List is run by an automatic server. To subscribe,
- send mail to "listserv@cedar.univie.ac.at" with "sub DOOML <First Last>"
- IN THE BODY of the message. DO NOT put a subject on this message. To post
- to the mailing list, send mail to "DOOML@cedar.univie.ac.at". If you are
- having trouble using this, send mail to "listserv@cedar.univie.ac.at" with
- the word "HELP" IN THE BODY of the message. Again, put no subject on the
- message. If you are having problems with the server, mail
- "savage@cedar.univie.ac.at" with your problem.
- *1-6*: Acknowledgments
- ======================
- I'd like to thank id Software for creating such a GREAT
- game! It definitely exceeds expectations. I'd also like to thank them
- for helping me out, and getting involved with on-line users. I'd like to
- thank the following on-line users for the following reasons:
- John Romero (help@idsoftware.com)
- What a guy! He's been putting up with my infinite
- cross-examinations for six months now, and he still hasn't killed me! He
- also read through the ENTIRE FAQ to give me a list of corrections for this
- release. A BIG thanks, John! (oh yeah, he also programmed that game --
- what was it called?! :))
- David Taylor (help@idsoftware.com)
- Three cheers for David Taylor! His once-in-a-while "idNews" Usenet
- postings always seem to cut down the amount of E-mail I get for a few
- hours. He also, has put up with me, and answered numerous questions.
- Jay Wilbur (help@idsoftware.com)
- You've got to admire this guy. He puts his life and his family's
- life on the line everytime he posts a release date (or "within two weeks")
- on Usenet. He's a great CEO, a great net representative, and handled the
- small island travel arrangements at a time in which we thought we might be
- pummeled. :)
- And to everyone else at id Software, thanks for a great game!
- Christoph Anderson (psycho@asl.uni-bielefeld.de) - Enemy count info
- Marco Arriaga (marco@fidev.pwcm.com) - Novell Netware Lite information
- Kent Bentkowski (dpmh69a@prodigy.com) - DOOM Book information
- Barry Bloom (barry@noc.unt.edu) - Modem Initialization Strings
- Steve Bonds (sbonds@jarthur.claremont.edu) - IPX FAQ information
- Vesselin Bontchev (bontchev@fbihh.informatik.uni-hamburg.de) - Major help
- on grammatic and
- other problems
- Larry J. Brackney (brackney@ecn.purdue.edu) - Jaguar Specs
- Scott Browser (browersr@cnsvax.uwec.edu) - Information on SMARTDRV
- Jason Brunette (stimpy2129@aol.com) - Command line parameters
- Kevin Burfitt (zaph@torps.apana.org.au) - Command line parameters
- Tom Cannon (inkblot@leland.stanford.edu) - Location of the chain saw
- TC Cheng (tc@po.EECS.Berkeley.edu) - PAS information
- Scott Coleman (tmkk@uiuc.edu) - The TCPSetup DOOMer's FAQ
- Jay Cotton (jay@calc.vet.uga.edu) - The TCPSetup DOOMer's FAQ
- David Datta (datta.cs.uwp.edu) - Copyright notice/DOOM distribution
- Seth Delackner (dax@crl.com) - Command line parameters
- James Dicke (jdicke@carroll1.cc.edu) - DOOM DeathMatch WAD Ranking
- Vinc Duran (vincd@ile.com) - ATI Stereo F/X information
- Joakim Erdfelt (joakim.erdfelt@swsbbs.com) - Great DOOM Utilities, and help
- with the FAQ
- Paul Falstad (pf@z-code.z-code.com) - HUGE amount of secret info (big
- thanks!)
- Matt Fell (matt.burnett@acebbs.com) - DOOM Spec writer
- David Few (dfew@cix.compulink.co.uk) - OS/2 settings info
- Mark Harrop (harrop@telecom.jorn.gov.au) - Information classification
- Jarkko Tapio Heinonen (jtheinon@cc.helsinki.fi) - Small grammar help
- Fred Homewood (fred@meiko.com) - Novell Network Lite info
- John Iodice (jiodice@telesciences.com) - HUGE grammatic fixes list
- John Thomas Lemke (jtl10@ciao.cc.columbia.edu) - Frames per second info
- Henry Liang (liangh@eniac.seas.upenn.edu) - IHHD information
- Ian CR Mapleson (mapleson@cee.hw.ac.uk) - PS/2 Mouse information
- Bill McCormick (billmcc@microsoft.com) - WinDOOM information
- Samer Meshreki (meshreki@udel.edu) - Gravis UltraSound information
- Christian Metcalfe (uk05624@mik.uky.edu) - Weapon shot conversions
- Michael Millard (michael.millard@swcbbs.com) - Making sure the FAQ got
- finished :)
- Neal Miller (millen3@rpi.edu) - For putting up with my seemingly inability
- to get his add-on software in correctly :)
- "Minstrel" (minstrel@u.washington.edu) - IPX Network info
- "Motop" (ekschult@vela.acs.oakland.edu) - Network card supply
- Tom Neff (tneff@panix.com) - DOOM Design FAQ, monster information
- Joe Pantuso (73633.2517) - Miscellaneous info, putting up with my seemingly
- inability to get the RGD Editor entry correct :)
- Elias Papavassilopoulos (ep104@cus.cam.ac.uk) - Cheat codes and parameters
- Walter Pullen (cruiser1@stein.u.washington.edu) - INCREDIBLE amount of
- secret info and saving me
- at the last second from
- definite DOOM :)
- Charlie Ray (exuchar@exu.ericsson.se) - DOOM: Opening a door to hell
- Tobey Reed (treed@world.std.com) - DOOM v1.2 information
- Owen Salava (osalava@vaxsrv2.royalroads.ca) - Keeping my nose to the grind-
- stone and making sure my
- mailbox is filled <g>
- Joost Schuur (zxmsu01@studserv.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de) - Miscellaneous info
- Wouter Slegers (wsbusr3@urc.tue.nl) - DOOM Secrets FAQ information
- Stanley Stasiak (stasiak@tartarus.uwa.edu.au) - Motion sickness/secrets
- Stephen Sprunk (ssprunk@nox.cs.du.edu) - Modem information
- Stephen Stibler (stibler@watson.ibm.com) - Two button mouse information
- Ajaipal S. Tanwar (tanwar@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu) - Secret level information
- Aaron Fredrick Tiensivu (tiensivu@student.msu.edu) - Command line parameters
- John Van Essen (vanes002@maroon.tc.umn.edu) - DOOM Mini FAQ/Miscellaneous
- Jim Urbas (jimu@point.cs.uwm.edu) - DOOM DeathMatch WAD Ranking
- Frans P. de Vries (fpdevries@hgl.signaal.nl) - The cool ASCII DOOM logo,
- lots of grammatic help, and
- never ending FAQ attention
- "Zhar" (cerberus@hade.eqinox.gen.nz) - Fixing the "*" search method
- Forgive me if I am missing anyone, so many people have helped me!
- #- THANK YOU! -# If, for some reason, I did miss you, PLEASE send
- me E-mail!
- Finally, I'd like to thank everyone who reads this FAQ, you
- are what the FAQ is for!
- [1-7]: Accurate Information
- ===========================
- An attempt has been made to make the information in this FAQ as
- accurate as possible. Unfortunately, due to the fact that the game
- was recently released, and updates, add-ons, and new information are being
- worked on each second, it's hard to keep up. I had to stop myself from
- adding to the FAQ, because if I didn't it would have never been released!
- The original press release dated from January 1993 listed a few things that
- didn't go in the final game. Some of those things were impossible to do
- after rewriting the 3-D engine 4 times over (for speed and size); other
- things just made no sense with the rest of the design. Trust id Software.
- They know what they are doing. DOOM is one great game!
- =====================================
- =====================================
- --------------------------
- CHAPTER [2]: What is DOOM?
- --------------------------
- DOOM is a three dimensional, virtual reality type action game
- created by id Software. In some ways, it is similar to Wolfenstein 3-D
- (id Software, Apogee).
- In DOOM, you're a space marine, one of Earth's toughest, hardened in
- combat and trained for action. Three years ago you assaulted a superior
- officer for ordering his soldiers to fire upon civilians. He and his body
- cast were shipped to Pearl Harbor, while you were transferred to Mars, home
- of the Union Aerospace Corporation.
- The UAC is a multi-planetary conglomerate with radioactive waste
- facilities on Mars and its two moons, Phobos and Deimos. With no action for
- fifty million miles, your day consisted of suckin' dust and watchin'
- restricted flicks in the rec room.
- For the last four years the military, UAC's biggest supplier, has
- used the remote facilities on Phobos and Deimos to conduct various
- secret projects, including research on inter-dimensional space travel.
- So far they have been able to open gateways between Phobos and Deimos,
- throwing a few gadgets into one and watching them come out the other.
- Recently however, the gateways have grown dangerously unstable.
- Military "volunteers" entering them have either disappeared or been
- stricken with a strange form of insanity--babbling vulgarities,
- bludgeoning anything that breathes, and finally suffering an untimely
- death of full-body explosion. Matching heads with torsos to send home
- to the folks became a full-time job. Latest military reports state
- that the research is suffering a small setback, but everything is
- under control.
- A few hours ago, Mars received a garbled message from Phobos. "We
- require immediate military support. Something fraggin' evil is coming
- out of the gateways! Computer systems have gone berserk!" The rest
- was incoherent. Soon afterwards, Deimos simply vanished from the sky.
- Since then, attempts to establish contact with either moon have been
- unsuccessful.
- You and your buddies, the only combat troop for fifty million miles
- were sent up pronto to Phobos. You were ordered to secure the perimeter of
- the base while the rest of the team went inside. For several hours, your
- radio picked up the sounds of combat: guns firing, men yelling orders,
- screams, bones cracking, then finally silence. Seems your buddies are dead.
- Things aren't looking too good. You'll never navigate off the
- planet on your own. Plus, all the heavy weapons have been taken by
- the assault team leaving you only with a pistol. If only you could get your
- hands around a plasma rifle or even a shotgun you could take a few down on
- your way out. Whatever killed your buddies deserves a couple of pellets in
- the forehead. Securing your helmet, you exit the landing pod. Hopefully you
- can find more substantial firepower somewhere within the station. As you
- walk through the main entrance of the base, you hear animal-like growls
- echoing throughout the distant corridors. They know you're here. There's no
- turning back now.
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- CHAPTER [3]: What makes DOOM different from Wolfenstein 3-D?
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- [3-1]: Texture-Mapped Environment
- =================================
- DOOM offers the most realistic environment to date on the PC.
- Texture-mapping, the process of rendering fully-drawn art and scanned
- textures on the walls, floors, and ceilings of an environment, makes the
- world much more real, thus bringing the player more into the game experience.
- Others have attempted this, but DOOM's texture mapping is fast, accurate,
- and seamless. Texture-mapping the floors and ceilings is a big improvement
- over Wolfenstein 3-D. With their new advanced graphic development
- techniques, allowing game art to be generated much faster, id brings
- new meaning to "state-of-the-art".
- [3-2]: Non-Orthogonal Walls
- ===========================
- In other games (such as Wolfenstein 3-D), walls were always joined
- at ninety degrees to each other, and were always eight feet thick. DOOM's
- walls are at many angles, and of any thickness. Walls have see-through
- areas, like windows. This allows more natural construction of levels. If
- you can draw it on paper, you can see it in the game.
- [3-3]: Light Diminishing/Light Sourcing
- =======================================
- Another touch adding realism is light diminishing. With distance,
- your surroundings become enshrouded in darkness. This makes areas seem huge
- and intensifies the experience. This also creates some amazing effects;
- sometimes the lights go out, and you'll have to look for a light switch or
- light amplification visors. Light sourcing allows lamps and lights to
- illuminate hallways, explosions to light up areas, and strobe lights to
- briefly reveal things near them. These features make the game
- frighteningly real.
- [3-4]: Variable Height Floors and Ceilings
- ==========================================
- Floors and ceilings can be of any height, allowing for stairs, poles,
- altars, plus low hallways and high caves-allowing a great variety for rooms
- and halls.
- In DOOM, monsters can be shot on levels that are higher or lower than
- you are. All you have to do is aim horizontally, and DOOM will do the rest!
- [3-5]: Environment Animation and Morphing
- =========================================
- In DOOM, the world reacts to you. Many surfaces animate.
- A glowing wall-plate may change in appearance when you touch it. Radioactive
- ooze could seethe and bubble.
- In earlier versions of the FAQ, I talked about environment animation
- and morphing. id Software removed information terminals, access stations,
- and wall weapon damaging. DOOM does include "crushing ceilings," however.
- [3-6]: Palette Translation
- ==========================
- In earlier versions of the FAQ, I talked about many different
- types of palette translation. Most of the palette translation has been
- removed from DOOM. The only palette translations that are currently
- implemented in DOOM are for multi-player mode (other players are in
- different colors), invincibility mode and a few other special effects.
- [3-7]: Multiple Players
- =======================
- Up to four players can play over a local network, or two players
- can play by modem or serial link. DOOM v1.2 supports modem play.
- You can see the other player in the environment, communicate with him or her,
- and in certain situations you can switch to their view. This feature, added
- to the 3-D realism, makes DOOM a very powerful cooperative game and its
- release a landmark event in the software industry. This is the first game to
- really exploit the power of LANs and modems to their full potential. In
- 1994, id Software fully expects to be the number one cause of decreased
- productivity in businesses around the world. See Chapter [8] for more
- information on multi-playing.
- [3-8]: Smooth, Seamless Gameplay
- ================================
- The environment in DOOM is frightening, but the player can be at
- ease when playing. Much effort has been spent on the development end to
- provide the smoothest control on the user end. And the frame rate (the rate
- at which the screen is updated) is high, so you move smoothly from room to
- room, turning and acting as you wish, unhampered by the slow jerky motion of
- most 3-D games. On a 386DX, the game runs well, and on a 486/33, the normal
- mode frame rate is almost as fast as television. This allows for the
- most important and enjoyable aspect of gameplay: immersion.
- (3-9): New Monsters and Artificial Intelligence
- ===============================================
- Wolfenstein 3-D is basically made up of a lot of closed rooms. When
- you open a door, the guards get a chance to see you and opening the door
- connects your sound area to the revealed room's sound area, so a gunshot will
- be heard in both places. Guards in both places will respond to this kind of
- action. In DOOM it's much more complex. DOOM isn't made up of a bunch of
- rooms; it's a cohesive world. You might blast your shotgun and the sound
- could travel through a window or slime-river tunnel to another entirely
- different area and alert some monsters. Then, they'll come looking for
- you! Opening doors, going down stairs, wading through slime, etc. You are
- still able to get the drop on them from behind, just like in Wolfenstein
- 3-D -- but you have to be sneakier about it.
- There is a huge amount of new enemies in DOOM. Here is a list:
- FORMER HUMANS (dudes in filth-covered combat suits): Just a few days
- ago, you were probably swapping war stories with one of these guys. Now it's
- time to swap some lead upside their head. They are the weakest of all
- enemies.
- FORMER HUMAN SERGEANTS (dudes in black armor, also filthy): Same as
- above, but much meaner and tougher. These walking shotguns provide you with
- a few extra holes if you're not careful!
- IMPS (brown thorny hominids): You thought an imp was cute little
- dude in a red suit with a pitchfork. Where did these brown bastards come
- from? They heave balls o' fire down your throat and take several bullets to
- die. It's time to find a weapon better than that pistol if you're going to
- face more than one of these S.O.B.s.
- DEMONS (pink horrors, vaguely humanoid): Sorta like a shaved
- gorilla, except with horns, a big head, lots of teeth, and harder to kill.
- Don't get too close or they'll rip your fraggin' head off.
- SPECTRES (vague, half-formed shapes): Great. Just what you needed.
- An invisible (nearly) Demon.
- + LOST SOULS (flying skulls): Dumb. Tough. Flies. On fire. Flying
- skills with a hot temper. They like to go for a screaming head-on
- collision.
- + CACODEMONS (gigantic floating one-eyed heads): They float in the
- air, belch ball-lightning, and boast one Hell of a big mouth. You're toast
- if you get too close to these monstrosities.
- BARONS OF HELL (you'll know `em when you see `em): Tough as a dump
- truck and nearly as big, these goliaths are the worst thing on two legs since
- Tyrannosaurus Rex. Watch out for the green plasma they fling at you.
- + CYBERDEMON (rocket shooting colossus): When you get to the end of
- the second episode, you'll know.
- + SPIDERDEMON (huge robotic chaingun shooting spider): It will make
- you wish you never were playing DOOM in the first place. Watch for it at
- the end of the third episode.
- +: Not found in the shareware version
- [3-10]: Weapons
- ===============
- Here's a list of weapons that are in DOOM. Don't try using these at
- home. :)
- (1) Fist
- (2) Chain Saw
- (3) Pistol
- (4) Shotgun
- (5) Chain Gun
- (6) Rocket Launcher
- (7) Plasma Rifle +
- (8) BFG9000 +
- + = Denotes a weapon not implemented in the shareware version.
- [3-10-1]: What does BFG9000 stand for?
- --------------------------------------
- Being the most powerful weapon, the only thing BFG9000 could stand
- for would be "Big Fraggin' Gun." :)
- ------------------------------
- CHAPTER [4]: Who created DOOM?
- ------------------------------
- DOOM was created by id Software, and is also published by
- id Software.
- Id Software is made up of the following dedicated people:
- - John Romero Coder -
- - John Carmack Coder -
- - Dave Taylor Coder -
- - Adrian Carmack Artist -
- - Kevin Cloud Artist -
- - Jay Wilbur CEO -
- - Sandy Peterson Designer -
- - Shawn Green Tech Support -
- - Robert Prince Music -
- Note: Apogee has NOTHING to do with DOOM.
- [4-1]: How can I contact id Software?
- =====================================
- id Software can be contacted via the Internet. If you would like to
- ask any questions about DOOM (that are not answered in here), send E-mail to
- "help@idsoftware.com". Id Software can also be reached at their 800 number.
- The number is (800)-ID-GAMES. This number is for ordering games ONLY. This
- number is not for technical support or inquiries.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- [5]: What are the differences between the different releases of DOOM?
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- *5-1*: What is the shareware release?
- =====================================
- The shareware version of DOOM only includes one of the three
- missions of DOOM. Each mission contains eight levels and a secret
- level. The shareware version contains network support and modem
- support. The shareware version does NOT include the Plasma Rifle and
- the BFG9000 weapons. On December 10th, 1993, v1.0 was released. On
- December 16th, 1993, v1.1 was released. On February 17th, 1994, id
- released v1.2 of DOOM. This version fixed many bugs and added new
- features, including modem support. Unfortunately, this revision added
- many new bugs. On June 28th, 1994, v1.4 was released. This version was
- only an "Internet Beta version," as was used to find bugs before the
- pending released of v1.5 of DOOM. Then, on July 8th, 1994, v1.5 was
- released as another "Internet Beta version." Both version 1.4 and 1.5
- were released without registered version patches. In early August, v1.6
- was released as yet another "Internet Beta version." FINALLY! In early
- September of 1994, v1.666 made its debut! The new features of v1.4,
- v1.5, and v1.666 are all outlined in Chapter [5-3].
- [5-2]: What is the mail-order release?
- ======================================
- The mail-order release of DOOM includes all three missions of DOOM.
- Each mission contains eight levels and a secret level. This version includes
- all weapons. All mail-order releases ordered July of 1994 are older
- versions. It is recommended that you upgrade to v1.666 if you wish modem
- support, Nightmare mode, DeathMatch v2.0, and various other bug fixes.
- *5-3*: What makes the six versions different?
- =============================================
- Seven different versions of DOOM have been released: v1.0 (which
- has the v0.99 operating system), v1.1, v1.2, v1.4, v1.5, v1.6, and
- v1.666. Version 1.0 was the initial December 10th, 1993 release.
- Version 1.1 was the first upgrade of DOOM, released on December 16th,
- 1993. Although this version fixed many bugs and compatibility problems,
- it introduced many new ones. Version 1.2, released on February 17th,
- added modem play, Nightmare mode, and better use of networks, but again
- introduced many new bugs. v1.4 of DOOM was a Beta version released
- exclusively on the Internet, and was only used for finding bugs before
- the pending v1.5 release. v1.5 followed, which again was released as an
- Internet Beta version to find bugs for the pending v1.6. v1.6 was then
- released as another Beta, and finally v1.666 was released in early
- September which fixed some modem play problems and other miscellaneous
- sound code and control bugs.
- v1.4/v1.5/v1.666 new features:
- - New 14.4k and 28.8k modem support
- - Better serial support
- - New and improved SETUP.EXE with the following features:
- + Phone number list
- + Modem string database
- + Level warp key (F1)
- + Up to eight digital channels instead of four
- - New DeathMatch v2.0 rules (-ALTDEATH parameter):
- + All objects respawn after 30 seconds
- + Suicide subtracts a frag from your score
- + Negative frags are now possible
- - You can type "+" and "-" in chat mode
- - The "Official" DOOM FAQ is now included
- - Microscopic map bugs fixed and some elements changed in certain
- maps for network play
- - Recording multiplayer demos is now possible
- - Recorded demos do NOT end when you die or when the level ends.
- You must press "Q" or quit from DOOM to halt recording. The
- default demo buffer is 128K, but it can be increased by using
- the "-MAXDEMO <#k>" command-line parameter. "-MAXDEMO 1024"
- would allocate one megabyte for a demo recording buffer!
- - When playing back Multiplayer demos, you can use F12 and TAB
- keys to access the other player's views and watch everyone
- on the automap.
- - You can NOT use external files with the shareware version any
- longer. You must register first.
- - You can now reload maps using the IDCLEV<e#><m#> cheat if you are
- map editing on a LAN
- - Supports RESPONSE files for up to 100 command-line arguments. A
- response file is a text file that contains all the command-line
- arguments you which to pass to DOOM. An example would be:
- ---- start of file ---- (don't type this line)
- -nomonsters
- -deathmatch
- -altdeath
- ---- end of file ---- (don't type this line)
- If you name this file RESPONSE.TXT, when you invoke DOOM, you
- would type "DOOM @RESPONSE.TXT" and add any additional
- command-line parameters afterwards.
- - Sound Blaster AWE32 sound support
- - Sound does NOT work under Windows or OS/2 yet. A new version is
- being test and will be released when it is stable.
- - new FAST parameter allows optional fast enemies
- - new TURBO parameter allows the marine to move more quickly
- (this is considered cheating and is only meant for DeathMatch play)
- - the DEVPARM parameter is no longer needed to record demos
- NOTE: Saved games from versions before v1.666 do not work with v1.666.
- Bug fixes since v1.5:
- - Miscellaneous sound code, serial code, and control fixes
- - IDKFA and shotgun no longer crashes the game
- Bug fixes since v1.4:
- - SERSETUP has been rewritten-- AGAIN!
- - Help screen now mentions F11:Gamma Correction.
- - Sprite graphics can now be used in PWADs.
- - A bug that caused some monsters to teleport outside of the levels
- has been corrected.
- - Mysterious DeathMatch bug (since v1.0) that caused random objects
- to reappear but not be gettable has been corrected.
- - Increased 64K of savegame buffer space for PWAD developers.
- - SERSETUP COM port setting > 38400 has been fixed.
- - Response file bug fixed.
- - SETUP lets you type ENTER for a control key.
- - New GUS instrumnet mapping file for 1mb GUS cards only.
- Bug fixes since v1.2:
- - Now more than two people can play over a network without crashes.
- - No more PS/2 mouse bug (player loses control of character,
- character spins, game locks, etc.)
- - Saving a game under a open door, restoring it, then pressing
- space no longer causes the game to crash.
- - Sound code rewritten.
- - Serial game difficulty selection fixed in SETUP.EXE.
- - map bug fixes including two-sided linedef bug and faulty
- SKY1 ceiling texture mapping
- - gun projectiles (rockets, plasma, rockets) will no longer trigger
- linedefs
- It is recommended that you upgrade to v1.666 if you have not already
- done so.
- *5-4*: What is the commercial release?
- ======================================
- The commercial version of DOOM is called "DOOM II: Hell on
- Earth" and will not be released in stores until October 10th, 1994.
- DOOM II is finished and is now available to registered users of
- the original DOOM. It can be ordered directly from id or from GT
- Interactive Software at 1-800-332-4300. It costs $44.95 per copy.
- DOOM II will include these features:
- * Chaingun dude. Kill him & pick up his weapon!
- * Archvile: Resurrects dead demons and does a Hellfire attack on ya!
- * Fatso: Shoots triple high-speed bruiser-damage shots, but moves
- around pretty slowly
- * Pain Elemental: A gray/brown Cacodemon that shoots Lost Souls! When
- you kill him, 3 Lost Souls birth from the goo!
- * Hell Knight: A weaker, lighter-colored version of the Baron of Hell
- * 30 levels
- * Lots of graphics
- * All new music
- * More sound effects
- * Runs a little faster than original DOOM due to further code
- optimizations!
- * Totally killer DeathMatch-designed levels!
- (5-5): I bought DOOM in a store, is it illegal?
- ===============================================
- Here is accurate information regarding DOOM's legality.
- (1) DOOM purchased directly from (800)-ID-GAMES is NOT illegal.
- (2) The registered version of DOOM purchased in ANY retail stores
- within the United States is illegal.
- (3) The registered version of DOOM purchased on CD-ROM ANYWHERE
- is illegal.
- (4) The registered version of DOOM purchased in retail stores
- OUTSIDE of the countries listed below is illegal.
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Hong Kong
- Taiwan
- Singapore
- Netherlands
- UK
- (5) The registered version of DOOM purchased in retail stores in
- Canada is illegal.
- (6) The shareware version of DOOM purchased anywhere (on CD-ROM
- or otherwise) is LEGAL.
- I hope this clears it up. If you own an illegal copy of DOOM,
- please E-mail to "help@idsoftware.com" to report the distributor,
- date of purchase, and price. Calling (800)-388-PIR8 is also allowable
- for people without Internet access.
- [5-6]: What is the Jaguar release?
- ==================================
- Shawn Green of id Software has been gracious enough to indulge a
- nearly constant barrage of questions concerning the upcoming Jaguar version
- of DOOM. The Jaguar is a 64-bit game cartridge system.
- - Comlynx will be supported. (2 Player: Jag to Jag communications)
- - The game will be presented in 16 bit color (possibly - see next item).
- - The final frame rate is expected to clock in at around 15-20 FPS.
- If ID reverts to 8-bit color (as in the PC version) 20 FPS is definite.
- The advantage is a little bit faster frame rate.
- The disadvantage is loss of color depth.
- - The game will have digital music and (digitized?) sound effects.
- - Game levels will be slightly different than the PC version.
- ID will take the best 20 levels from the PC version (all three
- episodes) and perform minor optimizations for speed. Included
- in the twenty levels will be a secret level.
- - JagDoom will support automatic regeneration of monsters. (After the
- enemy dies, he comes back again. And again. And again. Etc..)
- - Save Games will come in the form of a password. All of the stats will be
- saved except for the location within a level. Upon restoring game stats
- from a saved game, you will be placed at the beginning of the level.
- bother the id concerning a release date. They have a VARIETY
- of projects on the burner, and will get JagDoom out as soon as
- they are able. Shawn says, "A Summer release is feasible."
- - NO PRICE HAS BEEN MENTIONED. Cart memory is NOT cheap, and I'm
- sure this is a constraint that ID is struggling with as they work
- on the Jag version.
- Once again, I want to caution that this is PRELIMINARY information.
- The DOOM engine is running on a Jag development system, but it has a
- long way to go before it's ready to ship for manufacturing. The info
- presented here reflects how the game may LIKELY end up, but cart cost
- is (sadly) a major concern when the game is being finalized.
- *5-7*: What is WinDOOM?
- =======================
- Here is the latest information on WinDOOM, direct from Microsoft.
- - WinDOOM is a joint effort of id Software and Microsoft. Microsoft is doing
- most of the porting work.
- - WinDOOM is a Win32 application. It runs under Windows NT and Windows 4.0.
- - WinDOOM uses the recently announced WinG libraries.
- - WinDOOM supports full music and sound and supports all Windows MIDI and
- WAVE devices.
- - WinDOOM has variable resolution. WinDOOM can render the display at
- 320x200 through 640x400. Resolutions greater than 640x400 are
- performed via "stretching" (this is a limitation of the DOOM engine)
- - WinDOOM supports network play via WinSOCK (TCP/IP) and NetBIOS (NetBeui,
- IPX, etc.)
- - WinDOOM supports any display with at least 256 colors.
- - WinDOOM is multithreaded so if you're running under a multiprocessor
- machine you'll see a significant speed increase.
- - WinDOOM will support DEC Alpha and MIPS RISC machines.
- *5-8*: What are DOOM ports are in the works?
- ============================================
- Here is the status on all the latest DOOM ports.
- OS/2: Still working, no dates yet. IBM guys are handling this.
- This is how this will work: You will be able to download the
- OS/2 version from most BBSs and ftp sites. It will work with
- your registered wad or the shareware one. NO CHANGE.
- SGI Irix v5.2: ftp.uwp.edu:/pub/msdos/games/id/sgixdoom.tar.Z.
- It is integrated with the v1.6ish DOOM version. It supports
- pixel-doubling, -tripling, -quadrupling as well as 16-bit sound
- for clearer mixing. Now compiled with -mips1 flag.
- LINUX: Same as Irix version. Not finshed yet. Out later, though.
- This will also be available from most ftp sites.
- JAG: Running very fast. Lighting is working now. This will be out
- later this summer probably September. We are doing this. There
- will be two new levels in the Jag version. The graphics are
- getting faster every day.
- MAC: We have found a team to do this. There is no release date. No
- development has begun. We just got some Power PCs to test the beta
- version on. It should be here soon. Please do NOT ask to test
- this. There is no more info on this at this time. NO CHANGE.
- ----------------------------------
- CHAPTER [6]: Where can I get DOOM?
- ----------------------------------
- Note: Unless you are an official id Software Beta-Tester, any
- Beta version that you may have in your possession is a violation of U.S.
- federal copyright laws. Additionally, it is illegal to make copies of
- the registered release of DOOM. Violation of these laws can result in
- fines of up to $250,000 and jail terms of up to 5 years. If you are in
- possession of a Beta version, it is suggested that you delete your copy
- immediately.
- [6-1]: How can I get the shareware release?
- ===========================================
- *6-1-1*: What are the file names?
- ---------------------------------
- DOOM is released in two formats, a two file 1.44mb format, and a one
- file 2mb format. The 2mb format is released under the name
- "doom1_6.zip". The 1.44mb file names are "doom1_6a.zip" and "doom1_6b.zip."
- If you got DOOM before September of 1994, it is recommended that
- you upgrade to v1.666 if you wish all of its new features and bug fixes.
- NOTE: v1.666 shareware and the registered patches were not available at
- time of writing, but should be available very soon. A patch under the
- file name "dm1_6spt.zip" is available to upgrade the v1.2 shareware
- version to v1.666. A patch under the file name "dm1_6rpt.zip" is
- available to upgrade the registered version to v1.666. Additionally, a
- file named "altdoom1.zip" is available for those people whose computers
- do not work with the DOOM DOS Extenders, but only for DOOM v1.1.
- NOTE: Registered version patches for v1.4, v1.5, and v1.6bt were
- NEVER released.
- (6-1-2): How can I get DOOM using FTP?
- --------------------------------------
- Here is a list of sites DOOM is on. Choose the one closest to you
- for fastest delivery.
- andyspc.rh.uchicago.edu: /pub/doom
- cactus.org: /incoming (will be moved to /pub/IHHD/multi-player)
- charm.tn.cornell.edu: /pub/doom
- ftp.cc.umanitoba.ca: /wolf3d/incoming (will be moved to pub/doom)
- ftp.demon.co.uk: /pub/ibmpc/games/id
- ftp.sun.ac.za: /pub/msdos/id
- ftp.uml.edu: /msdos/Games/ID
- ftp.uwp.edu: /pub/msdos/games/id
- ftp.funet.fi: /pub/msdos/games/id
- infant2.sphs.indiana.edu: /pub/doom/id
- lemming.uvm.edu: /incoming (only the patch from 1.1 to 1.2)
- wuarchive.wustl.edu: /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/games/doom
- [6-1-3]: How can I get DOOM using AFS?
- --------------------------------------
- DOOM can get received from the following AFS site.
- /afs/andrew.cmu.edu/usr23/dsa3/ftp
- [6-1-4]: How can I get DOOM on a BBS?
- -------------------------------------
- DOOM is on id Software's official BBS, Software Creations. DOOM is
- located in the id Software directory. Choose the appropriate phone number
- for your modem.
- (a) (508)-365-2359 2400 baud
- (b) (508)-368-7036 9600-14.4k v.32bis
- (c) (508)-368-4137 14.4-16.8k HST/DS
- [6-2]: How can I get the mail-order release?
- ============================================
- The mail-order release of DOOM is available directly from id
- Software. To order, call id Software's order number, (800)-ID-GAMES.
- This number is for ORDERING ONLY, not for inquiries or technical support.
- The mail-order version of DOOM costs $40.00. If you live out of the United
- States, you can still order DOOM by an out-of-country shareware
- distributor.
- *6-3*: How can I get the commercial release?
- ============================================
- The commercial release of DOOM will not be available until October
- 10th, 1994. The price has not been set as yet.
- It will be available by mail-order directly from id Software, or at
- your local software store. (assuming your software store is local) :)
- [6-4]: How can I get the DOOM Specs for creating add-on utilities?
- ==================================================================
- id has made the decision not to release their own DOOM specs.
- The Unofficial DOOM Specs, however, written by Matt Fell and
- distributed by myself, are available. See Chapter [15-24] for more
- information.
- (6-5): Where can I get the serial play and node building source code?
- =====================================================================
- The serial play source code is available on the FTP site
- "ftp.uwp.edu" in the directory "/pub/msdos/games/id" under the filename
- "sersrc.zip."
- The node building source code is available on the FTP site
- "ftp.uwp.edu" in the directory "/pub/msdos/games/id" under the filename
- "doombsp.zip."
- (6-6): What books about DOOM are available?
- ===========================================
- Killer DOOM: Tips & Tricks by Brady Publishing
- Author: Robert Waring
- Price : $9.95
- Order : (800)-428-5331
- The Official DOOM Survival Guide
- Author: Jonathan Mao Mendoza
- Price : $19.95 ($15.00 if ordered directly from id)
- Order : (800)-ID-GAMES
- DOOM Battlebook: Secrets of the Games series by Prima Publishing
- Author: Rick Barba
- Price : $14.95
- ISBN #: 1-55958-651-6
- ----------------------------------------
- CHAPTER [7]: What is needed to run DOOM?
- ----------------------------------------
- [7-1]: What is REQUIRED to run DOOM?
- ====================================
- DOOM requires a 386sx IBM compatible computer running MS-DOS v3.3 or
- higher, VGA (320x200x256) graphics, and 4mb of RAM. The shareware version of
- DOOM needs about 4.8mb of hard drive space. The mail-order version needs
- about 12mb of hard drive space.
- DOOM ports for the Atari Jaguar, Linux/X, Irix/X, Windows, OS/2 PM,
- MacOS, SEGA 32X (Mars), QNX, FreeBSD, Solaris, and UNIX are also planned.
- [7-2]: What sound cards does DOOM support?
- =========================================
- DOOM supports general MIDI, Adlib, Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro,
- Sound Blaster 16, Roland Sound Canvas, Gravis UltraSound, WaveBlaster, Pro
- Audio Spectrum 16, and compatibles.
- [7-3]: What game controllers does DOOM support?
- ===============================================
- DOOM supports keyboard, mouse, joystick, and trackball (functioning
- as a mouse).
- DOOM also supports the Gravis Gamepad and Logitech Cyberman.
- ----------------------------------------------------
- CHAPTER [8]: How can I use multiple players in DOOM?
- ----------------------------------------------------
- DOOM supports 2-4 players in a multi-player mode. DOOM is
- playable over networks, modems and by serial link.
- Note: For playing the registered DOOM over networks or by modem, EACH user
- MUST BUY his/her own individual copy of the game.
- [8-1]: How does the multi-player gameplay work?
- ===============================================
- In DOOM, players are able to see each other, and watch each other
- jerk in pain as they are hit during the game. Players are able to watch
- others get hurt, die, and move throughout the labyrinth. DOOM allows
- players to play together, working as a team. In this cooperative mode,
- players can see each other on an "automap" and switch to each other's view.
- DOOM also allows players to play against each other, in DeathMatch mode.
- [8-1-1]: How does pausing, saving, and loading work?
- ====================================================
- In DOOM, some things change when playing with more than one player.
- When you activate the Options menu or submenus, the game KEEPS
- RUNNING so that other players can continue with the action. So, it is best
- to find a safe place before adjusting screen size, sound, etc.
- A player may pause the game by pressing the PAUSE key, but any other
- player can unpause the game by pressing the PAUSE key again. Make sure it is
- okay with your buddies before taking a breather.
- When you do a save game during network/modem play, it saves on every
- player's system in the save game slot you select, writing over whatever was
- there. Before saving the game, players should agree on a safe slot to save
- it in.
- You cannot load a saved game while playing a multi-player game. To
- load a game, everyone must quit from the current game and restart the game
- from a saved game. To start a game from a saved game, you can either
- select it from the SETUP program or identify it as a command line parameter.
- [8-1-2]: What are the different uniform colors for?
- ---------------------------------------------------
- In network/modem games, each player's uniform is a different color.
- The color of your character is the color behind your face on the status bar.
- The colors are BROWN, INDIGO (black), GREEN, and RED.
- These are used to identify between players during game play, and
- to chat with others using Chat Mode.
- [8-1-3]: How does a player see what others are doing?
- -----------------------------------------------------
- If you're playing in cooperative mode, press F12 to toggle through
- the other players' viewpoint(s). You still retain your own status bar at
- the bottom, and if your view reddens from pain it is YOU, not your partner,
- who has been hit.
- [8-1-4]: How do players communicate using Chat Mode?
- ----------------------------------------------------
- In a multi-player game you can communicate with other players in the
- Chat Mode. To enter into Chat Mode and broadcast a message to all the other
- players, press the letter "T". A cursor will appear where your messaging is
- normally placed. To broadcast to a specific player, instead of pressing
- "T", you'll need to press the first letter of the player's color: (B)rown,
- (I)ndigo, (G)reen, and (R)ed. For example, to send a message to the brown
- character, you would press the letter "B".
- In DOOM v1.2, a macro capability was added. After defining
- ten macros in SETUP.EXE, pressing the player color, and then
- "ALT-<macro number>" will send a macro.
- [8-1-5]: How do the weapons work?
- ---------------------------------
- When a player runs over a weapon, he picks it up, but the weapon
- remains in the game for other players to take. Shotguns dropped by former
- human sergeants are removed from the game after being picked up or smashed.
- In DeathMatch v2.0 (use the ALTDEATH parameter), weapons are
- removed from the playing field from thirty seconds and then reappear when
- playing DeathMatch mode.
- [8-1-6]: What happens when a player dies?
- -----------------------------------------
- If you die and restart in the level, previously taken items and
- destroyed monsters don't reappear unless you are playing in DeathMatch
- v2.0. Even though you've died, other players have survived.
- [8-1-7]: Can players exchange supplies?
- ---------------------------------------
- Players cannot exchange supplies.
- [8-1-8]: Miscellaneous
- ----------------------
- In Cooperative mode, each player begins in the same area. In
- DeathMatch mode the players begin in completely different areas--if you want
- to see your buddy you'll need to hunt him down. Plus, each time you die,
- you'll start in one of several random locations.
- Unlike in single-player or Cooperative mode gameplay, in DeathMatch
- mode the players start at each location with the keys necessary for opening
- any locked door in that area.
- In DeathMatch mode the ARMS section on the status bar is replaced
- with "FRAG." The FRAG section displays the number of times you've killed
- your opponents.
- In Cooperative mode the Automap works the same way it does in
- single-player mode. Each player is represented by a different color arrow.
- In DeathMatch mode you won't receive the pleasure of seeing your opponents on
- the map. Just like the monsters, your friends could be just around the
- corner, and you won't know it until you face them.
- [8-2]: What exactly is "DeathMatch" mode?
- =========================================
- DOOM has a "DeathMatch" mode where every player is out for
- himself. At the beginning, the level is infested with enemies and power-ups.
- In this mode, players can't see the other players in the Automap, nor switch
- to their view. Players are not able to view other's health in the mode,
- because of the disadvantage this can cause.
- [8-3]: How does DOOM work with networks?
- ========================================
- DOOM supports the IPX (Novell Netware) protocol in the initial
- shareware version. Using this network support, DOOM can be played in a
- workplace type environment.
- To start network mode:
- (1) Launch DOOM from the SETUP program, by going to the directory in
- which you installed DOOM, typing SETUP, and pressing the ENTER key. Unlike
- playing DOOM in single player mode, DOOM in multi-player mode must be run
- either from the SETUP program or by using the command line parameters.
- (2) The SETUP program allows you to configure the information that
- is necessary for the multi-player game. The SETUP is simple to use.
- (3) Start the game!
- *8-3-1*: What are the network command line parameters for DOOM?
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- -LOADGAME allows you to start DOOM from a specified save game. Instead of
- using the saved game name, simply enter the number (0-5) that corresponds to
- the slot you saved the game to on the SAVE GAME screen.
- -loadgame <# of the game>
- -DEATHMATCH starts DOOM as a DeathMatch game. If you don't enter DEATHMATCH
- as a command line parameter, DOOM will default to Cooperative mode.
- -deathmatch
- -SKILL sets the skill level (1-5) you wish to play.
- -skill <# of skill level>
- -EPISODE sets the episode (1-3) you wish to play. The default episode is
- Episode One, Knee-Deep in the Dead.
- -episode <# of the episode>
- -CONFIG allows you to use your configuration file from any directory you
- choose.
- -config <pathname> ex. -config f:\doom\data\myconfig.cfg
- -NOMONSTERS allows you to start playing with NO MONSTERS running around!
- This is great for DeathMatch where, really, the monsters just get in the
- way.
- -nomonsters
- -RESPAWN tells DOOM that, yes, you are a badass, and yes, you want all the
- monsters to respawn 8 seconds after you kill them. The NIGHTMARE skill
- level already does this. Note that using -respawn and -nomonsters at the
- same time is a dumb thing to do.
- -respawn
- -ALTDEATH uses DeathMatch v2.0 mode.
- -altdeath
- -FAST uses fast monsters, as in Nightmare mode
- -fast
- -MAXDEMO determines the maximum size of a recorded demo
- -maxdemo <size in K>
- -TURBO increases the speed of the marine (this is considered cheating in
- single player mode and is meant for DeathMatch only)
- -turbo <speed increase 1-255)
- (8-3-2): How does DOOM determine player colors?
- -----------------------------------------------
- The player numbers and colors are determined by the ethernet node
- address. The lower the number, the lower number you will be assigned in a
- multi-player game. The lowest number gets green, and the highest number
- (with four players) gets red. To change the player numbers in a net game,
- insert the line :"NODE ADDRESS xxxxxxxxxxxx" under the Link Driver section of
- your net.cfg before you load LSL.
- [8-3-3]: How can I use DOOM on Novell Netware Lite?
- ---------------------------------------------------
- Here is information on how to play DOOM on a Novell Netware Lite
- network. Novell does not approve of or recommend the following drivers.
- HOST/CLIENT (1) Load the LSL. (LSL.COM)
- HOST/CLIENT (2) Load your card driver. (example: 3C5X9.COM)
- HOST/CLIENT (3) Load your server. (SERVER.COM)
- HOST/CLIENT (4) Load your client. (CLIENT.COM)
- CLIENT (5) Log into the network.
- CLIENT (6) Map the hosts to the hard drive. (refer to NWL Manual)
- HOST (7) Run DOOM's SETUP.EXE, configure, and press F10.
- CLIENT (8) Change to mapped DOOM directory, and run SETUP.EXE,
- using the same options as used on the host.
- (9) PLAY DOOM!
- Note: It is illegal to use the Registered DOOM on only one server. You
- must buy a seperate copy of the game for each player.
- [8-3-4]: How can I use DOOM on other types of networks?
- -------------------------------------------------------
- It does not matter what type of network you use for DOOM, whether it
- is Lantastic, Windows for Workgroups or other networks. netDOOM uses the
- cards at such a low level that it does not need the network services. It
- only needs the ODI/IPX drivers.
- This being the case, netDOOM works fine with any Ethernet or any
- other cabling system. Naturally, you can not use any normal network services
- at the same time.
- There are a number of ways of getting IPX working with a given
- ethernet card. One is to use a dedicated IPX driver for the card,
- another is to run an IPX converter over some other standard such as
- NDIS, ODI, or the packet driver standard. If one method fails to
- work, try another one! I have had good reliability with the IPX
- over Packet driver method, though it can sometimes be a challenge
- to get it running... If you are already using Novell, then the IPX
- over ODI might be simpler to set up, though I have found it less
- reliable.
- Before I get going, let me plead with everyone NOT TO USE DOOM 1.1
- available, so please use it rather than 1.1 or 1.0. DOOM 1.0 and
- 1.1 really screw up networks.
- Now that I have all my disclaimers out of the way... :)
- To use this method of installing IPX you need two files, both of
- which are in the file PKTD11.ZIP, which can be had from
- oak.oakland.edu as/pub/msdos/pktdrvr/pktd11.zip. I have seen some
- problems with this version (11) of the drivers, however, so it
- would be wise to test out the packet driver after it is loaded, or
- perhaps to try one which comes direct from the ethernet card
- manufacturer. (i.e. 3c5x9pd.com from ftp.3com.com)
- If you have problems with these drivers, I have put together a
- collection of older versions of IPX and packet drivers which seem
- to work better with DOOM. This package will be uploaded to
- ftp.uwp.edu as OLDIPX.ZIP. (see Chapter [14-6])
- The first file is specific to your ethernet hardware. It is the
- packet driver software that converts packet-driver calls to
- commands your ethernet card can understand. The INSTALL.DOC file
- included with the packet driver collection has details about which
- cards are supported and what sort of command-line parameters are
- needed for each packet driver. I always load the packet driver
- using interrupt 0x60, a popular convention. These drivers will not
- work well under Windows without tweaking, so read the INSTALL.DOC
- file for details. There are also some useful packet utilities
- included. Again details are in INSTALL.DOC. (Got the hint yet? :)
- 3Com 503 card on interrupt 5, I/O port 0x300, and the
- internal transceiver. (twisted pair RJ-45 connector ON
- THE CARD or coaxial BNC connector-- NOT the 15-pin AUI
- connector) The shared memory area is automatically
- determined-- but be sure to exclude the region from your
- expanded memory manager, if used!
- 3C503.COM 0x60 0x5 0x300 1
- 3Com 509 card: These cards are entirely
- software-configurable through the config/diagnostics on
- your EtherDisk that came with the card. If you have lost
- the disk, all the needed files are available from
- ftp.3com.com.
- 3C509.COM 0x60
- AT&T StarLan cards: Almost like the 503 except the memory
- location must be specified.
- AT&T.COM 0x60 0x2 0x360 0xD000
- Once the packet driver is loaded and reports things correctly
- (i.e. it does not give your ethernet address as
- FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF...) then just run PDIPX.COM to load IPX support.
- The PDIPX.COM program is included with PKTD11.ZIP, but it is
- contained in a .ZIP file INSIDE of PKTD11.ZIP called PDIPX103.ZIP.
- Run the .COM file with no parameters.
- If you have problems with an "invalid mode" when loading PDIPX, you
- probably are trying to run other network software at the same time
- as the Packet Driver/IPX combination. Strip down your CONFIG.SYS
- and your AUTOEXEC.BAT files to those shown below. Do not load any
- additional TSR's! Once this bare-bones configuration works, you
- can begin adding TSR's. if your problems persist, try using the
- older versions of the packet driver and IPX-to-PD converter. (They
- should be on ftp.uwp.edu.)
- If nothing seems to work, try running the diagnostic program
- PKTWATCH.COM after getting everything set up. If your screen fills
- with scrolling multicolor hexadecimal numbers then the packet
- driver is working OK. If it just flashes a cursor at you, then you
- have problems UNLESS you are wired directly to another computer.
- Hook your computer back up to an active network and see if you can
- receive anything then. If you do not have an active network
- available, start DOOM on the OTHER computer while running PKTWATCH
- on the original computer. Of course, the other (sending) computer
- needs to have IPX set up as well.
- The simplest way to get all the drivers you need loaded and to
- exclude other drivers which may interfere is to create a boot disk
- with the correct startup files. For example:
- device=a:\himem.sys
- dos=high,noumb
- files=30
- buffers=30
- prompt [DOOM Setup] $p$g
- a:\3c503.com 0x60 0x5 0x300 1
- rem change the above according to your card.
- a:\pdipx.com
- The ONLY line that will vary with what card you have is the
- "3c503.com" line. I encourage you NOT to load an EMS driver since
- so many cards use shared memory and it is sometimes difficult to
- ensure that the proper area, and only the proper area, is excluded.
- DOOM runs just fine with XMS, and you have the added benefit of
- loading DOS high to make room for things like mouse drivers. DOOM
- does not NEED XMS to run, though. Also, I like to change the DOS
- prompt to reflect my configuration whenever I am using a bizarre
- setup.
- It might be a good idea to also scan your bootable floppy for
- viruses BEFORE booting the networked computer with it. (Scan it on
- the NETWORKED computer, not your own...) There are a number of
- common viruses spread by booting computers from infected disks.
- (Stoned, Form, and Michelangelo to name a few.) Let's not give
- DOOM a bad name by booting network computers from infected disks!
- (btw, F-prot from oak.oakland.edu as /pub/msdos/virus/fp-211.zip is
- an EXCELLENT antivirus program. <plug>)
- You must make sure that all of the networked computers using DOOM are
- using the same frame type.
- [8-3-5]: How can I set up a small inexpensive DOOM network?
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- All that is required for network play is a network card for each
- computer, a T-plug for each computer (usually supplied with your network
- card), and some cable. A server is not necessary. Here is a good supply of
- inexpensive eight bit network cards for DOOM play.
- Corporate Systems Center PHONE: (408)-734-DISK
- 1294 Hammerwood Avenue FAX: (408)-745-1816
- Sunnyvale, CA 94089
- Brand new 16-bit cards priced at only US$49.00 each. When calling,
- tell your service person that you would like to run DOOM. Corporate Systems
- will send you the cards mentioned here.
- [8-4]: How can I play DOOM by serial link?
- ==========================================
- DOOM works in two player mode by modem or null modem. The
- minimum baud rate to play DOOM is 9600 bps.
- Shareware versions 1.0 and 1.1 do NOT support play by modem or
- serial link. It is recommended that you upgrade to v1.666 of DOOM.
- Using this mode is similar to network mode.
- To use a serial link connection, run the DOOM setup and choose "Run
- Network/Modem/Serial Game." Then, choose the type of connection you plan
- to make. Then, configure the game to your liking, and choose the connect
- method.
- Note that to run null-modem game, you must have a null-modem cable
- plugged into a serial port on both computers and each computer runs
- SETUP.EXE with identical parameters.
- If you are using a modem, you will most likely need to edit the
- MODEM.CFG file in the DOOM directory. The first line of the file is an
- initialization string. Pull out your modem manual, and do the following.
- (1) Find the code that turns off error correction.
- (2) Find the code that turns off data compression.
- (3) Find the code that locks your modem at 9600 baud.
- (4) Find the code that turns off all hardware and software flow
- control.
- (5) Create an "AT" initialization string with all these codes and
- put it into the MODEM.CFG.
- To find an already created initialization string for your modem, look
- in Chapter [18-3] of this FAQ. If one is not listed for your modem, you will
- have to dig up your modem manual for the correct settings.
- The second line is a hangup string used when you quit DOOM.
- If you STILL cannot get the modems to connect, both of you should
- run your favorite terminal programs, and connect with 9600, no error
- correction, no data compression, and NO HARDWARE FLOW CONTROL. Then just run
- SETUP.EXE with the "Already Connected" option in the configuration box.
- [8-5]: How can I play DOOM over the Internet?
- =============================================
- *8-5-1*: How can I play DOOM using IHHD?
- ----------------------------------------
- Enter IHHD -- the Internet Head to Head Daemon designed by Jim
- Knutson. With this brilliant little piece of code, multiplayer gaming has
- soared to new heights. With IHHD, you'll be able to play Head to Head
- against other human opponents all over the world, with the only cost to you
- being the regular prices you pay to connect to or use your Internet host.
- Best of all, it's free.
- First of all, your host needs to be running UNIX as its operating
- system. If you aren't sure what your host is running for its operating
- system, check the information given at the login prompt or send mail to
- your administrator.
- Other than that, you should be able to run IHHD with ease. Your
- first order of business is to get the IHHD software. It is available via
- anonymous FTP at "rex.pfc.mit.edu" in the "pub/IHHD/src" directory.
- To get it:
- (1) FTP to rex.pfc.mit.edu ("ftp rex.pfc.mit.edu" at UNIX prompt)
- (2) At the login prompt, enter "anonymous"
- (3) At the password prompt, enter your E-mail address
- (4) At the command prompt, type "cd pub/IHHD/src"
- (5) Type "binary"
- (6) Type "get dialer1.6.4.shar"
- (7) Type "bye"
- If you followed the above steps, you should now have the
- "dialer1.6.4.shar" file in your home directory. Type "ls" at your host's
- command prompt to verify its existence. If you don't see it, try the
- above steps again or call for help.
- Next, if you've successfully retrieved the "dialer1.6.4.shar" file
- from the FTP site, you need to prepare the IHHD to run on your UNIX system.
- For UNIX veterans, the "dialer1.6.4.shar" file is in fact a shar file, and
- contains a makefile for easy compiling on your system. For the rest of
- us, follow these steps to get the IHHD up and running:
- (1) Create a directory to put the IHHD software in.
- Type "mkdir IHHD" at the command prompt.
- (2) Move the IHHD file to the new directory.
- Type "mv dialer1.6.4.shar IHHD"
- (3) Go to the IHHD directory.
- Type "cd IHHD"
- (4) Unpack the IHHD files.
- Type "sh dialer1.6.4.shar"
- (5) Compile the IHHD software to run on your system.
- Type "make"
- (6) You should now see a whole mess of files in the IHHD directory.
- The important filenames you're looking for should be:
- "dialer"
- "tcpdialer"
- "tcpanswer"
- "call"
- "showlog"
- (7) If you've got these, you're cool. Otherwise, try the above
- steps again, re-retrieve the "dialer1.6.4.shar" file from
- "rex.fpc.mit.edu" using the instructions above, or call for help.
- If everything checks out, you're ready to rumble!
- Here's how you get connected using IHHD:
- (1) Set up a time to play with another Internet DOOM player.
- Ideally, you should use E-mail to make the prior arrangements.
- Make sure you and your opponent use the same baud rate and line
- settings for your modems.
- Make sure data compression, error correction, and hardware
- flow control on your modem are off. Look at the modem
- initialization strings section in this FAQ for more help.
- (2) When it's time to play, start your favorite terminal program
- and call up your Internet host using your modem. Make sure that
- your baud rate and line settings correspond to your opponent's.
- (3) Login to your Internet host normally.
- (4) Contact the other player by sending a short E-mail message
- indicating that you are on the net and ready to play.
- (5) Once you both establish that you're there and ready to go,
- return to your UNIX prompt.
- (6) Type "cd IHHD" to enter your IHHD directory.
- (7) You may have to type "terminal download," if you do not have it
- activated already.
- (8) Type "dialer opponent's.host" to start the IHHD connection.
- For example, if you were playing against knuston@cactus.org,
- you would type "dialer cactus.org" to initiate the connection.
- Another way is to type "tcpdialer opponent's.host" while your
- opponent types "tcpdialer -answer". Or reverse roles, where
- you type "tcpdialer -answer" while your opponent types "tcpdialer
- your.host". Don't ask me what the difference is; I don't know.
- So, to recap, there are two methods of IHHD connection.
- Method 1: dialer. You each type "dialer other.guy's.host"
- Method 2: tcpdialer. One of you types "tcpdialer other.guy's.host"
- while the other types "tcpdialer -answer".
- (9) Regardless of which method you use to connect, type short text
- messages followed by a carriage return until you see your opponent
- acknowledge you. Unless you have "local echo" set to ON in your
- serial settings, you will not see the text you type.
- (10) If you don't see your opponent after a reasonable amount of time,
- exit dialer or tcpdialer by pressing "CTRL-C" (i.e. hitting
- the "CTRL" and "C" key simultaneously.) Contact your opponent
- again by E-mail and agree to try the other method of
- connecting.
- (11) If you're connection looks fine and your opponent has acknowledged
- you and you have acknowledged him, exit your terminal program
- and change to your DOOM directory. Run SETUP.EXE, and select
- "Run Network/Modem/Serial Game." On the next menu, choose
- "Modem." Finally, configure all of the options to your liking,
- select "Already Connected," and press F10.
- (12) If everything goes well, DOOM will start up and bring you to
- your first game over the Internet! Congratulations, you are
- now connected by IHHD. You can now proceed to play DOOM as if
- you were connected via a regular phone line.
- If you are having trouble getting DOOM to work with your modem, you
- may want to download one of the many third-party serial drivers for DOOM.
- (see Chapter [15])
- Unfortunately, because of the nature of the Internet, delays and
- warping may occur with your IHHD connection, depending on the quality of the
- connection between your and your opponent's host machines. These delays
- are often sporadic, and depend largely on what's going on on the Internet
- at that particular times. Then again, you might just be extremely unlucky
- and have a cruddy Internet connection.
- To gauge the quality of the connection, try to "ping" your opponent's
- computer from your host. At the UNIX prompt, type "ping -s opponent's.host".
- You should get a listing of "ping times", which you may stop at any time by
- pressing "CTRL-C". Try pinging some other hosts you know to get an idea of
- how much ping times vary, and use this data to guesstimate the quality of the
- connection between your host and your opponent's.
- Another way to judge the quality of your connection is to simply look
- at the other player. If he's jumping all over the place, you've got a
- cruddy connection. If he's relatively smooth and steady, you've got a good
- connection.
- If all else fails, burn incense and sacrifice a beautiful young virgin
- princess to the net.gods. No, wait. Better yet, send me a virgin. E-mail
- me for an address.
- *8-5-2*: How can I play DOOM using TCPSetup?
- --------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The TCPSETUP DOOMer's FAQ version 1.00
- by Scott Coleman (tmkk@uiuc.edu)
- and Jay Cotton (jay@calc.vet.uga.edu)
- DOOM across the Internet is made possible by a neat little
- freeware program called TCPSETUP, written by Jake Page. TCPSETUP
- uses the UDP protocol (part of the TCP/IP protocol suite) to send
- DOOM game information between multiple machines on the Internet.
- It is based on WATTCP, a public domain library of routines
- written by Eric Engelke of the University of Waterloo. Although
- the authors of this document did not write TCPSETUP, we have used
- the program extensively and played iDOOM sessions successfully
- with opponents as far away as Estonia (formerly a part of the
- Soviet Union). In writing this FAQ, we hope that sharing some of
- our experience will make it easier for you to get connected in
- your own iDOOM sessions.
- Q1: I want to play Internet DOOM. What hardware do I need?
- To successfully play DOOM across the Internet, you will need
- the following hardware:
- * A machine capable of playing DOOM (D'OHH!)
- * An ethernet card. And not just any old ethernet card, mind
- you - your ethernet card must be supported by a packet
- driver if you wish to use it to play iDOOM. This document
- assumes that your PC is already equipped with a functional
- ethernet card, although it may currently be in use for some
- other non-TCP/IP function (such as a node on a Novell
- network).
- * A direct connection to the Internet. If there is a modem
- somewhere in the link between your PC and your opponent's
- PC, this FAQ is not for you. Although it is possible to play
- iDOOM over a modem link (either by dialing up to a UNIX
- machine and using IHHD or via SLIP/PPP), such connection
- methods are beyond the scope of this document.
- * A MicroSoft-compatible mouse. OK, OK - so you don't REALLY
- need a mouse to play iDOOM, but it does help you turn more
- quickly, aim more accurately, and STOMP your keyboard-only
- iDOOM opponents... ;-)
- Q2: OK, I've got all the hardware. What software do I need?
- In addition to the hardware requirements, some software is
- also required to round out your the package. Before you can play,
- you'll need to pick up the following:
- * DOOM 1.2 or higher (1.6 beta or higher is STRONGLY
- recommended, since 1.6 seems to have solved some problems
- related to initializing network games). DOOM versions 1.1
- and below are incapable of using TCPSETUP.
- * A packet driver written specifically for your ethernet
- card. The Packet Driver is what lets TCPSETUP (and therefore
- DOOM) "talk" to your ethernet card.
- * TCPSETUP.EXE, the Internet driver for DOOM.
- * The WATTCP Applications (not absolutely necessary, but can
- be useful for debugging and testing your setup).
- Q3: Hold it - I don't have some of this software! Where can I get
- it?
- * To obtain TCPSETUP: Log on to infant2.sphs.indiana.edu via
- anonymous ftp. Change to directory /pub/doom/multi_doom/net.
- Download the file TCPSET9B.ZIP. Version 0.9B is the latest
- version of TCPSETUP as of this writing. The file named
- TCPSETUP.ZIP is an older version which is both buggy and
- incompatible with 0.9B - make sure you get the newer
- version.
- * Many ethernet cards come with the appropriate packet
- drivers on a utilities diskette packaged with the card. If
- your card does not come with a packet driver, there is an
- excellent collection of freely available packet drivers
- called the Crynwr (nee Clarkson) Packet Driver collection.
- You can obtain it via anonymous ftp from oak.oakland.edu.
- Change to the /pub/msdos/pktdrvr subdirectory and download
- PKTD11.ZIP and PKTD11C.ZIP. The files PKTD11A.ZIP and
- PKTD11B.ZIP contain source code for the packet drivers and
- example programs - you won't need these in order to play
- iDOOM.
- * To obtain the WATTCP applications, ftp to
- dorm.rutgers.edu, change to the /pub/msdos/wattcp/
- subdirectory, and download file APPS.ZIP.
- Q4: OK, I've got everything, now what do I do to set it up?
- Setting your computer up for TCP/IP access is very
- straightforward. As an illustration, I'll be taking you through
- the steps necessary to set up a PC with an SMC ethernet card and
- the IP address You'll of course need to substitute
- your own specific information in place of the examples given
- here. All set? OK, let's get started.
- Step 0: START WITH A CLEAN BOOT!!!!! Set up your CONFIG.SYS
- and AUTOEXEC.BAT files to load as few drivers as possible. This
- includes such things as memory managers (HIMEM, EMM386, QEMM,
- etc.) and network drivers (e.g. LSL, IPXODI). DOOM doesn't need
- the former, and the latter will probably conflict with the packet
- driver. We recommend that you prepare a boot floppy with a
- CONFIG.SYS containing only a FILES=20 line, and an AUTOEXEC.BAT
- containing only prompt=$p$g.
- Step 1: Set up the packet driver.
- Determine your ethernet card's IRQ setting, it's base I/O
- port setting, and it's memory address setting (if any). You
- should be able to determine this by looking at the card itself
- and consulting the user manual. You'll need some if not all of
- this information, depending upon which packet driver you use.
- Unzip the appropriate driver from Crynwr Packet Driver collection
- archive. In our example case, the packet driver is called
- SMC_WD.COM. By looking at the jumpers on the card and consulting
- the manual, I determined that the card has been set to IRQ 7,
- Base I/O port address 300h, and the base memory address is at
- segment d800h. For this example, I have chosen to use interrupt
- 60h for the packet driver. Packet drivers typically operate on an
- interrupt in the range of 60h to 80h inclusive; since nothing
- else in my sample system happens to be using the first available
- interrupt (INT 60h), I chose that. Thus, to load my packet
- driver, I use the following command line:
- SMC_WD 0x60 0x7 0x300 0xd800
- where 0x60 is the packet driver interrupt, 0x7 is the IRQ setting
- on the card, 0x300 is the I/O port base address, and 0xd800 is
- the memory base address (NOTE: all numbers are in C-style HEX
- notation). Don't worry if you don't understand what all this
- stuff means - as long as you use the correct numbers, your packet
- driver should work. NOTE: If your PC is currently part of a
- Novell network (e.g. Netware, Netware Lite, Personal Netware) the
- parameters you need can be found in a file called NET.CFG,
- usually located in your \NOVELL, \NWLITE or \NWCLIENT
- subdirectories (along with all the other drivers needed by
- Novell).
- At the very minimum, the packet driver should give a sign on
- message and report the ethernet address of your NIC (Network
- Interface Card) when you load it. Chances are that if your
- ethernet card has been functioning properly for other tasks (e.g.
- as a node on a Novell network) then you'll have no problems here.
- If not, or if there are any error or warning messages, something
- is wrong. One possibility is that one of the settings on your
- ethernet card is in conflict with those of another adapter card
- in your system. No two adapter cards can have the same IRQ, I/O
- port, or memory address settings, nor can the memory areas of two
- cards overlap. Whatever the cause, you'll need to correct the
- problem before continuing.
- Step 2: Set up your WATTCP.CFG file.
- Your WATTCP.CFG file contains important parameters used by
- the WATTCP TCP/IP kernel. These values MUST be entered correctly
- if you wish to make a connection with another DOOM PC. In
- preparation for this, you'll need several bits of information.
- Contact the network administrator for your site and find out the
- IP address for your machine, the IP address for your gateway or
- router, the IP address of at least one Domain Name Server local
- to your site, and your netmask value. The three IP addresses will
- each consist of four groups of digits separated by periods. In
- our example, the machine's IP address is, the
- gateway is, the netmask is, and the
- nameserver address is NOTE: it is important to use
- the numeric IP addresses, not the actual host names. NOTE: If you
- have other Internet programs currently installed on your machine,
- such as Gopher or the Trumpet newsreader, you can probably get
- the information you need from the configuration files you need
- for those programs (some will even use their own WATTCP.CFG, in
- which case you can simply copy it over to your DOOM directory).
- When you have collected all this information, unzip the
- TCPSET9B.ZIP file in your DOOM directory. Use your favorite ASCII
- text editor to edit the file called WATTCP.CFG. Edit or add the
- following lines in WATTCP.CFG:
- my_ip=
- gateway=
- nameserver=
- netmask=
- MSS=
- On our example machine, the WATTCP.CFG file looks like this:
- my_ip=
- gateway=
- netmask=
- nameserver=
- MSS=256
- Save the changed file and exit back to DOS.
- A short digression: The last line of the WATTCP.CFG file
- specifies the MSS, or Maximum Segment Size, used by WATTCP when
- sending and receiving IP packets across the Internet. The theory
- behind a small MSS is that it can improve throughput in a game
- like DOOM, which sends out lots and lots of tiny packets (usually
- 16 or so bytes in size). The jury is still out on whether or not
- this actually helps; however, it won't HURT so I recommend that
- you throw it in just in case. Some players who have tried the
- MSS=256 trick have reported noticeable increase in speed and
- playability of network games; feel free to do some experimenting
- and find out for yourself.
- If you know your machine's IP address, but you can't find
- out the other values, you can often get away with some educated
- guesswork. For instance, the gateway for a subnet usually has an
- IP address ending in .1, as is the case with our example. Thus,
- if your IP address is xxx.yyy.zzz.www, try setting your gateway's
- IP address to xxx.yyy.zzz.1. As for the subnet mask, a common
- value for this parameter is Finally, if you don't
- know your nameserver's IP address, you can probably get by
- without it for the purposes of DOOM playing. Since you'll be
- specifying IP addresses for all of your opponents' machines, a
- nameserver lookup won't be necessary to resolve their addresses.
- Step 3: Test your TCP/IP setup.
- Load your packet driver with the appropriate interrupt, IRQ,
- I/O and memory addresses. Next, unzip the TCPINFO and PING
- programs from the WATTCP apps archive into your DOOM directory.
- At the DOS prompt, type:
- and press the <Enter> key. If your WATTCP.CFG values are set up
- correctly, and if your packet driver and net connection are
- functional, you'll see a couple of screens of information about
- your system, including your ethernet address and the parameters
- you specified in the WATTCP.CFG file.
- If everything looks OK, the next step is to use the PING
- program to attempt to establish contact with your subnet gateway.
- At the DOS prompt, type
- PING <yourgateway's.numeric.ip.address>
- and press the <Enter> key. After a brief delay, you should see a
- message telling you that the host is responding, as well as the
- round trip time for PING's test packets. If you see the "Timeout"
- error message, then something is wrong with your setup; if your
- PC is unable to reach your gateway, it will be unable to reach
- the rest of the Internet, as well. For our sample system, we
- would type:
- ping
- If your gateway PING was successful, try PINGing your Domain
- Name Server (at the IP address you specified in WATTCP.CFG) as
- well as some well-known site on the internet (e.g. infant2, which
- is at IP address These will test your machine's
- ability to connect with other machines outside of your subnet as
- well as those outside of your site. All of these PINGs should
- result in a "host responding" message with a response time. If
- any of these attempts fails, recheck your entries in WATTCP.CFG
- and/or get some help from your network administrator. Examples
- for our test system:
- ping
- and
- ping
- Put Me in, Coach - I'm Ready to Play!
- OK, if you've made it this far, you're now ready for the
- main event: an actual game of DOOM! For this first attempt, it's
- best to try and find someone on your local network who's willing
- to put in a little frag time with you. Connections on your local
- net will be faster and less problematic, whereas if you attempt
- as long distance connection your first time out, you'll have a
- hard time discerning problems caused by distance from problems
- caused by an incorrect configuration.
- In general, the players will decide beforehand which machine
- will be machine #1, which will be #2, which will be #3, and so
- on. Then each machine's command line follows the format
- tcpsetup [game options] -net <machine_number> <IP_addresses>
- The IP addresses MUST appear in order, i.e. machine #1's IP
- address must appear FIRST in ALL command lines. Machine #2's IP
- address must appear SECOND, and so on. The final piece to the
- puzzle is that each machine leaves it's own IP address out of the
- list. The result is a set of command lines like the following:
- tcpsetup [options] -net 1 <machine2> <machine3> <machine4>
- tcpsetup [options] -net 2 <machine1> <machine3> <machine4>
- tcpsetup [options] -net 3 <machine1> <machine2> <machine4>
- tcpsetup [options] -net 4 <machine1> <machine2> <machine3>
- Note that machine1, machine2, machine3, and machine4 are the
- numeric IP addresses of each respective machine in the iDOOM
- session.
- In our example scenario, the computer is part of a local
- area network in a computer lab. Thus, there are identical
- machines sitting immediately beside my test machine, with IP
- addresses one off from my own, i.e. the test machine has IP
- address, the machine to the right has IP address
-, and the one to the left is After
- stepping through the basic configuration process outlined above
- on the other test machines, my frag buddies and I are ready to
- begin. On my machine, which we decided will be machine #1, I
- type:
- tcpsetup -deathmatch -net 1
- The guy to my right, whose machine is #2 and whose IP address is
-, types:
- tcpsetup -deathmatch -net 2
- And finally the guy to my left (machine #3, IP address
- types:
- tcpsetup -deathmatch -net 3
- After we all hit <ENTER>, our machines display "Looking for
- a Node..." then "Found a Node!" and after that the usual DOOM
- startup information. Shortly thereafter, the screen melts away
- and there we are, in E1M1, pistols at the ready!
- Give your buddies a good thrashing - you've earned it! Now,
- after you've gotten DOOM working on your own subnet, you're ready
- for the final step. Find a partner who is also capable of playing
- Internet DOOM. Watch the posts in alt.games.doom, or tune into
- the #doom or #tcpdoom channels on irc. You and he will negotiate
- game parameters, such as which map to play, which skill level,
- and so on. You'll also decide on who will be -net 1 and who will
- be -net 2 (experienced DEATHMATCHers will often try very hard to
- avoid being -net 1, since that player's uniform is colored day-
- glo green and is easier to spot in a DEATHMATCH). Now simply add
- the parameters you've agreed on to the tcpsetup command line you
- used before, making sure that the -net <n> <etc.> is the LAST
- thing on the command line, and that the entire command line does
- NOT exceed the 128 character limit imposed by DOS. A typical
- command line will look something like
- tcpsetup -skill 5 -nomonsters -deathmatch -net 2
- Oh Oh - It's Not Working!
- OK, so you've done everything, just like I've shown you, but
- you're still having problems. The following are some suggestions
- to try in case of trouble.
- Q: My machine keeps looking for a node forever.
- A: TCPSETUP searches for other game nodes in a very specific
- way: It starts searching for the LAST player first, and then
- works its way backward. Thus, if you try to start a 4 player net
- game, but the 4th player has problems, NOBODY will find ANYBODY
- ELSE. This behavior can be very misleading and confusing to those
- caught unawares.
- Q: I keep seeing this ICMP: port unreachable message on my
- screen.
- A: This message is generated by the other machine when the
- port being requested by the sender is unavailable (in use) by the
- destination. I've seen this happen in some cases when I started
- looking for a node before the other player did. Once the other
- player began looking for a node also, the ICMP: messages went
- away, and the game linked up normally. If you see this message,
- you might also want to try using a different port (see the
- TCPSETUP documentation on the -port command line parameter).
- Q: The music starts up fine, but all I see is a BSOD (Black
- Screen of Death).
- Q: My machine displays "sending network start info" or
- "listening for network start info" and then locks up.
- A: TCPSETUP uses UDP packets to exchange game information
- between all machines in the game. UDP packets are not guaranteed
- to reach their destination, and there is no mechanism for the
- sender to even be informed that what he sent never made to the
- destination machine. DOOM has its own internal error detection
- and correction schemes, so this ordinarily isn't a problem -
- EXCEPT, apparently, at game startup. For whatever reason, DOOM
- appears to be extremely vulnerable to dropped packets during the
- game startup arbitration. This can result in some machines
- getting as far as "sending network start info" but never getting
- a response (if the response packet was lost) or in a node
- "listening for network start info" forever, since the network
- start info packet fell into a bit bucket somewhere along the way.
- One thing to do is make sure that you're waiting long enough
- before giving up and declaring your machine locked. In some
- cases, especially those involving multiple players and/or long
- distances, it can take quite some time for all machines involved
- to sync up. Give it a full minute before you give up.
- In some cases a machine will even get as far as clearing the
- graphics mode screen and starting up the music track, but will
- lose the game at that point.
- Q: What does "game mode indeterminate" mean?
- A: The author has only seen this error message once, on a
- VERY long distance connection attempt. The two ends found each
- other quickly, went through the entire startup sequence, only to
- have DOOM dump out immediately to DOS with the above error
- message. Upgrading both ends of the connection from the DOOM 1.5
- beta to the DOOM 1.6 beta resulted in a successful connection.
- You call also compete in the ongoing TCP Doom Tourney.
- Contact Jay Cotton at jay@calc.vet.uga.edu for information on
- joining the tourney. You can also get help running tcpsetup and
- meet the authors of many of the best wads and utilities on #doom.
- Be warned! The IRC and tcpdoom can be VERY addictive. Don't lose
- your "real" life just to play a game!
- [8-6]: How can I setup DOOM to be played on a multi-player BBS?
- ===============================================================
- Applied Personal Computing, Inc. has recently developed a platform that
- allows almost any multiline BBS to host 2-4 player network DOOM games.
- The APCi MultiPlayer Game Server allows gamers to create a simulated
- IPX network just by dialing the host BBS at high speed. APCi MultiPlayer
- Game Client software makes use of the APCi MultiPlayer Game Server very
- intuitive for even the newest user of online services. Best of all,
- all APCi MultiPlayer Game Client software is FREEWARE and includes any
- and all information desired about the supported game.
- For more information regarding the APCi MultiPlayer Game Server, or to
- witness the APCi MPGS in action, call the APCi BBS at (618) 632-7664. You
- may also contact APCi at 1-800-535-APCi. More information can also be
- requested from Kevin Sawyer (sawyerk@delphi.com).
- (8-7): Where can I find multi-player partners?
- ==============================================
- A good place to find people to play with is on Usenet is the
- "alt.games.doom" newsgroup or on IRC on the #DOOM channel.
- =================================
- =================================
- -------------------------------------
- CHAPTER [9]: How can I cheat in DOOM?
- -------------------------------------
- [9-1]: What are the DOOM cheat codes?
- =====================================
- Here is a list of the cheat codes from DOOM. During play, just type
- the codes in with the keyboard. You need not hit ENTER after the code.
- After entering, a message should be displayed at the top of the screen
- telling which cheat mode was activated.
- idbehold Displays menu (followed by S, V, I, R, A, or L for choice)
- S=Strength (Berserk)
- V=Invulnerability
- I=Partial invisibility
- A=Full Automap (computer map)
- R=Anti-radiation suit
- L=Light amplification visors
- idchoppers Gives you the chain saw (long story behind the message)
- idclev Warp (followed by episode number and level number)
- iddqd Degreelessness mode (God mode)
- iddt Toggles Automap between normal, full, and full with objects
- (enter when in Automap mode)
- idkfa Very Happy Ammo (full ammo, 200% armor, all weapons & keys)
- idmypos Displays your bearing and coordinates in hex
- idspispopd No clipping (you can walk through walls)
- *9-2*: What command line parameters exist?
- ==========================================
- To use most of these parameters, start DOOM by typing:
- "doom -devparm <parameter> <more parameters>". If the "-devparm" parameter
- is not needed, the parameter will be marked with a plus (+). Most of these
- parameters can be mixed and matched to create different effects. For
- instance, typing "doom -devparm -wart 1 8 -record demo01 -respawn" would
- record a demo on episode one, level eight, with monster respawn. Lastly,
- typing F1 during development mode will allow a 256 color screen capture in
- PCX format.
- @<filename> Used to read in a command line parm file
- -altdeath Activates DeathMatch v2.0 (v1.4 and above)
- -comdev Unknown
- -config <file name> + Reads an alternate configuration file
- -control Unknown
- -deathmatch + Starts NetDoom in Deathmatch mode
- -debugfile <parameter> Dumps debugging info to debug<parm>.txt
- -devparm Puts you in developers mode
- -episode <episode> + Starts on episode (1-3)
- -GUS Unknown
- -GUS1 Unknown
- -fast +++ Nightmare mode without respawn
- -file <name w/ .WAD> + Allows usage of an external PWAD file
- -left ++ Sets up a network terminal for the "left view"
- -loadgame <game number> + Starts from a saved game (0-5)
- -maxdemo + Specifies the maximum size of a LMP recording
- -net <players> + Starts NetDoom with 1-4 players
- -noblit Internal bugging switch, useless
- -nodraw Internal bugging switch, useless
- -nojoy Does not use the joystick
- -nomonsters + Starts the game without monsters
- -nomouse Does not use the mouse
- -nomusic Does not play background music
- -nosfx No sound effects
- -nosound No sound at all
- -playdemo <name w/o .LMP> #+ Plays back a recorded demo
- -record <name w/o .LMP> + Makes a demo recording until you finish or die
- -recordfrom <0-5> <demo name>+ Records a demo from a saved game
- -regdev Unknown
- -respawn + Causes enemies to respawn in non-Nightmare
- -right ++ Sets up a network terminal for "right view"
- -skill <skill level> + Starts on skill level (1-5)
- -timedemo <name w/o .LMP> # Calculates the number of times the screen is
- redrawn when playing a demo
- -turbo <speed 1-255> Increases the speed of the marine
- -warp <episode> <level> Warps to episode (1-3) level (1-9)
- -wart Unknown
- +: Does not require the "-DEVPARM" parameter.
- ++: If you have a network, try setting up a network game with three players.
- The three terminals should have the parameters:
- "doom -devparm -net 3 -left"
- "doom -devparm -net 3"
- "doom -devparm -net 3 -right"
- Then, set up the left and right terminal monitors next to the middle
- monitor, in a virtual-reality type configuration. When you turn your
- head, you see the screen turned 90 degrees! This ONLY works with
- versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 of DOOM.
- +++: Must be used in conjunction with the "-WARP" parameter
- #: For the "-playdemo" and "-timedemo" options, if you give an LMP file name
- of "demo#" (i.e. "demo3"), then that internal demo will be played if the
- external LMP file is not found. For example, to play the internal 1.6
- shareware demo #2 (multiplayer demo), type "doom -playdemo demo2".
- If anyone has any idea what the "unknown" or question marked
- parameters do, send me some E-mail!
- (9-2-1): What do the dots that appear in development mode mean?
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Direct from id, the final formula for calculating the frame
- rate that the dots represent has been determined. The formula to convert
- dots to frames per second is:
- 70
- --------------------
- --------------------------------------------
- CHAPTER [10]: Can someone tell me how to...?
- --------------------------------------------
- This chapter is full of spoilers for people who are "stuck" in the
- game. Enjoy!
- [10-1]: Where are the DOOM secret levels?
- =========================================
- [10-1-1]: Knee-Deep in the Dead
- -------------------------------
- You must be on level three to access the secret level in DOOM.
- First, there is a room with an elevator with armor on it in the northwest
- corner of the map. Press the red button in this room. This opens a corridor
- in the room where you can see a glowing sphere. The room it leads to has
- some lighted alcoves. Walk up the stairs. You should be able to hear a
- mechanical sound. This is the sound of two alcoves being lowered. The map
- looks similar to this drawing. (I love the beauty of ASCII art)
- Alcove 1 /\ /\
- \/ \
- / /\ \
- / / \ \
- / /\/ \ \
- \ \ / /
- /\ \ / /
- \/ \ \/ \
- Alcove 2 \ /\ \
- \/ \ \
- \ \
- \ x
- Walking into this room normally, the alcoves rise before you can see
- them. But, if you run up the stairs to one of the alcoves fast enough,
- you can get in it and rise to a secret door. Alcove 2 leads to the
- blue glowing sphere. Alcove 1 leads to an island surrounded by ooze.
- You can get a rocket launcher here. In alcove 1, follow the ooze down
- the tunnel. The tunnel leads to a switch that raises the bridge over the
- opening ooze pit. A secret door is also near the switch, but the bridge
- leads to the secret exit. REMEMBER TO >BOOK< TO THE ALCOVE! :)
- [10-1-2]: The Shores of Hell
- ----------------------------
- When you get to Command Center, walk out the elevator door, and
- turn right. Walk up the stairs in the far right corner. At their top of
- the stairs, enter the door to the right. Walk to the end of the hallway.
- Open the door, and look to the right. Open that door and turn the switch
- immediately on the right in that room. That switch raises stairs in the hall
- you just left. Walk up those stairs, get through the red curtain, and get on
- the transporter. Kill the lost souls in the room you are transported to
- and open the hidden door there (a lion head marks it). Again use the
- transporter, and you will find yourself walking towards a marked EXIT-door.
- Enter and turn the switch!
- (10-1-3): Inferno
- -----------------
- The process of getting to the Inferno secret level is probably one of
- the most creative things in DOOM, and the most difficult to figure out. The
- way to get there is from level 6, "Mt. Erebus". You must get inside a blue
- box with no ceiling which is in a large triangular depressed area with
- "water" at its bottom. Inside it is a skull switch ending the level. Getting
- inside the box counts as one of the secret passage units for the level. Next
- to the box is a large red building which one can get on top of. To get on
- top of it, you must use the secret teleporter in the building with the
- berserk pack and stairs in it, with the four Imp cages by the entrance. For
- specifics, the teleporter leading to the ledge above the blue box is located
- at <0x27ed486,0x2315201>. Upon entering the building, you will see a secret
- opening to the teleporter on the left. The teleporter takes you to a ledge
- on the top of the red building. If you go to the right along the ledge you
- will be looking down at the blue box. Unfortunately, the distance is too far
- to jump. The key is to shoot a rocket at the ledge wall, the explosion of
- which will throw you into the box! The area on the ledge where you want to
- fire the rocket at the wall is located at <0x375bead,0xa900072>. There is a
- rocket launcher on the level, on a platform out in the open with a chaingun
- and a bunch of monsters. Finally the exit inside the blue box itself is
- located at <0x37f436d,0xc1ffa3c>. You will take a lot of damage in the
- process, even with lots of armor and health, however, there are a few
- invulnerability artifacts on the level which will protect you. One is next
- to the wall where the launcher and chaingun are, and the other is inside a
- central shack that opens when you enter a nearby enclosure to pick up the
- green armor.
- (10-2): Where are the secret doors in DOOM?
- ===========================================
- A HUGE thanks to Wouter Slegers, Walter Pullen, and Paul Falstad.
- Their never ending attention to making a complete secret list for the
- FAQ was invaluable.
- Secrets are marked with an pound sign (#) and non-secrets are marked
- with a plus (+). The non-secret descriptions are used to help in solving
- levels and the unsolved parts to make the descriptions correct and complete.
- In these new descriptions, coordinates are given in <> brackets.
- Your coordinates in the game can be found by typing the cheat code
- "idmypos" (see Chapter [9-1]). Upon typing this, you will receive a
- bearing and the X and Y coordinates. These will be in the form
- "0x<NUMBER>" where "<NUMBER>" is in hexadecimal. The first coordinate is
- the east-west (X) coordinate, and the second is the north-south (Y)
- coordinate. North is at the top of the map, east at the right, south at
- the bottom, and west at the left.
- (10-2-1): Secret Master List
- ============================
- ======== ================ ============ ================================
- E1M1:
- 1 68 < b700000,f1000000> ( 2928, -3840) (oddly color wall after zigzag)
- 2 69 < ccd0000,f0f00000> ( 3277, -3856) (shotgun behind tower in zigzag rm)
- 3 70 < dda0000,f0e00000> ( 3546, -3872) (elevator behind tower in zigzag rm)
- E1M2:
- 1 21 < 5ec0000, 3c80000> ( 1516, 968) (door to outside in NE)
- 2 106 < 2200000,fc800000> ( 544, -896) (door to E rm w/backpack in maze)
- 3 116 < 1380000, 1200000> ( 312, 288) (door on SE side of small structure
- at beginning)
- 4 140 <f9b80000, 5b80000> (-1608, 1464) (door before lift to ridge w/imp)
- 5 188 <f7270000,fe8d0000> (-2265, -371) (path to chainsaw in W part of maze)
- 6 194 <f8500000, 1400000> (-1968, 320) (door to extra armor on way to
- chainsaw rm)
- E1M3:
- 1 40 <fbc00000,fad80000> (-1088, -1320) (door N of level 9 switch)
- 2 51 <fa200000,f6b00000> (-1504, -2384) (corridor N of drawbridge to level 9)
- 3 73 <fd8c0000,f7a00000> ( -628, -2144) (door in E corner behind blue door)
- 4 134 <f3c40000,f8240000> (-3132, -2012) (door behind SE niche
- in yellow key rm)
- 5 159 <f66d0000,fc140000> (-2451, -1004) (rm w/backpack past green tunnel)
- 6 167 <f5240000,fb240000> (-2780, -1244) (corridor behind N niche in
- yellow key rm)
- 7 174 <f6c80000,fbe00000> (-2360, -1056) (secret door to chaingun)
- E1M4:
- 1 71 < 61d0000, 80000> ( 1565, 8) (rm E of green trench)
- 2 88 < 6000000, 1250000> ( 1536, 293) (supercharger)
- 3 118 < 7880000, 3d80000> ( 1928, 984) (backpack rm at start)
- E1M5:
- 1 7 <f8aa0000, 3390000> (-1878, 825) (hidden door W of 2-pillar chamber)
- 3 5 <f8a00000, 2f80000> (-1888, 760) (hidden door S of #1)
- 2 3 <f8a00000, 2c00000> (-1888, 704) (steps outside, S of #2)
- 4 49 <fc700000, 5000000> ( -912, 1280) (hidden door E of N elevator behind
- yellow door)
- 5 58 <fdb00000, 7740000> ( -592, 1908) (shortcut to W side of darkroom)
- 6 69 < 1660000, 1480000> ( 358, 328) (shotgun room E of 1st stairs)
- 7 95 < 46c0000, ec0000> ( 1132, 236) (hidden door in toxic lake)
- 8 99 < 59c0000, 2f50000> ( 1436, 757) (path to computer map rm)
- 9 110 <ff040000, 5c00000> ( -252, 1472) (niche with light amp)
- E1M6:
- 1 65 < 2640000, 55b0000> ( 612, 1371) (room S of door to outside)
- 2 169 <fce30000,f8d00000> ( -797, -1840) (supercharger in SW tunnel in
- toxic lake behind red door)
- 3 181 <f8500000,f6c00000> (-1968, -2368) (exit from toxic lake behind
- red door)
- 4 190 < 37d0000,fc760000> ( 893, -906) (rocket launcher + invisibility)
- E1M7:
- 1 71 <fdb80000,ffa00000> ( -584, -96) (supercharger W of door)
- 2 94 < 2a00000,fa800000> ( 672, -1408) (path outside to invisibility)
- 3 147 <ff1f0000,f72d0000> ( -225, -2259) (ledge in toxic lake S of big pillar)
- 4 153 <fe500000,fa100000> ( -432, -1520) (path behind door E of radiation
- suit in lake N of big pillar)
- E1M8:
- 1 59 < 2040000, 1800000> ( 516, 384) (rm E of corridor to 1st door)
- E1M9:
- 1 20 < 4200000, 4800000> ( 1056, 1152) (door to NE room)
- 2 65 < 5000000,fe000000> ( 1280, -512) (chaingun in lake in SE)
- E2M1:
- 1 3 < 1ee0000,ffde0000> ( 494, -34) (rm with plasma gun)
- 2 5 < 4180000, 800000> ( 1048, 128) (red key)
- 3 52 <ff200000, 800000> ( -224, 128) (thin corridor with health bonuses)
- 4 91 < 1940000,fe480000> ( 404, -440) (computer map behind red door)
- E2M2:
- 1 26 < 4010000,fff40000> ( 1025, -12) (chainsaw N of crushing ceilings)
- 2 45 < 4200000, 2100000> ( 1056, 528) (plasma rifle on pillar)
- 3 60 < 8160000, 3920000> ( 2070, 914) (corridor N of 3rd circle in SE)
- 4 109 < 9e00000, 5e00000> ( 2528, 1504) (supercharger NE of blue key)
- 5 128 < 480000, 7200000> ( 72, 1824) (way to backpack, N of blue
- light rooms)
- 6 137 < 33b0000, 7110000> ( 827, 1809) (hidden room E of #5)
- 7 140 < 3dd0000, 55b0000> ( 989, 1371) (computer map, S of #6)
- 8 146 < a700000, fda0000> ( 2672, 4058) (rocketbox behind E yellow door)
- 9 160 < a520000, f200000> ( 2642, 3872) (rocket launcher behind E
- yellow door)
- 10 164 < a5a0000, e700000> ( 2650, 3696) (ammo box behind E yellow door)
- 11 176 < 4a00000, fc00000> ( 1184, 4032) (chaingun on pedestal in N)
- 12 236 <ffdc0000, ac00000> ( -36, 2752) (shotgun ammo behind lowering box)
- E2M3:
- 1 37 < 1e00000,fff80000> ( 480, -8) (door in N of pentagram lake rm)
- 2 65 <fbc60000, e40000> (-1082, 228) (plasma rifle in SW)
- 3 97 < 2780000,fea00000> ( 632, -352) (door in SE of pentagram lake rm)
- 4 103 < 3600000, 680000> ( 864, 104) (way into imp cage w/backpack)
- 5 119 < 5780000, 3020000> ( 1400, 770) (rad suit S of toxic)
- 6 121 < 8550000, 3d50000> ( 2133, 981) (supercharger E of toxic)
- E2M4:
- 1 10 < 8000000,fd400000> ( 2048, -704) (supercharger room N of big toxic O)
- 2 16 < a000000,ff6b0000> ( 2560, -149) (niche just N of computer map)
- 3 19 < 5800000,ff130000> ( 1408, -237) (plasma rifle E of northern O)
- 4 36 < 68e0000, 2280000> ( 1678, 552) (stimpacks in N part of lava room)
- 5 53 < a0b0000, 970000> ( 2571, 151) (room S of crushing ceiling, E
- of lava room)
- 6 107 < 5700000,fe300000> ( 1392, -464) (mega armor SW of lava room in NE)
- 7 120 < 3800000,fb300000> ( 896, -1232) (room w/invisibility W of toxic O)
- 8 165 < 3600000,f5200000> ( 864, -2784) (berserker S of zigzag in S)
- 9 182 < 7e80000,f5480000> ( 2024, -2744) (supercharger near exit)
- 10 188 <fecf0000,f4f80000> ( -305, -2824) (hidden rm just S of starting point)
- E2M5:
- 1 8 <fbe00000, a00000> (-1056, 160) (chainsaw in S middle)
- 2 11 <f9c80000,fe780000> (-1592, -392) (anti-rad suit in circular stairway)
- 3 121 <fea00000, 9000000> ( -352, 2304) (rm near exit to level 9)
- 4 126 <fb840000, 8920000> (-1148, 2194) (secret imp rm E of starting point)
- 5 186 <f28d0000, 1f30000> (-3443, 499) (niche N of fake fire)
- 6 188 <f2250000, 4730000> (-3547, 1139) (rm with baron in cage)
- 7 219 <f83c0000, 87b0000> (-1988, 2171) (secret imp rm W of starting point)
- 8 229 <f2a40000, 8c00000> (-3420, 2240) (energy cell in NW niche in toxic
- lake in NW)
- 9 234 <f3c30000, 4a00000> (-3133, 1184) (room W of #10)
- 10 238 <f4e10000, 4a00000> (-2847, 1184) (lost soul rm thru teleporter in #5)
- E2M6:
- 1 0 <ff800000, c200000> ( -128, 3104) (invisibility, etc. by skull
- pedestal in NW)
- 2 16 <fbc00000, 9400000> (-1088, 2368) (long N-S room in NW with
- chaingun & lite amp)
- 3 48 < 6190000, c600000> ( 1561, 3168) (corridor leading N out of
- fake exit)
- E2M7:
- 1 44 < 200000,ffa50000> ( 32, -91) (room w/rocket launcher &
- teleporter in SW)
- 2 72 <ffe00000,fd140000> ( -32, -748) (rm w/switch behind red door in SW)
- 3 250 < d0c0000, 3a40000> ( 3340, 932) (computer map rm in E middle)
- 4 284 < 900000, 5ce0000> ( 144, 1486) (plasma rifle rm in NW)
- 5 294 < 5e00000, 7e00000> ( 1504, 2016) (supercharger just E of starting pt)
- 6 301 < 18d0000, 7750000> ( 397, 1909) (chainsaw rm in NE)
- E2M8: [none]
- E2M9: [none]
- E3M1:
- 1 25 <fc5c0000, 7600000> ( -932, 1888) (rocket launcher rm)
- E3M2:
- 1 19 < 6e40000, 7d40000> ( 1764, 2004) (wall blocking way to chaingun in NE)
- 2 28 < 2720000, c080000> ( 626, 3080) (hallway to rocket case at tip
- of middle finger)
- 3 58 < 24a0000, 5280000> ( 586, 1320) (plasma rifle near 2nd finger fm W)
- E3M3:
- 1 71 < 4600000,ffa00000> ( 1120, -96) (rm E of northern niche in
- E corridor with dark niches)
- 2 110 <fd900000, 1f00000> ( -624, 496) (rm just N of lava maze with BFG9K)
- 3 154 <fec00000, 3a00000> ( -320, 928) (computer map in SW corner of
- N chamber near exit)
- 4 164 < 47a0000, 4510000> ( 1146, 1105) (rm with rocketlauncher N of #1)
- 5 184 < 1c80000, 1c00000> ( 456, 448) (chaingun in SE niche of toxic lake)
- 6 187 < 00000, 3a00000> ( 0, 928) (ammo in SE corner of N chamber
- near exit)
- E3M4:
- 1 91 < 4fe0000, 2630000> ( 1278, 611) (rm in NE with SW window where you
- can shoot demons)
- 2 98 <ffe00000,fd040000> ( -32, -764) (BFG9000)
- 3 124 < 6c00000,fd9c0000> ( 1728, -612) (radiation suit in NE)
- 4 177 <feb80000,fae00000> ( -328, -1312) (secret rm with rockets in W side of
- rm S of BFG9000)
- E3M5:
- 1 1 <faa00000,fc400000> (-1376, -960) (light amp rm)
- 2 97 < 30e0000, 730000> ( 782, 115) (chainsaw E of center chamber)
- 3 106 <ff200000,ffb60000> ( -224, -74) (S stony structure in center)
- 4 108 < 8a0000, 1200000> ( 138, 288) (E stony structure in center)
- 5 128 <f7420000, 25d0000> (-2238, 605) (westernmost room with plasma rifle)
- 6 132 <fdb60000, 1200000> ( -586, 288) (W stony structure in center)
- 7 178 < 1e40000, 8e00000> ( 484, 2272) (rocket launcher in most northern rm)
- 8 204 <ff200000, 28a0000> ( -224, 650) (N stony structure in center)
- 9 237 <fad80000, 5a00000> (-1320, 1440) (secret door to NW in W part of
- N corridor; leads W to lava room)
- 10 257 <fab40000, 6200000> (-1356, 1568) (radiation suit in NW chamber)
- E3M6:
- 1 77 < 3e40000, 39c0000> ( 996, 924) (energy cell in NW-SE oriented
- structure with cages at entrance)
- 2 88 < 3800000, bdc0000> ( 896, 3036) (in front of door to level 9)
- 3 92 < 1800000, a400000> ( 384, 2624) (chainsaw)
- 4 121 < 8030000, 19c0000> ( 2051, 412) (plasma rifle on NE end of
- small building with 2 teleporters)
- E3M7:
- 1 80 < 7800000, 5350000> ( 1920, 1333) (BFG9000, in NE)
- 2 84 <fb600000,fe680000> (-1184, -408) (supercharger in pentagram)
- 3 98 <fd2c0000,fc940000> ( -724, -876) (secret rm SE of pentagram rm)
- 4 119 <fd800000, 7920000> ( -640, 1938) (plasma rifle & energy cells,
- past teleporter in SE)
- E3M8: [none]
- E3M9:
- 1 23 <fcdc0000, 7600000> ( -804, 1888) (secret rm W in rm just S of
- fake exit)
- *10-2-2*: Knee-Deep in the Dead
- -------------------------------
- # Just after the zigzag look right for the oddly colored wall <0xBA389D6,
- 0xf0e054ec>. Push it for corridor to a open place with a blue armor vest.
- # After you cleaned out the exit room, go back to the zigzag room and look
- right for the shotgun (the tower with the Imp should be lowered now)
- <0xd68473b,0xf2510f63>.
- # For DOOM v1.2, a secret area has been added in the above secret room:
- look in the SE corner <0xdeff476,0xf0effdc2> for the elevator. You'll find
- some armor bonuses up there. The elevator lowers when you are at the
- entrance <0xb96c465,0xf4879655> in the north, so you'll have to run fast to
- get it.
- # The small structure you face when you begin, has a secret door in the SE
- corner (the lighter wall part) <0x15005a8,0x121e8ad>. Behind the door is a
- room with a red switch. Pushing that switch will open a secret door in the
- northern corner of the stairs in the east <0x60ada92,0x3affa0b>. You can get
- outside and collect a supercharger and a chaingun.
- + Behind the red door you'll see a stair twisting to the right. On the top is
- an indention to your left <0xf9900144,0x3a49ddd>. If you step on it, it will
- drop down. You will find enemies to your right, and you will also see (but
- not be able to get) the chainsaw.
- # A bit ahead you'll see a lift. Push the first panel to your left
- <0xf9d0052a,0x5aa56a6>. You'll be able to kill those Imps from the ridge.
- # In the southern part of the maze (to get in, pull the switch behind the pillar
- in the green toxic directly to the right behind the red door <0xfdc004de,
- 0x446230f>), shoot the middle most western wall (the one behind the green
- armor vest) <0xf79e0d81,0xfe82feac> for access to the chainsaw (push the
- switch in NW to lower the pillar so you can get it).
- In the same hidden area is some extra armor hidden behind the eastern wall in
- the northeastern corner of the stairs <0xf82fdc62,0x151532f>.
- # In the most eastern part of the maze, push the wall between the white stripes
- <0x1eff099,0xfc88d4d4d3> for a backpack.
- + The strange grey wall straight ahead beyond the first door you open is a
- secret drawbridge. The switch for the drawbridge is in one of the chambers
- described below.
- # In the room in the NW (the one that opens as soon as you push the red button
- and that contains the yellow key) are TWO secret passages (the second niche
- on your left <0xf3c7ca46,0xf7dfc822> and the second niche on your right
- <0xf5ac3fd1,0xfac4d713>), both will open when you're on the stairs but will
- close again after a (very) short while. Go to the stairs and then run like
- hell as soon as you hear them lower. It'll help when you shoot the drums that
- might get in the way.
- # In the northern niche (leading to a rocket launcher and a green armor) is a
- secret room in the SE corner (just follow the green stuff to the right).
- Run fast for minimum damage. You'll see a backpack and the switch for the
- drawbridge at the beginning. To the east is the exit (a lighter colored
- wall part <0xf6aff87a,0xfbd990b9>) through another secret chamber
- containing the chaingun.
- # In the south-eastern niche (the second on the right) is a supercharger (pull
- the switch on back of the pillar).
- # The drawbridge should be lowered now. Cross it, but be careful! There are
- a lot of Imps lurking behind automaticaly opening doors. My tactic is to
- select the chain gun, run forward and back up as soon as you hear the doors
- open. Then take them out at your leisure. Note that you can also shoot some
- of them via the secret `window' in the SE <0xf9480573,0xf8b2d736>.
- + In the north of the room is a corridor, follow it to find the hidden-level-
- switch.
- # To the north of the room with the hidden-level-switch is a elevator, push the
- wall <0xfbe7f1f6,0xfaafee8c> to lower it, so you can get the rocketbox.
- # Behind the blue door in the eastern corner is a secret door (the lighter
- patch in the SE <0xfd6ffcd8,0xf7a33c3b>). The chainsaw, a supercharger, a
- blue armor and a partial invisibility is available.
- You start facing a open space with a cage full of Imps in the middle. The
- following rooms are described relative to that cage.
- + In the northeast is a pentagram on the floor. If you touch it, numerous
- enemies will warp in. Try walking around it and then running to the
- corridor. That way you can pick them off one by one.
- + In the eastern room is a lift/trapdoor at the middle of the eastern wall
- <0x75cf281,0x2fa03b> (the highlighted patch on the floor). To the NE are a
- green armorvest.
- # Also in the eastern room is a lift/trapdoor in the SW-corner <0x6102f19,
- 0xff10138d> leading to a indoor lake with the chaingun.
- # The same area is accessible via the lift/trapdoor in the NE-corner
- <0x3d000fe,fcd013ff> of the southern room.
- # In the northern chamber, push the middle eastern wall <0x3efe3b3,0x479d0cd>.
- You'll get into a chamber with several high pillars. The pillar at the far
- side of the room <0x7ad637b,0x423de32> lowers when someone is on the stairs.
- Just run on it, wait for it to rise, and 'jump' to the other pillars by
- running fast counter clockwise.
- + To get to the end of level switch, run down the trench. To the NW is a
- isle with the switch and to the south is the lift upstairs.
- + Although they don't count as secrets in themselves, getting on the
- five pillars, each with a weapon or bit of ammo on it, in the secret
- room on the right hand wall of the room with the ooze trench and
- exit, is one of the more challenging things to do in the game.
- Basically, the room on the secret level of episode one "Military
- Base" contains five pillars of increasing height as you go around
- clockwise, along with a lift which lowers when you are on the entry
- stairs, allowing access to the first and highest pillar. The key is
- to go around each pillar in a counter-clockwise direction. Just
- running and jumping toward a pillar isn't enough, as you will go over
- it but fall off the far side, and this can only get you to the first
- and tallest pillar, and the shortest (or maybe the first two on
- either end if you manage to swipe the item off the top of the second
- pillar before falling). The key is to shift+forward run at each
- pillar, take off and jump toward it, and right when you reach it,
- briefly press the down arrow to move backward. This will stop your
- running and you will be standing still on the next pillar. If you
- move back too soon you will hit the pillar and fall to the ground;
- too late and you run off the far side. It's best to give yourself a
- running start for each pillar and line yourself up so you will be
- jumping over the minimum distance possible. Using the automap under a
- high zoom level can help here. This actually isn't as hard as it may
- seem to get right. I understand some can do this all in one fell
- running swoop by turning in mid-routine, but this is a surer way.
- # The light wall to the left in the beginning (before the door) <0x785a47f,
- 0x45005ef> hides a backpack.
- # The south exit from the round chamber (the one with the radiation suits)
- leads to a trench. Follow the trench east for the rocket launcher and a
- supercharger. To get the supercharger, simply stand on the left side of
- the lift and press the switch. If you are just barely on the lift, you
- can reach the switch while on the lift. Follow the trench west to get
- out.
- # The chamber in the middle (behind the first stairs you encounter from the
- start) has a secret chamber to the south (behind the drums) <0x15a4aa6,
- 0x1a0025b> with a shotgun.
- # In of the east of this chamber is a toxic lake. In the SE-corner of the
- toxic is a secret passage (the strangely colored wall) <0x466e20d,0x12009bc>.
- There is a rocket launcher and a blue armorvest.
- + In the NW behind the yellow keycard door is a chamber with two pillars and
- an isle with a switch in the green stuff. In the indention in the west
- <0xf8e024a0,0x34ff9c5> is a secret chamber with the antiradiation suit. The
- south wall of this chamber hides another room with the chainsaw. The south
- wall thereof gives away to let you outside and get the supercharger.
- You can get the blue armor in the NE-corner by stepping on the northern
- pillar when it's down, waiting until it rises again and then 'jumping'
- over. Ammo can be found by repeating the same action on the souther
- pillar.
- # Two platforms with Imps hidden in the walls behind the yellow keycard door
- act as elevator in DOOM v1.2. The southern one doesn't lead anywhere.
- The northern one <0xfc2fd5ee,0x4f92783> has a secret wall to the east which
- leads to a secret room with a partial invisibility and a shortcut to the
- darkroom (via the north). The pentagram is a teleporter back to the
- beginning.
- # In the north eastern chamber (the one with the blue floor and the blinking
- light) has a secret chamber to the SE <0x52fbab5,0x3d001f3> with a backpack,
- a chaingun and a computer map.
- # In the northern darkroom is a partially hidden chamber to the SW. The best
- way to get there is to follow the wall left. You'll find the night vision,
- which is very useful in sniping those baddies in the dark.
- + In the northern darkroom the top of the /\ in the middle wall is also a
- secret door, but as far as I can see this isn't really useful (maybe for
- dashing for the exit?)
- + At the first 'crossing' you encounter, look in the NW corner. There is a
- partially hidden chamber <0xfd4ff0b2,0xfe5ab835> with some ammo, health and
- a green armor vest. There are also some Imps there, so to be safe, fire a
- shot into it to detonate the barrels and kill them.
- # Behind the red door in the southwest is a green lake. In the NE-corner
- is an anti-radiation-suit. In the 'middle' (the tunnel in the SW) is a
- supercharger. In the SE-corner is a nightvision, a partial invisibility,
- a blue armor and the exit from the lake.
- # Just before you are by the blue door there is a secret chamber to the
- south. Before you're at the blue door, there is a tower with Imps
- <0x31dc6cd,0xfdc354b5>. When you reach the blue door it will lower so you
- can get in. You will see an anti-radiation-suit. Push the south wall for a
- backpack, a rocket launcher, a partial invisibility and a back way into the
- room with the yellow key.
- # In the same area as where the lowering tower is, is a corridor to the north.
- As soon as you get the yellow key, it will be accessable. The twisting path
- over the toxic waste will lead to a backpack and a door to the outside. There
- you will see a supercharger on a pillar <0x1125332,0x6c93ef6>. The pillar
- will lower as soon as someone goes near it. Step on it and as soon as it has
- risen, press the wall to the west to get inside the complex again.
- + In the room immediately before the ending room, there is a radiation suit
- available behind one of the pillars.
- # In the most eastern corridor is a strangely colored wall <0xd2ffa4f,
- 0xf9fc115f>. Push it to get the computer map.
- # In the southwest is a big pillar <0xfe5cda63,0xf7ff97d9> that will descend
- when you are on the stairs east of it. Stand on top of it, wait until is
- has risen sufficiently and jump on the ledge in the NE <0xffdfe6c0,
- 0xf9237c97> for the computer map or the south lake in the NE corner
- <0xff1e2866,0xf72ffeb0> for the chaingun and (when you leave via the secret
- door to the east) a backpack. Jump in the lake in the north and run fastly
- to the tunnel in the NW <0xfdf75b77f,0xfa229120>. In the west of that tunnel
- is a radiation-suit and in the east behind the door with the light are some
- goodies and a switch. Throwing the switch will allow you to get to the
- chainsaw later on in the room in the extreme SW <0xfacc64c4,0xf5a40aa1>.
- Leave the tunnel via the north and look behind the pillar <0xfea017a9,
- 0xfacffbc5> in that lake for blue armor. Follow the acid to the north to the
- supercharger <0xfdb37a3a,0xffa1e2e2> and leave via the east.
- # After you get the blue key in the northwest, two hidden areas will open to
- free Imps and former humans. The secret room in the middle of the map
- <0x1319742,0xfa50049c> has a false wall to the east which leads to
- outside so you can get a partial invisibility.
- # The only secret room <0x1cfdaa6,0x17bdce1> is in the east in the corridor
- leading to the first door and contains a supercharger.
- + Note that there is a map in the east of your starting point.
- *10-2-3*: The Shores of Hell
- ----------------------------
- # The SE-corner <0x63aba49,0xfdd82d07> of big room in middle (the one with
- the windows to the east, the south and the west) turns into a teleporter to
- the plasma-gun after you pull the switch <0x4e7f923,0xfee0883b> on the outer
- west side and push the button on the west side of the little wall that rises
- out of the floor (the east switch opens the passage to the red key).
- # In the SW is a indention <0x31cb145,0xfb50105e> with two skull-switches.
- Press the eastern skull-switch first for access to a teleporter to a
- corridor filled with bonuses in the north.
- # Behind the red door <0x186bb69,0xfd97f0a8> is a blue mega armor and the
- computer map.
- # If you walk along the south border of the storage area (the one with all
- those boxes), you'll bump into a box <0xff9751f6,0xb101ab0> which will lower
- if you are north of it, to reveal some shotgun ammo.
- # In the south east quadrant are three circles with parts of the floor going
- up and down. The northern one has a secret corridor <0x82ff4df,0x22fd506>
- in the north leading to the blue door in the north, filled with
- life-bonuses.
- # In the SW area (with three corridors with the blue lights on the ground and
- ceiling) is a partially hidden corridor <0xff85ce0a,0x6b92713> in the NW
- corner of the most western corridor. When you try to get the backpack, the
- wall behind you will close and the wall in front of you will lower,
- revealing some Imps. The door behind you will open after a while. The
- SE corner <0x2afe532,0x7011ab87> (the black-colored wall) is the
- secret door to a small chamber. The SE corner <0x3682291,0x6ebaa52>
- of that small chamber (the wall with the small green light) hides a
- corridor <0x4afeea4,9x667fa8e> back to non-hidden territory (the
- lightly colored wall). The most south part of the corridor
- <0x414d0b4,0x5d0039e> (the black wall part) gives away to a
- computermap.
- # In the south middle quadrant is a room <0x1baafb3,0x1d7344b> with two
- pillars, one khaki, one with tubes (to get there leave the three
- corridors with the blue lights via the way you came in. Turn right
- and first left. The room on your left [east] is the one you seek).
- The west (khaki) pillar <0x31dc5c4,0x2901565> has a switch on the north
- side, with which you can lower the eastern pillar to get the plasma
- gun.
- # In the south middle quadrant is a corridor with skull crushing
- doors. To get by them, run forward as soon as they start to go up.
- Take them one at a time. The middle one <0x3f4c349,0xff1006b4> (third
- one from either side) has a secret passage in the north ridge, leading
- to the chainsaw. When you get it lost souls will try to get you from
- hidden rooms in the south and east.
- + The room <0x6ec4d6b,0x3a0ad08> with the yellow keycard in the south
- middle has a bridge hidden under the red blood, following blue lights
- on the ceiling, just walk forward and back again fast to make them
- rise.
- # The western room behind the yellow door <0x456db4c,0xdc9ca53> contains
- the chaingun, just flip the switch!
- # In the eastern room <0x852f5ab,0xdadd4d9> behind the yellow door
- you'll see three rooms to your right and three auto-rising pillars to
- the north. You can get the backpack on the middle pillar by running
- over the pillar when it starts to rise or later on. The switch on the
- eastern pillar <0x95f38f8, 0x11901ab9> opens the middle door
- containing the rocket launcher. Flip the switch on the middle pillar
- <0x85ba244,0x11900694> for the south chamber (with ammo) and the one
- on the west pillar <0x75fa7ef,0x11900ad> for the north chamber
- (containing a rocketbox). It's best to pull all switches after each
- other. Note that the pillars lower as soon as you enter one of the
- rooms, so you can't open any doors after that! (but you can get the
- backpack).
- # To get the last secret go into the room with the blue keycard,
- <0x9e4f2bb,0x5affb22> and look up at the four corners. Note that the
- extreme southeast corner is lit up unlike the other corners. Go and
- stand in this corner and face along the wall. The platform with the
- supercharge on it will lower <0x9e41c9a, 0x5eff45c>. Run across and
- get it before it rises again. It will only go down once, so you only
- get one chance at it. This is one of the harder secrets in all of
- DOOM to find and get to.
- # In the most SW corner of the map is a corridor <0xfba6989a,0xfed0450f>
- to the room with the blue key containing the plasma gun. To get the
- plasma gun, jump in the red blood and run north (right) fast.
- # In the middle south is a room with a five-sided green lake. The wall
- <0x2847ab9,0xfe90013e> to the south east (the part with between the
- light lines) offers a shortcut.
- # The next secret on this level is similar to and next to the one
- above. You can get out of the room with the green lake
- <0x25ff9c6, 0xfe9f8db4> via a one way secret door on the wall in front of
- the main entry way, which leads back to the room with the imp cage. The
- other secret door above refers to a one way door into this room which is on
- the wall across from where the rising and falling platforms with candles on
- them are.
- # In the south east is a partially hidden cage with Imps
- <0x1de36ff,0x10156d>. You can enter via the NW corner <0x2effa57,0x951b16>
- to get the backpack.
- # Follow the corridor behind the blue door through the open area and the room
- with all those pillars and blinking light to the green toxic stuff. If you
- go around the corner <0x52fff7d,0x313783c> in the SE, you will find a
- radiation suit. In the middle of the eastern wall <0x6729d81,0x42cd91e> of
- the green stuff is a corridor to a room with the supercharger in the NE
- corner <0x85000da,0x3eac965>.
- # In the middle of the south wall <0xfd743e02,0xf5510517> of the beginning room
- (directly opposite to the TL's to the north), hides a room with the shotgun.
- # Take the teleporter to big room. In the north is a elevator. Press the
- head left of it to go up. You'll see a green armor and a computermap.
- To get them push the little red pillar <0xadc846c,0xfebfff01> with the skull
- on it in the NE corner.
- # To the north of the big O formed by green toxic waste is a secret door
- <0x59bf44d,0xfb6fe831>. It opens if you have walked via the corridor
- <0x75b231a,0xf6c3a683> in the SE of the big O. There is a supercharger and
- radiation suit. (Don't forget the partial invisibility south to the entrance)
- # To the west of the big O with green toxic waste is a corridor with a T to the
- north <0x213d209,0xf9a64b57>. To the east of that corridor is a secret wall
- <0x27fad41,0xfab20726> with a partial invisibility and a chaingun. Shoot the
- wall to get them.
- # In the great round corridor in north, behind the blue door: In the east is a
- `dent' <0x4ed2810,0xff5f15c1> in the ring. This is a trapdoor with a secret
- door to the east and leads to a plasma gun and a teleport to the middle of
- the great round corridor.
- # In the great round corridor in the north: follow NE corridor to a room with
- lava.
- - The small door <0x62ffe68,0x3b6bde> in the SW leads to a small green lake.
- The SW corner has a blue armorvest behind some drums.
- - In NE corner <0x815a37c,0x2c8c810> behind the lava is a secret door.
- Warning! the SE branch of the corridor behind it leads to a crushing ceiling.
- Outrun it and push the green patch <0xa6ffd1d,0x64560a> in the east for the
- exit. The SW branch lets you go back to the lavaroom.
- # In the room above, just over the edge of the wall, is a small ledge
- with some medikits <0x6ff9294,0x22b3e1f> on them which normally aren't
- visible from the room and can be missed when running over the lava to the
- secret door.
- # In the south middle behind the place where you find the blue keycard, is a
- small twisty path <0x3550d3b,0xf5c84264> high above the acid. In the SW
- part of the toxic <0x35019f4,0xf510358a> is a berserker.
- # After you open the door to the exit, look back and get the supercharger
- <0x7e9bcac,0xf5497b99>.
- + Note: for those of you still searching for that damn switch so you can get
- to the exit: go in the lake and then towards the exit. The switch is on the
- right wall of the teleporter left of the exitdoor.
- # The room where the first door leads to has two secret rooms in the space
- between the room and the stairs. The doors <0xfb80ba93,0x7dbd7cc>
- <0xf8373cba,0x7e031f5> are facing the south and will open automatically to
- reveal Imps and ammo.
- + The ridges <0xfca60096,0x3febfc5> <0xf71000d0,0x3e622b8> of the green lakes
- of the big room south of the begin both lead back to normal territory.
- # In the SW is a roughly (--) shaped room. In the room NW of the middle
- of this (--) is a switch <0xf3efdd28,0x1367f57> which activates a stair so
- you can walk through the fake fire <0xf29412f7,0x18d236d> in the NW corner.
- The teleporter there takes you to an area infested with lost souls. The west
- wall <0xf4690f4,0x496136d> with the head leads to another room with
- transporter. That transporter takes you to the switch <0xfe9fb836,0x92ff44b>
- for the secret level.
- # In the room east to the room in the south middle with the room to the N,E,
- and W and a view to the circular stairway in the south, is a secret door
- <0xfbaff1cb,0xae3ad8> in the NE corner (near the cozy head-fire) hiding the
- chainsaw.
- # In the center of the circular stairway is a anti-radiation suit guarded by
- a demon. The door <0xf94949db,0xfe6d93d0> to it will open as soon as
- you are at the top of the stairs <0xfa165eed,0xfdd56896>.
- # The south door directly after the circular stairway leads to two corridors.
- The eastbound corridor is the way to the exit, the westbound leads to C
- formed green lake in the west. In the north of that lake is a door
- <0xf1a21e52,0xfe94f08f> (behind the ammo clip). Follow it to a baron of hell
- in a cage. North of that you will see a long corridor with three doors to
- the east. The northern and southern doors lead to a ledge around the lake
- to the east. The middle door <0xf27dc571,0x826c8a6> (the wall part with the
- pentagram over the ugly head) leads to the isle <0xf5420514,0x823f2c1> in
- the middle of the lake, where you'll find a plasma gun. To activate the
- bridge to the isle, you have to push the button <0xf2aff9f7,0xfd1cd93e> in
- the room in the center of the C-formed lake you passed while coming here.
- BTW: If you fall in the lake, the transporter <0xf42dc0b0,0x7500bcf> in the
- indention in the SW brings you back to the beginning.
- # In the slime lake mentioned above, not only is there a teleporter,
- but there is also another niche with a cell pack in it
- <0xf29859a4,0x8bf7c8b>.
- There are no secrets in this level.
- + In the SE where you find the blue keycard, two rooms with demons will open
- automatically. The SW one has a chainsaw behind the brown wall <0x6362f60,
- 0xff151336>.
- + Three parts of the mazes are secret. All the secrets are off the area at
- the north of the level after going down the long narrow passage to the
- junction.
- # The area to the east with the fake exit counts as a secret.
- # The area to the north with the goodies on the table counts as a secret.
- # The area to the west past the crushing ceiling counts as a secret.
- # In the NW is a corridor with ribbles. The third indention is a corridor
- leading to a very dark open patch. In the NE <0x126cccd,0x772feab> is a
- switch which opens a room with a chainsaw. In the SW <0x32fff5,0x3de1cbe>
- is the plasma gun.
- # In the SW is a room with a radiation shield and small patches of green
- acid in indentions along the walls. The SW indention <0x137b2c8,0xff25986d>
- has a corridor to the south leading to a chamber with a rocket launcher and
- a teleporter. The teleporter will get you to a red door, with a switch
- <0xffe013c6,0xfd1015b7> behind it. Pushing that switch will open an
- oute door to a secret room in the beginning-room <0x5d894b7,0x76751d7>
- (SE corner) with a supercharger. Because this room is protected by two
- doors, a second switch must be flipped to open the second door.
- + To open the inner door, flip the switch that is past the blue keycard
- door, up the stairs, and to the left in the room with the acid pool
- <0x4205835,0x2d00641>.
- There are no secrets on this level.
- *10-2-4*: Inferno
- -----------------
- # The small grey chamber before the exit has a secret room <0xfc900da5,
- 0x7606912> in west containing the rocketlauncher.
- # To get a chaingun, follow the wall to your right (west) to the chaingun
- behind the wall. The wall will lower when you walk over the red patch
- <0x6b010ab,0x75220b7> to its west side.
- + The second `finger' from the east has some cages with former sergeants. To
- get into those cages, walk over the red triangle <0x3fa278b,0x817fa0c>.
- The floors of the cages lowers and a wall behind you will come down.
- To lower the triangle column (actually it rises) you want to shoot the
- back wall of one of the six cages the sergeants were in. Shooting it
- raises the pillar exposing the red triangle, walking over which
- lowers the sergeant platforms allowing you to get the stuff in each one.
- # In the large circular room at the end of the middle finger is a
- supercharge.
- # The plasma gun is hidden in the western part <0x2072324,0x4ecdc0e> of the
- pillar you see when you stand with your back to the second `finger' from the
- west.
- + In the starting room, a megaarmor can be obtained on a ledge overlooking
- the yard in front of where you start. When you go up the stairs to the
- right, and then down the elevator to the area which has stairs going down
- to where the blue key is, there is actually a second elevator in the wall
- which leads up to the ledge with the armor. This second elevator
- <0x48189c,0xfe5f9916> can only be used once, and you must move back
- slightly after pressing the button or else the elevator will catch half way
- up under an overhang. The armor's ledge does damage so grab it quickly.
- + Directly north of the beginning is a great open place with 4 pillars.
- Pressing the switch <0xfea95756,0xaff327> in the north will lower the middle
- pillar <0xfe921ce9,0xfef4c1db>, so you can get the shotgun.
- + To get to the rooms with the windows to the room in the beginning, go
- north and take both the east and the west stairs, and then south.
- # A little north of the middle is a round green lake <0x120905e,0x1754b6d> with
- a lavalike ceiling. In an indention <0x1c9c5cd,0x1c492ee> in the east is the
- chaingun.
- # In the SW is a corridor with two platforms (one in the north and in the
- south). There is a small corridor in the south. When you follow it, you'll
- come to a T-split. In the west (right) is an invulnerability, useful for
- running over the lava in the east. Take the turn left (east). You should be
- on the southern platform of the corridor. In the south of that platform you
- can see a lava/blood maze <0xfd9760e5,0x1de4aec>. In that maze you'll find
- the BFG9000 <0xff1ebaad,0xdeec44> in the SE corner and a supercharger
- <0xfe3afdf3,0x2101114> in the NW corner. You can also get to the lava maze
- by going directly north from the beginning, then taking the west stairs,
- then following the path north.
- # One of the most northern chambers (the one just before the blue door leading
- to the exit) has two air shafts flanking a formation you could describe as a
- coach facing north. When you stand on the coach <0xff6e17cb,0x532520e> the
- wall part west of the stairs south will lower allowing you to get the map.
- The wall part <0xfffcfa97,0x41c62aa> east of the stairs will lower when you
- push it.
- # The last two secrets are in the area to the east of the level, off
- the east hall and over the stairs guarded by lost souls. Just
- entering the room around beyond it with the lava and Cacodemon counts
- as one secret. Getting to the area past that with the berserk pack
- and armor counts as another.
- + The first room to the west from the beginning has a secret room <0xfebbbdcd,
- 0xc4c579> in the SE corner containing the shotgun.
- # In the SW (a bit behind the blue door) is a room with a doors to the east
- (the entrance), to the north (where you find the BFG9000 <0xffdaa1b0,
- 0xfd07e1fa> in some lava), to the west (where a lot of Imps and a baron of
- hell await you) and to the south. The south chamber has a secret room
- <0xff49f58f,0xfae5873e> to the west filled with rockets.
- # In the south middle east of the blue door is a room with a door to the north
- and a small patch of blue lake on the east side. Press the wall <0x3ddce70,
- 0xf9d91cc3> a bit more north of that patch of blue for a green armorvest.
- + In the middle is a room with two pillars with switches on all sides.
- Here is a rude ascii-chart of the scene to facilitate solving this.
- [#] is a door opened by switch #
- [Y] is the yellow keycard door
- [R] is the red keycard door
- Behind door 2: an invulnerability
- Behind door 3: the yellow key
- Behind door Y: the red key
- +---+
- +--+ | |
- | +-------+ +--+
- +-------------+ + [7] [Y] |
- | [3] | ---+---+--+ rest of the level...
- | --------+--+ [6] [7] | .
- | [2] | +-+[R]+--+ |
- | --------+--+ | | |
- | 0 4 | | |
- | 3 [] 1 7 [] 5 | ++ +-+ +-+ +
- | 2 6 | +-+ +-+ +-+ <----- secret wall, press it
- . +-+ for a radiation suit
- # As drawn above, there is a secret wall <0x6cffeee,0xfdd03be8> in the south of
- the most eastern indention. It contains a radiation suit.
- # The final secret for this level is located to the left of the starting
- room, past the Cacodemon cages and behind the wall. Using the teleporter
- across the lava to enter the room counts as a secret.
- # Take the most western entrance to the cathedral. Push the west wall
- <0xfc4e8e97,0xfc5dfd80> and get the lightamplifier <0xfad56408,0xfc1fa3ee> in
- the SW corner.
- # The most NW chamber (the one with the lava floor) has secret door
- <0xfa4ed057,0x61933f5> to the east with a radiation suit. The transporter in
- the room leads to the middle of the map/cathedral.
- # The east wall <0x2d56f0d,0x9b29c1> of the big central room of the cathedral
- (the one with the four 2x2-teleporters) hides a small niche with a
- supercharger and a chainsaw. The yellow key is required to open this
- door.
- # Also the four stony structures to all sides of the middle warp-in are hollow.
- The doors will automatically open each time you warp in to the middle from
- another place (from outside to inside).
- # In the cathedral are four 2x2-teleport-places. The northern two are
- connected to the north by a corridor. That corridor has a secret passage
- <0xfd48642a,0x56afd0c> in the NW.
- # The most northern room has three switches and a teleport with crushing
- ceilings.
- The SE-switch opens the secret doors in the corridors to the east and west,
- enabling you to get the rocket launcher and some rockets.
- The NE-switch lowers the blue key in the NW-corner.
- The NW-switch lowers the chaingun in the NE-corner.
- The teleporter in the SW teleports you to the NE corner of the cathedral.
- # The most eastern room (east of the exit) has a small pit, from where many
- enemies will warp in. To the east of that room, behind the skull <0x787fd10,
- 0x2eaf2e4>, is the BFG9000.
- + For those of you wondering just which damn transporter you have to take to
- get out the middle of the cathedral: it's the most southwestern of the
- northwestern patch of transporters.
- + In the east is a cubus-formed building on a hexagon isle. The east alcove
- <0xd1027ea,0xfe2234b7> is the way in. In the NW corner <0xb9d75d8,
- 0xfeb0d1db> is the backpack. Pushing the skull <0xbd80026,0xfe22bffe> on
- the west wall lowers the wall in the SE, releasing the enemies trapped there.
- Pushing the skull <0xc5fdf50,0xfe67fb05> on the north wall lowers the wall
- in the NE, so you can get the radiation suit there.
- # In the north is a NW-SE oriented structure with two cages with Imps at
- both sides of the entrance. That structure has a secret door inside in
- the middle of the NE wall <0x3a60e7c,0x356d9b4> (at the small light on the
- floor) and a teleporter in the middle of the SW wall <0x281e808,0x22e23de>.
- The teleporter will put you on a high structure further north. From
- there you can 'jump' west and get the chainsaw. You can get out via the
- transporter in the SE side <0x34a6f68,0x9bd1900> of the structure you warped
- on.
- # East of the above described NW-SE oriented structure is a small _|_ formed
- building on a small hill. The building contains two teleporters. The
- eastern warps you on the NE ridge of the hill, where you can get the plasma
- gun <0x7e352bd,0x1c1c059>. The western transporter also warps you to a ridge
- (NW) of the hill, but there are only some shotgun shells there.
- + The small blue building <0x941bec7,0x293e0bb> in the NE contains a radiation
- suit and cacodemons.
- + All compact flaming red structures contain enemies and a few soul spheres
- or a radiation suit. Sometimes one of the walls goes down, spilling the
- enemies.
- # See Chapter [10-1-3] for information on getting to the secret level.
- This counts as a secret as well.
- # The fourth and final secret passage area on this level is inside the
- same building room with the secret teleporter leading to the blue box
- ledge. On the opposite wall is another hidden wall opening
- <0x3aa61a5,0x365963f> which contains a cell pack.
- + The exit is in the middle west: follow the south wall over the lava, you'll
- see a tunnel <0xfb186e6b,0x54a49e> going north to the blue door, and further
- the exit beyond.
- # Beyond the northern blue door is a maze of small lava tunnels. In the SE
- corner <0x7a37332,0x5bec063> of this maze is the BFG9000 and a transporter
- to the SW quadrant of the map. In the NW is a transporter <0xff7323ef,
- 0x824218c> warping to the SW quadrant, the red key <0xfe3f638e,0x6fd04ca>
- and a red door.
- + There are several pillars in the various lava-lakes with red doors, all
- containing transporters:
- (0) In the most SW lake is in the north a pillar <0xf9e908db,0xfc8d60ac>. It
- warps you to a room where you can see the yellow door. In the same room
- is also a switch <0xfcaffa88,0x45f8a18> on the east wall, pushing it
- activates a bridge in room (1).
- (1) In the middle (big) lake is also a pillar <19c3b9d,362e08> with a
- transporter. It warps you to the room west of the above room.
- In this room is also a yellow door, in it is a switch that activates the
- bridge to the pillar in the middle of a lake (.
- - In the most northern lake are two pillars (east/west). The western pillar
- <ffa72354,6c46d07> has a transporter to the SW ridge looking out over the
- middle pillar..... The switch <f9d003cc,569d8a4> opens a door???
- The eastern pillar <2d380df,57aafc9> leads to the ridge east, with the
- yellow key...
- - SE: 31ff6e7,faea6d2e> NE of tower, with plasma gun.
- - In the NW lake is in the north a pillar <0xfe1aff7a,0x4093707> containing a
- transporter. It warps you to the yellow door.
- E3M8: DIS
- + Not a real secret room, but in case you are wondering: the room in the middle
- contains a plasma gun and a blue armorvest.
- + This level is very similar to E3M1, but is much more difficult.
- # Just like in Hell Keep, there is a rocket launcher just in the west of the
- small grey chamber <0xfd20a96c,0x76057af> in the NW. This rocket
- launcher is not available on Ultra-Violence mode and above.
- + Note that many of the hidden rooms full of enemies (the rooms that open when
- you go over the transporter-lookalike in the NW) contain weapons and other
- goodies. Most beneficial of those is the BFG9000 in the SW corner of the
- lake (west behind the entrance).
- [10-3]: When should I use each weapon?
- ======================================
- FIST: Never use unless you have Berserk. This is really cool, but not as
- good as the chain saw.
- CHAIN SAW: Good for tight corners. Rips apart the Demons and Spectres.
- This is probably the best weapon for non-shooting enemies. The chain saw
- also works wonders on Cacodemons. They turn away when you start to chop
- them, and cannot fire.
- PISTOL: Average weapon. Does damage to the Former Humans, but the shotgun is
- preferred. Only to be used when in dire need of ammo.
- SHOTGUN: This is probably the best all around weapon. Use this much of
- the time as it is very powerful. Its only problem is that its rapid fire
- is not very fast. Very useful in "mazes" where enemies are very close but
- not in large amounts.
- CHAINGUN: This weapon takes a fair amount of time to kill enemies. Good
- for a lot of monsters in a row. Also very useful for Imps and Cacodemons,
- because the chain gun can keep them from firing back.
- ROCKET LAUNCHER: Good for occasional long shots at many enemies in one
- place. Be careful, however, this weapon can hurt you as well if the
- rocket bursts at close range. Very useful in DeathMatch mode. :)
- PLASMA RIFLE: Rapid fires very quickly. Hurts some enemies a lot, and
- others not as much. Tends to block the view, which is very dangerous when
- you have a large amount of enemies coming toward you.
- BFG9000: The most powerful weapon. Kills almost ANY enemy in one shot,
- but uses a lot of energy cells and rapid fire is very slow.
- [10-4]: Where can I get each weapon for the first time?
- =======================================================
- Here is a chart that shows on which level in each episode you can
- pick up each weapon.
- .-----------------------------------.
- | Weapon | E1M | E2M | E3M |
- |-----------------------------------|
- | Chain saw | 2 | 2 | 5 |
- | Shotgun + | 1 | 1 | 1 |
- | Chain gun | 2 | 2 | 2 |
- | Rocket launcher | 3 | 2 | 1 |
- | Plasma gun | - | 1 | 2 |
- | BFG9000 | - | - | 3 |
- `-----------------------------------'
- +: Can also be picked up from the first dead sergeant.
- (10-5): Where can I find the various powerups in the game?
- ==========================================================
- This chart outlines where all of the powerups may be found in the
- game. This chart is for Ultra-Violence mode only.
- ===
- SG = Shotgun, CG = Chaingun, RK = Rocket Launcher, PL = Plasma, BF = BFG9000
- CS = Chainsaw, BZ = Berzerk Pack
- A1 = Security Armor A2 = Combat armor
- BP = Backpack, RS = Radiation Shield, MP = Map, LA = Light Amplification
- SS = Supercharge, BA = Invisibility, IA = Invulnerability
- CC = Crushing Ceiling, T1 = One way Teleporter, T2 = Two way Teleporter pair
- # = This item can be found only in lower skills or DeathMatch games.
- ==============================================================================
- E1M1: 1 + + . . . . 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . #3
- E1M2: 1 1 + . . 1 . 3 . 2 . . . 1 . . . . . #9
- E1M3: 1 1 1 . . 1 . 3 1 1 . . . 2 1 . . . . 12
- E1M9: 1 1 1 . . 1 . 1 . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . 7
- E1M4: . 1 1 . . . . 1 1 1 + . . 1 . . . . . #6
- E1M5: 1 1 #1 . . 1 . 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . 1 . 14
- E1M6: 1 1 1 . . . . 4 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 . . . . 20
- E1M7: 1 1 1 . . 1 . 2 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 . . . . 12
- E1M8: 1 1 . . . . . 1 . . . 2 . 1 1 . . 1 . 8
- Total: 8 #8 #6 . . 5 . 18 6 10 #5 5 2 9 6 . . 3 . 91
- E2M1: #1 . . 1 . . . 1 1 . . 1 . . . . . 2 5 #12
- E2M2: 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 4 1 2 + 1 . 1 1 . 5 . . #21
- E2M3: 1 1 . 1 . . 1 1 1 1 2 . . 1 1 . . . . 11
- E2M4: 1 1 . 1 . . 1 3 1 1 2 1 . 2 2 . 5 3 2 26
- E2M5: . 1 . 1 . 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 . . 1 . . 3 1 16
- E2M9: 1 1 1 1 . 1 . . 1 1 . 1 . 1 . . . . . 9
- E2M6: . 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 4 1 3 . 1 . . 18
- E2M7: . 1 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 2 . . 1 13
- E2M8: . . 1 . . . . 1 . . . . . 2 . . . . . 4
- Total: #5 7 5 8 . 5 6 13 8 8 #6 7 4 9 9 2 11 8 9 130
- E3M1: 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
- E3M2: . 1 1 1 . . 1 1 1 . . 1 . 1 . . . . . 8
- E3M3: 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 2 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . . . 12
- E3M4: 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 2 2 1 1 . . 1 1 2 2 . 1 18
- E3M5: #1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . . 1 . 1 2 1 1 4 18 1 #36
- E3M6: 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 . 2 . 2 . 5 . 25
- E3M9: 1 1 #1 1 1 1 1 1 . . 2 . . 2 1 2 . 1 . 16
- E3M7: . . . 1 1 . . . 1 1 10 . . 1 . . . 2 6 23
- E3M8: . . 1 1 . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . 3
- Total: #6 6 #8 6 5 3 6 7 8 4 19 3 1 10 3 8 6 26 8 143
- TOTAL: 19 21 19 14 5 13 12 38 22 22 30 15 7 28 18 10 17 37 17 364
- ==============================================================================
- (10-5-1): How much do health and armor items help me?
- -----------------------------------------------------
- These charts explain how various powerups benefit the
- marine.
- .------------------------. .-----------------------.
- | Health | Incr. | | Armor | Incr. |
- |------------------------| |-----------------------|
- | Potion | ++ 1 % | | Helmet | +++ 1 % |
- | Stimpack | + 10 % | | Green vest | = 100 % |
- | Medikit | + 25 % | | Blue jacket | = 200 % |
- | Berserk | = 100 % | `-----------------------'
- | Soul sphere | ++ 100 % |
- `------------------------' + : Increments, up to 100 %
- = : Sets to this value if current ++ : Increments, up to 199 %
- is less, otherwise no change +++: Increments, even over 200 %
- [10-6]: How powerful is the ammunition?
- =======================================
- 1 Ammo = 1 point of damage
- 1 Shotgun = 7 points (fires 7 pellets at 1 point per pellet)
- (not every pellet will hit every target)
- 1 Berserk = 10 points
- 1 Cell (Plasma Rifle) = 2 points
- 1 Rocket = + 20 points
- 1 BFG9000 = + 100 points
- +: Rockets and BFG9000 shots have an area effect. The direct hit values
- are given above.
- (10-6-1): How much ammunition is obtained from picking up the various types?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Here is a chart that explains the amount of ammunition that
- is obtained from picking up bullets, shells, rockets, and cells.
- .---------------------------------------------.
- | Ultra-Violence mode |
- |---------------------------------------------|
- | Type | BULL | SHEL | RCKT | CELL |
- |---------------------------------------------|
- | Human's clip | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- | Bullet clip | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- | Bullet box | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- | Chain gun | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- | Sarge's gun | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 |
- | Shell clip | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 |
- | Shell box | 0 | 20 | 0 | 0 |
- | Shotgun | 0 | 8 | 0 | 0 |
- | Rocket | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
- | Rocket box | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 |
- | Rocket launcher | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 |
- | Cell pack | 0 | 0 | 0 | 20 |
- | Energy charge | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 |
- | Plasma gun | 0 | 0 | 0 | 40 |
- | BFG9000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 40 |
- | Backpack + | 10 | 4 | 1 | 20 |
- `---------------------------------------------'
- +: The first backpack doubles carrying capacity.
- [10-7]: How many enemies are in the entire game?
- ================================================
- ----------------------------------------
- Episode 1 2 3 Total
- ----------------------------------------
- Humans 214 60 37 = 311
- Sergeants 281 54 91 = 426
- Imps 277 275 167 = 719
- Demons 90 158 141 = 389
- Spectres 63 15 36 = 114
- Lost Souls 0 113 129 = 242
- Cacodemons 0 50 76 = 126
- Barons of Hell 2 17 18 = 37
- Cyberdemons 0 1 1 = 2
- Spiderdemon 0 0 1 = 1
- ----------------------------------------
- TOTAL 927 743 697 = 2367
- ----------------------------------------
- The following charts display the amount of enemies per level and
- per episode, in Ultra-Violence mode.
- [10-7-1]: Knee Deep in the Dead
- -------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Humans 9 53 28 22 28 22 47 0 5
- Sergeants 16 8 47 16 46 57 56 6 29
- Imps 4 18 47 36 31 57 39 5 40
- Demons 0 0 7 11 12 20 7 18 15
- Spectres 0 0 2 0 14 22 1 10 14
- Barons of Hell 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- [10-7-2]: Shores of Hell
- ------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Humans 15 0 18 2 14 11 0 0 0
- Sergeants 10 0 1 6 22 11 4 0 0
- Imps 14 82 27 27 40 39 46 0 0
- Demons 11 19 17 17 26 35 33 0 0
- Spectres 1 2 2 2 0 3 5 0 0
- Lost Souls 0 12 14 11 26 30 0 20 0
- Cacodemons 3 0 6 11 6 9 5 0 10
- Barons of Hell 0 0 4 4 3 2 0 0 4
- Cyberdemon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- [10-7-3]: Inferno
- -----------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Humans 0 6 0 22 0 7 2 0 0
- Sergeants 0 11 1 18 0 18 9 0 34
- Imps 18 0 34 26 35 36 0 0 18
- Demons 5 8 14 53 33 6 17 0 5
- Spectres 0 11 4 5 2 4 0 0 10
- Lost Souls 0 36 14 21 13 32 9 0 4
- Cacodemons 3 8 2 13 6 22 9 2 11
- Barons of Hell 0 0 2 3 5 1 1 1 5
- Cyberdemon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
- Spiderdemon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- [10-8]: How many shots does it take to kill each enemy?
- =======================================================
- Here is a chart that show that amount of each kind of ammunition it
- takes to kill enemies. This chart pertains to Ultra-Violence mode.
- .--------------------------------------------.
- | Chapter [10-7] Chart |
- | Ultra-Violence Mode |
- |--------------------------------------------|
- | Monster | BULL | SHOT | ROCK | CELL | 9000 |
- |--------------------------------------------|
- | Human | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
- | Sergeant| 3 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
- | Imp | 6 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 |
- | Demon | 14 | 2 | 1 | 7 | 1 |
- | Spectre | 14 | 2 | 1 | 7 | 1 |
- | Souls | 10 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 1 |
- | Cacodmn.| 36 | 6 | 2 | 18 | 1 |
- | Barons | 100 | 15 | 5 | 50 | 1 |
- | Cyberdm.| 400 | 58 | 20 | 200 | 3 |
- | Spiderd.| 300 | 43 | 15 | 150 | 2 |
- `--------------------------------------------'
- Note: This chart pertains to direct hits only. Missed shots increase the
- amount of ammunition required to kill any enemy.
- (10-9): Which enemies will attack each other?
- =============================================
- Projectile monster attacks do not hurt other monsters of the same
- species. For example, Imp fireballs do not hurt other Imps, but do hurt
- other monsters. Baron green plasma does not hurt other barons, Cacodemon
- gasballs don't hurt other Cacodemons, and Cyberdemons are immune to their own
- rockets.
- Bullet attacks are fair game for all. Troopers, Sergeants, and
- Spiderdemons all kill their own kind cheerfully.
- Scratching and biting attacks are hard to misdirect but it does
- happen, and when it does, Demons will happily go after each other, as will
- Spectres.
- Last but not least, Lost Souls who hit each other will duke it out to
- the finish.
- ====================================
- ====================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- CHAPTER *11*: What is DOOM add-on software and where can I get it?
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- DOOM add-on software is software, not made by id Software, that
- modifies, changes, or helps you with your game when playing DOOM. Some
- examples are cheating utilities, map editors, and sound editors. This
- software is in no way endorsed by id, and neither id Software nor myself
- take any responsibility for any problems you have with this software. DO
- NOT contact id regarding any of this software. Most of this software will
- not work on the shareware version of DOOM, by request from id Software.
- Most of this software is available from these sites unless specified
- otherwise.
- FTP (1) infant2.sphs.indiana.edu /pub/doom/<directory_name_here>
- + ftp.uwp.edu /pub/msdos/games/id/home-brew/doom/<dir>
- + ftp.orst.edu /pub/gaming/DOOM/<directory_name>
- + empires.stanford.edu /pub/<directory_name>/<directory_name>
- + ftp.uni-erlangen.de /pub/pc/msdos/games/ID/DOOM-stuff/<dir>
- FTP (2) wuarchive.wustl.edu /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/games/doomstuff/<dir>
- BBS (3) Software Creations (508)-365-2359 (2400 baud)
- (508)-368-7036 (9600-14.4k v.32bis)
- (508)-368-4137 (14.4k16.8k HST/DS)
- BBS +(4) Game Palace (305)-587-4258 (the sysop maintains an
- infant2 mirror)
- BBS +(5) WC BBS (510)-937-0156 (maintains an infant2
- mirror)
- +: This site is a mirror of infant2.sphs.indiana.edu
- *11-1* If I don't have FTP access, how can I get these files?
- =============================================================
- You can use the infant2.sphs.indiana.edu mail server, or call one
- of the BBSs listed in Chapter [11].
- A new mail server has been set up to service the infant2 DOOM FTP
- site. To use the site send E-mail to:
- mail-server@mimosa.astro.indiana.edu
- The mail server will do various things depending on what you put in
- the body of the message. For list of commands send the message:
- send help
- end
- Every morning at 1:00am, two files are updated that you can get that will tell
- you what is avaliable to be downloaded. They are called FILELIST and
- NEWFILES. You can get these files by sending the message:
- end
- Once you have found the files you want on the list, you can get them sent to
- you with the following commands sent to the mailer:
- send infant2.sphs.indiana.edu:/pub/doom/wads/newwads/reallybig.wad
- send infant2.sphs.indiana.edu:/pub/doom/wad_edit/bsp11x.zip
- send infant2.sphs.indiana.edu:/pub/doom/text/doom57.faq
- end
- The mailer will send you the uuencoded binaries within 24 hours.
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- CHAPTER [12]: What cheating utilities have been made for DOOM?
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- This chapter describes utilities that have been created to help
- people cheat at DOOM. Due to the recent release of v1.666 of DOOM, there are
- currently no save game editors that work with the new save game format.
- Please E-mail me if you have created one!
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- CHAPTER [13]: What add-on software allows me to alter DOOM?
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- [13-1]: BSP v1.2x
- =================
- A 100% working nodes builder which builds the correct BSP nodes and
- blockmap data for any WAD file.
- Colin Reed (colin@argonaut.com)
- Site (1): wad_edit/node-build/bsp12x.zip
- *13-2*: DEHACKED v1.3
- =====================
- DEHACKED allows modification of the DOOM.EXE file. This makes it
- possible to create new weapons, new monsters, many special-effects, and
- much more.
- Greg Lewis (gregory.lewis@umich.edu)
- Site (1): wad_edit/doomhack/dhaked13.zip
- *13-3* Deframed v1.0
- ====================
- Deframed v1.0 is a utility used to extract the frame table from
- the registered version of the DOOM.EXE. Patch files can be created in text
- or binary format, edited and written back to DOOM.EXE.
- Chris Gillespie (gilles2@hubcap.clemson.edu)
- Site (1): wad_edit/doomhack/dfram10.zip
- (13-4): DEU v5.21
- =================
- A map editor to create brand new levels for DOOM or edit existing
- ones. Includes manual, tutorial, and complete source code. Handles nodes
- fairly well.
- Raphael Quinet (quinet@montefiore.ulg.ac.be)
- Site (1): wad_edit/editors/deu521.zip
- Site (2): deu521.zip
- (13-5): DMapEdit v3.0
- =====================
- A full DOOM map editor which allows editing of DOOM level
- components.
- Jason Hofoss (hoffo002@gold.tc.umn.edu)
- Site (1): wad_edit/editors/dmaped30.zip
- Site (2): dmaped30.zip
- (13-6): DMAUD v1.1
- ==================
- DMAUD will store sounds into or extract sounds from DOOM.WAD
- files distributed with DOOM versions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2. In addition, DMAUD
- will play the sound if a SoundBlaster compatible sound card is present.
- DMAUD v1.1 also has the ability to create PWAD files.
- Input files can be any format (.AU, .VOC, .WAV, .SND, etc) and any
- sample rate; they will be converted as necessary.
- Bill Neisius (bill@solaria.hac.com)
- Site (1): wad_edit/misc/dmaud11.zip
- Site (2): dmaud11.zip
- [13-6-1]: DMFE v0.0.1
- ---------------------
- DMFE provides a simple front-end to Bill Neisius' excellent utility,
- DMAUD, which allows you to alter the sound files used in DOOM.
- Douglas Reedy (welch@zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu)
- Site (1): misc/dmfe001.zip
- [13-7]: DMGRAPH v1.1
- ====================
- Allows importing and exporting of graphics for DOOM. v1.0 allows
- usage of PPM or GIF graphic files in 320x200x256 format.
- Bill Neisius (bill@solaria.hac.com)
- Site (1): wad_edit/misc/dmgrap11.zip
- Site (2): dmgrap11.zip
- (13-8): DMMUSIC v1.0a
- =====================
- DMMUSIC allows importing and exporting of MUS files with IWAD and
- PWAD files.
- Bill Neisius (bill@solaria.hac.com)
- Site (1): wad_edit/misc/dmmus10a.zip
- (13-9): DOOMCAD v4.3
- ====================
- DOOMCAD is a "state-of-the-art" DOOM map editor for Windows.
- Allows creations of levels from scratch, three dimensional previewing,
- drag-and-drop editing, and fairly good handling of nodes.
- Matt Tagliaferri (matt.tagliaferri@pcohio.com)
- Site (1): wad_edit/editors/dmcad43.zip
- Site (2): dmcad43.zip
- (13-10): DOOM Color Changer
- ===========================
- This program modifies the DOOM.WAD files' player pictures. This
- allows you to change the way other players are viewed in a
- multi-player game. If you are playing a cooperative game, you can
- make the players white so they stand out and you can avoid hitting
- them by accident. Or, you can make the players dark colors so that a
- deathmatch game can be more difficult. This program will only work
- on the registered DOOM v1.2 or above.
- Douglas Leininger (72773.245@compuserve.com)
- Site (1): misc/doomcc.zip
- (13-11): DOOMDump v0.9
- ======================
- Dumps out all structures contained in a WAD file to a text file.
- Steve Simpson (ssimpson@world.std.com)
- Site (1): wad_edit/misc/dmdump09.zip
- (13-12): DOOM Editor - The Real Thing v2.60b4
- =============================================
- A DOOM map editor which allows map changes, bitmap viewing, and
- sound importing and exporting. Very little knowledge of DOOM WAD structure
- needed. Requires Windows v3.1.
- Unknown name (pringler@cuug.ab.ca)
- Site (1): wad_edit/editors/de_260b4.zip
- Site (2): de_260b4.zip
- [13-13]: DOOMTOOL
- =================
- A collection of two utilities: SND.EXE allows a sound to be put
- into a PWAD file. CAT.EXE allows two PWAD files to be merged into a third.
- Unknown Name (jdooley@ugcs.caltech.edu)
- Site (1): wad_edit/misc/doomtool.zip
- Site (2): doomtool.zip
- [13-14]: DOPE v1.2
- ==================
- DOPE is a DOOM Object Placement Editor. This program will allow
- you to completely edit object placement in all levels.
- Chris Carollo (ccarollo@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu)
- Site (2): dope12.zip
- (13-15): IDBSP v1.0
- ===================
- id Software's BSP node builder ported to DOS.
- Ron Rossbach (ej070@cleveland.freenet.edu)
- Site (1): wad_edit/node-build/idbsp10.zip
- [13-16]: Jumble v3.0
- ====================
- JUMBLE is a DOOM item randomizer; it randomly places, objects,
- enemies, and powerups in new locations.
- Some useful features include savable configuration files, object
- weighting, removal of items, retention of items, and netDOOM compatibility.
- Also reads RanDOOM v1.x .W files.
- The optional add-on archive includes many different already created
- .JBL files for immediate playability.
- <Empty> Productions (joakim.erdfelt@swsbbs.com)
- Site (1): random/jumble30.zip and random/jumble3s.zip
- Site (2): jumble30.zip and jumble3s.zip
- Site (3): jumble30.zip and jumble3s.zip
- [13-17]: MDE: My DOOM Editor v0.90b
- ===================================
- Allows modification of DOOM levels, including object placement,
- light levels, floor and ceiling heights, secret areas, acid damage,
- blinking lights, crushing ceilings, moving platforms, teleports, and more.
- Not a complete level structure editor.
- Patrick Steele (Unknown address)
- Site (1): wad_edit/editors/mde90b1.zip
- Site (2): mde90b1.zip
- (13-18): Move Level v2.0
- ========================
- Move Level allows modification of the episode and mission number
- in a DOOM PWAD file.
- Steve Stimpson (ssimpson@world.std.com)
- Site (1): wad_edit/misc/movelev2.zip
- (13-19): MUS2PWAD v1.0
- ======================
- Places MUS files into PWAD files.
- Wirta Wiriyan (kosasih@cae.wisc.edu)
- Site (1): music/mus2pwad.zip
- [13-20]: NodeNav v0.8
- =====================
- Allows observation of the geometry of the nodes structure for a
- particular DOOM level.
- Frank Palazzolo (palazzol@msen.com)
- Site (1): wad_edit/node-build/nodenav.zip
- Site (2): nodenav.zip
- (13-21): RanDOOM v1.65
- ======================
- RanDOOM is a utility which will randomize the placement of
- objects in the DOOM playfield. Additionally, RanDOOM has some smarts and
- fixes major problems that other randomizers have. RanDOOM allows you to
- tailor its randomizing to your personal taste. RanDOOM has the capability
- to randomize and create PWAD files as well.
- Scott Coleman: ASRE Software (tmkk@uiuc.edu)
- Site (1): random/rdoom165.zip
- Site (2): rdoom165.zip
- (13-22): REJECT v1.0
- ====================
- REJECT.EXE is a command line based utility used for building the
- REJECT resource in a DOOM PWAD file. It post-processes a PWAD which
- has been created using a level editor such as DEU. Its main purpose
- is to speed up slow PWAD files by reducing the number of line-of-sight
- calculations performed by the DOOM engine.
- L. M. Witek (lee@trousers.demon.co.uk)
- Site (1): wad_edit/misc/reject10.zip
- (13-23): Renegade Graphics DOOMED v1.1c/e
- =========================================
- Allows advanced DOOM map editing and has been used by many
- PWAD creators. Allows modification and creation of PWAD files. Includes
- detailed documentation. A v2.0 upgrade is expected soon which should
- add many new features.
- Note: The newest registered version is v1.1e. Registration
- is $25 US.
- Joe Pantuso (73633.2517@compuserve.com)
- Site (1): wad_edit/editors/rgde11cs.zip
- Renegade Graphics BBS: (615)-337-9198
- [13-24]: RENWAD
- ===============
- Allows modification of the episode and mission number in a DOOM
- PWAD file.
- ASRE Software (tmkk@uiuc.edu)
- Site (1): wad_edit/misc/renwad.zip
- [13-25]: VERDA v0.20
- ====================
- With VERDA, you can move THINGs around the map and change them
- to other things. You can change LINE triggers, SIDE image selection,
- SECTOR image selection, floor heights, ceiling heights, sector actions
- (raising/lowering, etc.), and properties (acid/blinking lights, etc.) You
- can graphically see which lines trigger which sectors, and change this.
- You can display the NODE information graphically, but it cannot currently
- be edited.
- Mike Carter (verda@swri.edu)
- Robert Fenske
- Bob Robinson
- Site (1): wad_edit/old_edit/verda020.zip
- (13-26): VERDA Node Builder v1.05
- =================================
- Builds nodes in a PWAD file.
- Robert Fenske (rfenske@swri.edu)
- Site (1): wad_edit/node-build/vbsp1050.zip
- (13-27): WADED v1.23
- ====================
- A DOOM PWAD editor.
- Unknown
- Site (1): wad_edit/editors/waded123.zip
- [13-28]: WAD Extended Tools v1.0
- ================================
- Allows viewing and hex editing of WAD resources such as pictures,
- textures, color maps, and more.
- Unknown Name (vels@aldan.cs.biu.ac.il)
- Site (1): wad_edit/misc/ewt.zip
- [13-29]: WAD Hacker v2.0
- ========================
- WAD Hacker is a DOOM WAD file resource viewer. Allows viewing of
- all graphical resources. BMPs can be generated from any graphic and PWAD
- files can be produced from any level.
- Roger Hayes (roger_hayes@stortek.com)
- Site (1): wad_edit/misc/wadhak.zip
- [13-30]: WADMASTER v0.5
- =======================
- Allows adding and removing of THINGS in DOOM levels. Also displays
- Unknown
- Site (1): wad_edit/old_edit/wdmstr05.zip
- Site (2): wdmstr05.zip
- [13-31]: WADNAME
- ================
- WADNAME is a utility which will display the episode and mission
- number of all replacement levels contained in a given WAD file.
- ASRE Software (tmkk@uiuc.edu)
- Site (1): wad_edit/misc/wadname.zip
- (13-32): Wads_Up v1.1
- =====================
- Wads_Up is basically a THING editor. It allows you to move
- objects, graphics, enemies, around a level.
- Gary Whitehead (gary@stek.demon.co.uk)
- Site (1): wad_edit/editors/wadsup11.zip
- [13-33]: WAD Tools v1.0
- =======================
- WAD Tools is a freeware program to be used with id Software's
- phenomenal action game, DOOM. It is designed to let any curious
- individual peruse the contents of the DOOM WAD file. Anyway, WAD
- Tools will let you do any number of operations on the resources in
- the WAD file. You can view it in hex mode, or if it's a graphic
- resource, you can view it in 320x200x256 VGA mode. You can also
- export it to a file (an LBM if it's a graphic resource), or replace
- it by importing a file. And, if you're really brave, you can export
- all the resources in the WAD file to individual files.
- Jeff Miller (atomicus@indirect.com)
- Site (1): wad_edit/misc/wt100.zip
- Site (2): wt100.zip
- ----------------------------------------------------
- CHAPTER [14]: What add-on data files exist for DOOM?
- ----------------------------------------------------
- (14-1): Graphics
- ================
- Here is a catalog of various graphics collections available for
- DOOM. Bill Neisius' DMGRAPH v1.1 or a similar utility is often needed to
- import most of these into DOOM.
- Site (1): graphics/(filename)
- Site (1): themes/starwars/(filename) (Star Wars related)
- Site (1): themes/aliens/(filename) (Aliens related)
- ==== =========== =======
- alien101.zip Xenomorph, Face Hugger, David Lobser (lobser@csn.org)
- Loader, Alien Queen,
- eight new levels
- angels .zip Sargeants have wings Sam Lantinga (slouken@cs.ucdavis.edu)
- BARN3D2A.ZIP 3-D Barney the Dinosaur David Lobser (lobser@csn.org)
- baron_1 .zip Preview of DOOM T-shirt Teery Greenlaw (greenlaw@crl.com)
- bdoom .zip Barney the Dinosaur Bill Neisius (bill@solaria.hac.com)
- bunny3d .zip 3-D Energizer Bunny David Lobser (lobser@csn.org)
- chungang.zip Gory new graphics Unknown
- CRAZDOOM.ZIP Imps wear bikinis Unknown
- dalek3d .zip Imps are Daleks David Lobser (lobser@csn.org)
- dalek-3 .zip Imps are Daleks Unknown Name (rkimmel@u.washington.edu)
- dckscrn .zip Preview of DOOM constr- Ben Morris (bmorris@amtsgi.bc.ca)
- dckscrn2.zip uction kit, coming soon Ben Morris (bmorris@amtsgi.bc.ca)
- doom4win.zip DOOM logos for Windows "Nightcrawler"
- doommorf.zip Enemy FLI animation Neal Miller (millen3@rpi.edu)
- fhum .zip New sargeant deaths Unknown
- guy2sarg.zip Swaps Sargeants/Marines Dave Matteson (davematt@mail.msen.com)
- imp_grfx.zip Imps are more gory Greg Gimsby (Unknown E-mail address)
- jagdoom .zip Jaguar DOOM preview id Software (help@idsoftware.com)
- macbar10.zip Barrels are Macintoshes Atul Varma (atulv@bronze.coil.com)
- myface .zip Cacodemons are faces Adrian Hayes (ahayes@pacifier.rain.com)
- nopent .zip Removes pentagrams Steve Simpson (ssimpson@world.std.com)
- pacdoom .zip Pacmen have invaded Bill Neisius (bill@solaria.hac.com)
- sequence.zip New death sequences Unknown Name (dryerson@botany.utoronto.ca)
- stars .zip Skies are star fractals Unknown (pinder2@griffin.emba.uvm.edu)
- strooper.zip Sargeant->Stormtrooper Phillip (p.magnussen@auckland.ac.nz)
- swdoc11 .zip Star Wars DOOM "Action Jackson"
- swgfx2 .zip Cacodemons -> Probots Mike C. (thomas@ug.cs.dal.ca)
- swgfx3 .zip Barrels -> R2D2 Mike C. (thomas@ug.cs.dal.ca)
- swgfx4 .zip Lost Souls -> Mike C. (thomas@ug.cs.dal.ca)
- Interrigator Droids
- swgfx5 .zip Baron -> Emperor guard Mike C. (thomas@ug.cs.dal.ca)
- swlaser .zip Rockets -> Lasers Jeff Johnston (brunner@gas.uug.arizona.edu)
- swstuff .zip Star Wars title screen Jeff Johnston (brunner@gas.uug.arizona.edu)
- wolfdm_2.zip Wolfenstein enemies Unknown Name (moss@plains.nodak.edu)
- (14-2-1): A comprehensive listing
- ---------------------------------
- Here is a list 215 PWADs (new levels) for DOOM. Most of them
- require the registered version of DOOM. Thanks to Todd Bursch
- (lerxt@vax1.mankato.msus.edu) for such a great compiliation.
- To use these, type the following at the command line:
- Have Fun!
- Site (1): wads/<directory_name_here>/<filename>
- - GS Graphics / sounds - TP Type of game
- G includes external graphics A all play types
- S includes external sounds S tuned for single play
- A graphics/sounds/demos D deathmatch optimized
- D demo included
- - EA Difficulty of wad - RATE Personal rating of wad
- Y difficulty settings enabled - sub-par
- N no difficulty settings o ok
- E/H easy/hard + above average
- ~ one half +
- - DT Deathmatch - CO Cooperative
- Y includes 4 death start pts Y includes 4 coop start pts
- # number of deathmatch starts # number of coop starts
- - MONST Cyber/Spiders/Barons
- N no monsters in wad
- 1/0/0 1 cyber demon
- 0/1/0 1 spider demon
- 0/0/5 5 barons
- - The rating system is based on overall appearance and gameplay. The
- ratings reflect the opinions of Todd Bursch only.
- - The monster cyber/spider/baron count is for skill level 3.
- - The most up to date version of this chart is available by finger:
- finger lerxt@krypton.mankato.msus.edu
- - This chart is also available from "infant2.sphs.indiana.edu" in
- "/pub/doom/wads" under the filename "wads????.rev" where ???? is the
- month and day or release.
- 11BONES E1M1 Y + Y Y Round raised indoor island
- 11INHELL E1M1 NH + 8 Y 0/0/10 + barons, row of mv walls to exit
- 23CASTLE E2M3 N o N Y small castle with few monsters
- 666 E1M1 A Y ++ 6 Y 0/0/4 four square warp from hell
- 777 E1M1 A YH +++ 7 Y 0/0/1 catwalks, killer keys, 4 lift pillars
- ABYSS E1M1 N ++ N N 0/0/3 red key under door @ begin
- AFRO E1M1 YH ++ 9 Y 0/0/2 exit behind you @ begin
- AMBUSH E1M1 YH +++ N N 1/0/11 cyber in cage @ begin, stairs, barons
- ARENA E1M1 N + Y Y huge square court, tons o guns
- ATRIUM E1M1 Y + N N small, barrel trap, swamp forest
- AVRAX E3M4 D N + 14 N 0 no health, tons o guns
- AWP11 E1M1 A Y + 7 Y tons of guns outside, 2 spiral rooms
- AWP11F E1M1 G Y ++ 7 Y 2 spirals, canyon, +guns outside
- BARREL E1M1 S YH + N N 0/1/6 lots o traps, xplding barrels
- BASTARD1 E1M1 +++ N Y really cool kitchens & bathrooms
- BDMWAD! E1M1-9 Y n/a Y Y reorder: 21,24,31,22,33,11,35,38,28
- BEHOLD21 E2M1 YH + N N 0/0/1 warp with thin walls
- BIGBRO E1M1 D YH + 6 N 0/0/2 8 pits @ begin, traps
- BLUDLUST E2M1 D Y ++ 6 y 0/0/1 4 halls leading into center room
- BOBWORLD E2M1 Y o N Y 0/0/1 mod e1m1, more warps & monsters
- BRIAN3L1 E3M1 Y o N Y 0/0/2 mod e3m1
- CANDYGRM E1M3 S Y ++ Y Y 0/0/7 huge mazes, follow traps, 100 barrel
- CANYON E2M1 NE o Y N long open canyon
- CASE E1M1 N ++ 13 Y outside campus, + bldgs, cool
- CASTLE E1M1 S Y ++ Y Y 0/0/2 large castle w slime moat
- CAVLAB11 E1M1 S Y ++ N N 0/1/12 20 meatballs, 10 barons, 1 exit
- CHALLENJ E1M2 S Y +++ N N 0/0/3 bar, barons @ end, large
- CHRIS E1M1 A YH + 7 3 1/0/0 cyber in room w lift bridge
- CJME2M1 E2M1 N o N N hex room, bad HOM bugs, exit?
- CLAFLIN E2M1 A Y ++~ 6 Y 0/0/1 Bost. U, small maze, complex
- CLASSICS S n/a music PWAD
- COLONY E1M1 GS YE ++ 8 Y small, puzzles & tricks
- COLOSEUM E3M1 D N + Y Y 1/0/0 4 color warp in center, barons
- COMBAT E1M1-3 D Y +~ Y Y 0/0/1 3 small, quick deathmatch, 1 weapon
- CORTYR_B E3M A YH +++ Y Y 0/0/1 huge, light post
- CRAIG31 E3M1 Y ++ 8 Y 0/0/1 locks door behind you, wall of warps
- CRUSHER E1M1 S Y ++++ N Y 1/0/0 cyber crush trap, pillars rise if shot
- CWWAD E1M1 D N ++ Y N 1 room, trenches, + inviso's
- DAEMON E1M1 N o Y Y 1/0/2 small, HOM bugs, long halls
- DAEMON2 E1M1 N ++ Y Y 1/0/3 hallway of barrels, cyber
- DAGGER E1M1 S N ++ N N cool rising cross @ end, cross over
- DEADBASE E2M1 Y +++ 6 Y Fountain, stuck doors
- DEADLY21 E2M1 N o N Y e2m1 based, more monsters
- DEATH E1M1 N + 6 N 0/0/1 semi-maze
- DEATH01 E2M1 Y o Y Y 0/0/1 2 way run around
- DEATH2 E1M2 Y o N Y 0/1/15 mod e1m2, more guns & monsters
- DETHE1M1 E1M1 A D Y +++ 17 Y cool house, C&C music fact 'sweat'
- DETHSTAR E2M1 A Y ++ 8 Y mult warps to exit level, slalom
- DETHWALK E2M1 D Y o Y Y raised walkway, hidden exit
- DMINATOR E1M1 n/a 2 Y mod stock levels, more monsters
- DPRISON E1M1 D N o Y Y 0/0/1 hidden exit, cell doors
- DRAGON12 E1M2 Y ++ 12 Y 0/1/2 map looks like a dragon
- DRANDOM E3M1 D N ++ Y Y 0/0/1 pick 1 weapon, baron
- DRKSTAIR E1M1 Y + 1 Y start in stair pit, deaf guards
- DSPIRAL E2M1 D N +++ 5 Y select 1 weapon, honeycomb spiral
- DUO_1 E1M1 D Y + Y N N 1 room, closets around outside
- E1L1KP E1M1 Y + Y Y 0/0/1 1 hex pillar room
- E1L5KO E1M5 D Y - 2 Y mod e1m5
- E1M1EDB E1M1 Y - Y Y mod e1m1
- E1M1OSK3 E1M1 D Y - 7 Y 0/0/1 mod e1m1, start backwards
- E1M1OSKU E1M1 D N - Y Y 0/0/1 mod e1m1, start backwards
- E2GC E2M2 Y ++~ 6 Y lots of switches
- E2L1BIN3 E2M1 YH + N Y 0/0/10 tons of barons, walls shut you off
- E2L1GC E2M1 Y + 5 Y crushing star, caves, climb boxes
- E2L2_GG1 E2M2 YH +++ Y Y 0/0/2 mod e2m2, barons @ exit, cool
- EE2L1 E2M1 D Y +~ N Y 0/0/1 mod e2m1, dark, +guns, +monsters
- EHD11 E1M1 NE o Y Y small
- EHD12 E1M2 NE o Y Y small
- EHD14 E1M4 NE o Y N small
- ELEVATOR E1M4 A NH o Y Y 0/0/12 tall vater, lots o barons, HOM bugs?
- EP4B E1M1-9 D n/a Y 9 deathmatch PWADS put together
- ESWADSKH E3M2 Y - 9 Y 1/0/4 mod e3m2, + monsters
- EVIL_E E1M1 A Y + 8 Y 0/0/2 skull in map, sailing ship
- FEAR21 E2M1 YH ++ N Y 1/1/4 big room w moving center & maze
- FERTILE E2M5 S Y ++ 9 Y 0/0/5 2 = halves, barons in pit @ end
- FEZ1 E1M1 Y ++ N N 0/0/3 large maze, red key cage trap
- FEZ2 E1M1 S Y ++ N N 0/0/4 narrow tunnels, raised columns
- FLASH E1M1 D YE ++ Y Y small, great vantage points =MINE1?
- FLORZOO1 E1M1 N + N N 1/1/1 zoo, wall, floor, object catalog, -ex
- FOREST E2M1 G A Y ++ Y Y new graphics for mountians
- FORTRESS E1M1 YH ++ 8 Y 0/0/4 nw maze, s outside w plasma gun
- FRED E2M1 Y + N N small wad, large courtyard
- FREEDOM E2M2 S Y +++~ Y Y 0/0/1 warp trick, circular doorway @ end
- FRIGHT E2M1 Y +++ 5 Y 2/4/6 4 spiders, 2 cyber demons, 6 barons
- FYI_1-2 E1M1-2 Y + N N 1/0/0 11; long maze , 12; split walkway
- GORE1 E1M1 D N ++ Y N N long stairs, rockets & chain gun
- GRRFY11 E1M1 D YE + 5 Y small, few monsters
- HALLS E1M1 D D Y + 18 Y 0/1/0 3 rooms, spider demon
- HALLS2 E1M1 S D N ++ 11 Y 0/0/1 updated halls.wad
- HELIPAD E1M1 S Y + N Y 0/0/2 small, good e1m1 replacement
- HELL E3M8 N + N Y 2/0/0 E3M8 end of game wad
- HEVNHELL E1M1 A Y + Y Y 0/0/7 2 halves, rt outside guns, left lava
- HHH-21 E2M1 G S YE o Y Y small, lift pits off walkay
- HHH-22 E2M2 G A Y + Y Y red carpet & 4 doors @ begin
- HOCKEY10 E1M1 D N ++ Y Y N Doom hockey, no exit
- HONEY E1M2 Y + 9 N 0/0/1 different honeycomb rooms
- HUH E2M1 Y ++ 3 Y ground splits in front of you @ end
- HUNTE1M1 E1M1 D Y o N Y 2 player exit, mod e2m1
- HUNTE1M2 E1M2 D Y o N Y mod hand wad
- JADML1M1 E1M1 D NE + 8 Y circular with center room
- JAL_CAS1 E2M1 Y + 6 Y small, castle
- JAL_DM1 E1M1 D N + 12 N small, outside, corner warps
- JEFF-1-2 E1M2 D N + 9 N N mod e1m2
- JL2D E1M1 D S N ++ N N 0/0/1 perpetual warp @ begin, parts of e1m1
- JUSTEC E1M1 N ++ N Y 0/1/1 cyber on warp grid, lift 2 cntr of hex
- JUSTIN E1M3 NE o 6 Y 0/0/1 small
- K9 E1M1 D A Y +++~ 6 Y 0/0/2 sniper spots, lowering bridge, campus
- KENT2 E1M1 Y o 2 Y mod e1m2
- KRONOS E1M1 S Y ++ N N large steps -w- pink dudes @ end
- LEDGES E1M1 D N + 12 Y center pit w stairs & rooms around
- LEDGES2 E1M1 D ++ 10 Y updated ledges
- LEGEND1 E1M1 S Y + 9 Y blue narrow halls, caverns
- LEGEND2 E1M2 A Y + 8 Y 0/0/1 hidden halls, lowering platforms @ end
- LEGEND3 E1M3 A Y ++ 16 Y stair circles (cloverleaf), 2 exit
- LEWIS21F E2M1 A Y +++ 12 Y 0/0/2 huge outdoor, sw vantage catwalk
- LIT-E2M1 E2M1 Y o N Y mod e2m1 done in wood paneling
- LITHE2M1 E2M1 Y o Y Y large tall lift rooms
- LOGO E1M1 D N o Y Y Doom logo, no guns, 11 exits
- LONGMTCH E2M1 D Y ++ 8 Y 0/0/1 lots of cages, face in map
- MARKROOM E1M1 D NE + 7 N 1 room, stair island = ROOMY.WAD
- MARX1_1 E1M1 Y + Y Y 0/0/1 small, baron & imps
- MARX1_2 E1M2 N ++ 6 Y confusing grey interior
- MAZE E1M2 Y + 12 Y 0/0/1 invisible walls
- MAZE1 E1M1 A Y + 5 Y outside maze
- MEGALAB E1M2 A YH +++ Y Y 0/0/3 landing strip & hanger
- MEGAWATT E1M1 A YH ++ Y Y 0/0/2 chaingun trap, plasma r @ begin
- MELANGE E2M1 A Y + Y Y 0/0/1 long stairs down then up @ begin
- MINE1 E1M1 D NE + N N N good vantage, - monsters, =FLASH?
- MOONBASE E1M1 Y ++ 5 Y 0/0/1 l/r split @ begin, courtyard
- MXK_C-11 E1M1 NH +++ N N 0/0/2 maze, crushing halls
- MXK_D-11 E1M1 NH +++ 9 Y 0/0/3 mazes, around 50 meatballs
- NETBEAST E1M1 N o 5 N 0/0/4 barons in a square hallway
- NEVEREST E2M1 YH ++ 8 Y 1/0/10 sipral stairs & cyber @ begin
- NEWHITS1 E1M1-9 S n/a N 8 wads, cheat to exit
- NEWTECHN E1M1 N o N N 1/0/10 invisible stairs, 1 room, exit?
- NOVA E1M1 D Y ++ Y Y small deathmatch, blue lit halls
- OCTAFRAG E1M1 D N ++ Y Y cross connects & warps, deathmatch
- OCTAGON E1M1 Y +++ Y Y crosswalk jumps, key tightrope, octo
- OCTO E2M1 N o N N 1/2/4 1 room, barons outside
- OPOST21 E2M1 S Y ++++ N N perfectly lit caverns
- OUTLAND E2M1 D N ++~ Y N 0/0/3 ledges along side of slime rooms
- PANIC! E2M2 D Y ++ 10 Y 0/0/1 trick red key, walkthrough walls
- PAT E2M8 D N o Y Y mod e2m8, darker, no cyber
- PET E1M2 NH +++ 2 Y 1/0/6 crush, spiral room, huge
- PET2 E1M1 N o N N 1 room, about 100 guards
- PILLARS E1M1 D Y + 10 Y jump pillar stairs
- PLEASURE E1M1 D Y +++ Y Y 0/0/4 huge circular arena
- POST11 E1M1 S N ++ N N 0/0/3 huge armory, switches behind doors
- PROTO1 E2M1 Y ++ N N 0/0/1 crush @ begin, inviso maze
- PSYCH E1M1 S N o N N 2/1/22 lots of barons
- PURDUE E2M1 N ++~ N Y 0/0/3 large campus, step arena @ end, HOM
- PYRAMID E2M1 Y ++ N Y 0/0/1 pyramid with rising steps
- QUARY11 E1M1 D Y + Y Y no exit, canyon with + guns above
- RAMPAGE E1M1 N ++~ Y Y 0/0/1 office building
- REACTOR E2M1 Y ++~ N 12 1/1/2 8pt warp star, red bars block exit
- RIKER10 E1M1 Y ++ 12 Y 2 barons & key right, exit mv floor
- ROCK-IT E1M1 D N ++ 11 N 1/0/0 hidden warps, green cross
- ROOMY E1M1 NE + 7 N 1 room, stair islands =MARKROOM.WAD
- RUN E1M8 Y + N N 0/0/1 crush, pillar, hop, tightrope
- RUNLKHEL E2M1 YH +++ Y Y 0/0/1 hidden keys, moat, murder holes
- SC E1M1 N o 6 Y 0/0/1 - monsters, + batteries, open rooms
- SCC2 E1M1 D N ++ 8 Y 1/0/1 mucho weapons
- SCREAM E1M1 NH ++ 3 Y 3/0/4 cage, puzzles
- SEWERS E3M1 Y + 6 Y 0/0/2 huge sewer maze, barons @ exit
- SHADOWS E1M1 D N o 7 N N small, + guns, no exit
- SHADOWS2 E1M1 D N + 7 N N no exit, dark deathmatch, exit?
- SHADOWS3 E1M1 D ++ 19 1 N small, quick & deadly deathmatch
- SHOCK E2M1 Y +~ Y Y 5 rooms connected, HOM
- SHUTTLE E2M1 N - N N unfinished? large dark hangar, no exit
- SPUNK E1M1 NH ++ Y Y 0/0/2 tons of wimpy monsters, no exit
- SS-E1L2 E1M2 Y o N Y 0/0/1 mod e1m2
- SS27BETA E2M7 A YH +++~ Y N 0/0/1 HUGE complex! hundreds of rooms, slow
- SS27BET2 E2M7 Y +++~ Y Y 0/0/1 updated ss27beta.wad
- STAIRS E1M1 D N +++ 5 N 0/0/1 crushing walk on way to baron point
- STARWAR1 E1M1 Y ++~ Y Y 0/0/4 Star wars deathstar layout
- STEWBETA E1M1 D N o 8 Y 1/0/0 spiral tower, few weapons
- STOLEN E2M1 D N +++ Y Y 0/0/5 good warp spots, dark areas
- STONES E1M1 Y ++ Y Y small, cross walk, courtyard w arch
- STORAGE E1M1 S Y +++ N Y warehouse maze @ begin, cool stairs
- STRENGTH E1M1 S Y + N N loop around for keys
- SUBWAY11 E1M1 NE + 1 Y few monsters, cool, subway station
- SW1 E1M1 Y o Y Y 3/3/0 mod e1m1
- SW2 E1M1 Y o Y Y 1/1/17 mod e1m1
- SWEET E2M1 Y + 6 y 0/0/1 small, rooms in a spiral
- SWETDETH E1M1 D N ++ Y N 0/0/1 trenches, inviso's, modified CWWAD
- TEK11 E1M1 Y + 3 Y Georgia Tech campus
- TEMPLE11 E1M1 S Y ++ N N 0/0/1 red key on altar, switchbacks @ end
- THE-KEEP E1M1 S Y +++ 6 Y updated castle.wad
- THEKEEP2 E1M1 Y +++ 6 Y updated the-keep.wad
- THEPITS E2M1 Y ++ N Y spiral start, 3 buildings
- THETA-4 E1M1 G D Y ++ 10 Y N<4 sniper corners, snow mountains
- THINK11 E1M1 N + 2 Y 0/0/3 small, crushing rooms
- THINK12 E1M2 N + N Y long crush hallway, boogie to exit
- TNCROSS2 E2M1 Y + 3 Y open area, exit switch @ begin
- TNSPIRES E2M1 Y o Y N start on high spires
- TREE1 E1M1 D Y ++ 5 Y 0/0/1 look for switches, lots of tricks
- TREE2 E1M1 S Y ++ Y Y 0/0/2 lots of puzzles
- TRENCH E1M1 N ++~ Y N large, outdoor trenches
- TTADOM11 E1M1 Y ++ 3 Y small, 2 floor effect @ end
- UCA E2M1 S Y +++~ N N 0/0/4 shoot face to get yellow key
- ULTIMA E2M1 D N + Y Y start on raised cross, 1 room
- UNDERSEA E2M1 S S Y + N Y 0/0/3 barons, loop around back to begin
- UPLIFTNG E1M1 D Y ++ 5 Y 0/0/5 guns around rim, slime rivers w trees
- VILLAGE E1M1 Y ++~ 3 Y 0/0/2 8 buildings, maze becomes invisible
- VIPER E1M1 Y + Y Y small, odd shaped rooms
- WALKER E1M1 A N ++ Y Y 0/1/6 2 red rows @ begin
- WANTON E1M1 A Y +++ 5 Y 0/0/6 huge outdoor diamond, 4 corner rooms
- WANTON12 E1M1-2 A Y ++ 3 Y wanton split into 2 levels
- WARHOUSE E1M1 A Y ++ 3 Y large warehouse
- WEDGE E1M1 Y + 9 Y 0/0/6 cntr area w 3 locked corners
- WHITROOM E1M1 GS Y ++ 12 Y self portriat @ begin
- WILLE1M1 E1M1 S Y + 3 Y small, 3 way door @ begin
- WOGA11 E1M1 S Y + 5 3 small, 3 key doors left @ begin
- YOUNG1 E2M1 Y ++~ Y Y 0/0/6 barons rise out of pits
- ZZONE E1M1 D N + 10 Y 1/0/0 meatballs, cyber & only rockets
- *14-2-2*: DOOM DeathMatch WAD Ranking
- -------------------------------------
- Site (1): wads/<directory_name_here>/<filename>
- +=========================================================================+
- | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= |
- | 200+ WADS - Revision Date: 08/01/94 |
- +=========================================================================+
- Compiled by: James Dicke & "Chainsaw Jim" Urbas
- About the authors:
- James Dicke jdicke@carroll1.cc.edu or EXEC-PC: JAMES DICKE
- - DOOM Fanatic. As an employee of the Virtual Gaming Center he finds
- time to talk to many doom-junkies that are not on the internet. It
- has been his hobby to collect all WAD's.
- Jim "Chainsaw" Urbas jimu@point.cs.uwm.edu
- - DOOM Fanatic. Current projects: wc - Wad compiler; tool to help
- developers integrate new graphics into WAD files. Deathmatch
- Compilations DM_xx_xx.ZIP; several 9 level episodes containing the
- best deathmatch maps, optimized for use in a single episode (namely:
- DMSMALL1 and DMSMALL2). Also working on a new solo episode with
- Brant Katkansky, author of NUCLEAR.WAD. Main area of interest is in
- adding additional graphics to doom missions.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ratings Legend:
- G = Game Play D = Design # = Recommended Minimum
- How Fun And Addicting How Interesting/Clever Number Of Players
- ------------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------
- + = Play til Dawn + = A Piece Of Art 6 = WAY TOO LARGE
- 9 = Near Perfect 9 = Amazing 5 = Huntin' w/4 players
- 8 = Great--Play 1-2 hrs 8 = Fascinating 4 = Hopin' w/4 players
- 7 = Excellent--A favorite 7 = Interesting 3 = Hopin' w/3 players
- 6 = Very Good--30-60 min 6 = Above Average 2 = Hopin' w/2 players
- 5 = Average - Good 5 = Average 1 = A Frag every 10 sec
- 4 = OK but flawed 4 = Below Average even with 2 players
- 3 = A diversion - 10 min. 3 = Poor 0 = WAY TOO SMALL
- 2 = Boring after 2 min. 2 = Ugly
- 1 = Painfully boring 1 = A Bad Joke ? = Untested
- 0 = Utter shit 0 = Vomit
- _ = Untested _ = Untested
- T: Type A=Action, H=Hunting, B=Both, -= Who knows
- W: Weapons 0=Pistol/Fists, 1=Shotgun, 2=Chain, 3=Rocket/Plasma 4=BFG
- M: Monsters 0=None, 1=A few, 2=Several, 3=Lots, 4=Big&Bad, 5=Barons/Cyber
- Comments:
- +G means new graphics +S means new sounds, +M new music was added
- +Cx Cooperative Exit +T text background story +D2 Deathmatch v2.0 ok
- -X has no exit -x has an unmarked exit
- ==========================================================================
- G = Game Play T = Type (Action/Hunting/Both)
- D = Design W = Weapons at skill 1 (0-4)
- # = Recommended Minimum # Players M = Monsters at skill 1 (0-5)
- G D Name Map Released #T WM Short Description and Comments
- - - -------- ---- -------- -- -- ----------------------------------------
- + 9 markroom E1M1 4-15-94 2A 30 Dark arena w/steps -x
- + 7 ledges E1M1 4-20-94 2A 34 Tunnels around a main room +D2
- + 6 shadows E1M1 4-11-94 2A 40 2 small rooms connected w/halls -X
- + 5 house E1M1 5-28-94 2A 40 Simple house design, no furniture -X
- 9 7 butt E1M1 6-17-94 3B 44 Wood arena, shadow snipers +SM -X
- 9 7 ihrke2 E1M1 7-22-94 2A __ Pit w/ledges and crasher -x
- 9 7 ledges3 E1M1 6-07-94 2A 34 2 rooms w/ledges, stairs, & elevators
- 9 7 peace E1M1 5-18-94 2B 40 Based on Shadows
- 9 6 cor81 E1M1 5-31-94 4A 40 Corridors w/side rooms. Invs walls -X
- 9 5 corr2 E1M1 5-31-94 2A 40 VSml. Cross shaped. Light switch -X
- 9 5 circle E1M1 7-13-94 2A 30 A circle w/guns in outside doorways. -X
- 9 _ hitmeinf E1M1 7-20-94 2B __ One lrg oval room w/obsticals
- 8 9 markrm3 E1M1 6-13-94 2A 22 Staircases -x
- 8 8 core E1M1 5-30-94 4B 34 Vbig, square/symmetrical +G
- 8 7 buttv2 E1M1 7-19-94 3B __ Updated version of BUTT for +D2
- 8 7 shadows3 E1M1 5-17-94 2A 40 Updated shadows, cute- less playable
- 8 6 e2m1_joe E2M1 7-14-94 2B 30 Three large elevators w/connecting halls
- 8 6 nova E1M1 5-12-94 2A 32 Arena in outer ring. Passable walls -x
- 8 6 styx E1M1 6-15-94 2A 30 Court yard w/bridge & sniper halls
- 8 6 tourney E1M1 6-27-94 2B 30 Central court yard w/snipe zones
- 8 5 fragday E1M1 7-03-94 2A 40 Several big rooms, stairs, yard
- 8 5 ihrke1 E1M1 7-22-94 2A __ Simular to "dthbox.wad" TonsOWeapons -x
- 8 5 stream E3M1 7-01-94 3A 40 Compound built around a stream -x
- 8 _ lavapit E1M1 7-27-94 2B 4_ Sqr. rooms w/halls & lova moat.
- 8 _ facelift E1M1 7-25-94 3B __ Elevators w/center room & teleporters
- 8 _ jeff19a E1M9 7-26-94 2B __ Several circle rooms w/yard. LotsOammo
- 7 + maverick E2M1 6-03-94 3B 23 Tom Neff; Little ammo, Multi-Theme Map +Cx
- 7 9 bludlust E2M1 5-12-94 4H 45 Tall center room, plus shaped
- 7 8 bludlst2 E1M9 5-20-94 4H 43 Star shaped, lots of suicide
- 7 8 draco1 E2M1 7-22-94 4H __ Cross halls, Elevators, & Teleporters
- 7 8 jadml1m1 E1M1 4-07-94 2A 21 Dark central room w/sniper points -x
- 7 8 pentadth E2M1 7-01-94 5B 30 5 Large Rooms w/ledges & elevators -X
- 7 8 tnplhome E1M1 6-03-94 3A 31 Someone's nice home w/furniture
- 7 7 room E2M1 6-27-94 2B __ Lrg room w/big pillers -x
- 7 6 chase E1M1 7-01-94 2B 34 Center room w/side chambers
- 7 6 octafrag E1M1 4-26-94 3B 12 Center elevators & snipe zones -X
- 7 6 tncross2 E2M1 4-05-94 2A __ *corrupt* (Use DMSMALL1)
- 7 6 ultima E1M1 5-02-94 2A 31 1Rm, Suspended Cross -x
- 7 5 clash E1M1 5-23-94 2A 30 Symmetric w/center room, no Spec
- 7 5 cwwad E1M1 6-08-94 5A 33 VLrg. Center room. Pyramid. Berserks
- 7 5 deathme E3M1 6-06-94 2A 45 Large Sq w/pillars, barrels, windows +M
- 7 5 duo_1 E1M1 4-29-94 2H 30 Square area w/outside corridor
- 7 5 hexxed E1M1 6-06-94 2A 45 Caged Spider & Cyber -x
- 7 5 swetdeth E1M1 5-06-94 3B 35 Square room w/trench & hill
- 7 4 ledges2 E1M1 5-17-94 2A 34 Like Ledges, sloppy
- 7 4 nasty11 E1M1 6-03-94 1A 21 Simple octagon w/weapons in center
- 7 4 steps3 E1M1 3-30-94 3B 33 Multi-rooms & snipe windows
- 7 3 dthbox E1M1 5-04-94 2A 40 VSml room w/ TonsOweapons on pillars
- 7 2 t3 E1M1 6-25-94 1A 50 VSml. 4 doors, 4 rooms, 4 Weapons. -X
- 7 _ qwert7 E2M1 7-20-94 2A __ Caverns and 1-way walls
- 7 _ town E3M6 7-21-94 3H __ Many buildings & walls
- 7 _ show E1M1 7-21-94 3H __ Lrg hex room w/sniper zones
- 7 _ lurker E2M1 7-24-94 3B __ Circles w/1 way walls & halls +D2
- 7 _ auror12a E1M2 7-29-94 3H __ Lots of secrets, pillers, platforms
- 7 _ tkmaz14a E1M4 7-29-94 2H __ Twisty halls, hidden maze
- 7 _ chase21a E2M1 7-25-94 2B __ Center building w/outside yard +G
- 7 _ phrag21a E1M1 7-25-94 4H __ Several halls & lrg rooms (Nudes) +G
- 7 _ trimatch E1M1 7-20-94 2B __ Three circles connected w/outer circle
- 7 _ bilbo11 E1M1 7-28-94 3B __ Halls & rooms *M -x
- 7 _ chain E2M1 7-31-94 2B __ LotsOchainsaws, drak areas, fake walls
- 7 _ ojsim1 E2M1 7-31-94 3B __ Several rooms w/secret snipper zones
- 6 8 morehell E1M1 5-06-94 4H 11 VBig. Interconnected rooms. +Cx
- 6 7 fragyou E1M1 6-25-94 3A 22 Court yard w/stairs & elevators
- 6 6 dethe1m1 E1M1 4-30-94 4A 31 A large house. +GM
- 6 6 dethmaze E1M1 7-13-94 4H 32 A maze w/some darkness & sniper zones
- 6 6 spaz E2M1 6-27-94 5H 45 2 Large Rooms, Perches & snipe zones
- 6 5 gore1 E1M1 4-18-94 4A 30 Large cavernous rooms (maze like)
- 6 5 speedoom E1M1 6-20-94 2A 30 Square room w/teleporters (DM?)
- 6 5 spiral E2M1 4-20-94 4H 34 Room w/spiral stairs + small rooms
- 6 5 the-keep E1M1 5-08-94 4H 30 In the shape of a castle/moat/court
- 6 5 theta-4 E1M1 5-14-94 4H 30 Outside arena. Large rooms. +G
- 6 5 zzone E1M1 4-20-94 2A 35 Big room w/perches
- 6 4 dmaze E1M1 7-01-94 4H 30 Dark large twisting caverns
- 6 4 fig8 E1M1 7-23-94 2B 4_ Figure 8 shaped.
- 6 3 avrax E3M4 6-08-94 5H 40 Paths & Arenas. TonsOAmmo
- 6 3 grease E3M1 6-24-94 2A 33 Inverted pyramid. One way-down
- 6 _ drkstair E2M1 7-20-94 3B __ Stair pit w/outer halls -x
- 6 _ lost_dth E3M1 7-__-94 4H __ Several buildings, teleports, sniper
- 6 _ tunnels E1M2 7-21-94 2A __ Butterfly shapped caverns w/teleports
- 6 _ pits13a E1M3 7-29-94 3H __ Inverted pyramid, platform, teleporters
- 6 _ ash15a E1M5 7-26-94 2H __ Tons of small rooms w/doors
- 6 _ batman E2M1 7-24-94 4H __ Lots of loops & shadows
- 6 _ horror E1M1 _-__-94 4H __ Halls & rooms -x
- 5 9 space E1M1 5-27-94 2B 33 Several large room in outer space +GS
- 5 9 the_grid E2M1 5-20-94 4H 23 SLOW. Lots of nooks & crannies
- 5 8 trench E1M1 5-12-94 3A 21 Trenches to run around in outside
- 5 7 markrm2 E2M1 6-13-94 3A 22 Veritical floor maze -x
- 5 7 swig1 E1M1 7-01-94 5H 35 4 Rooms, 50 Rockets
- 5 6 afro E1M1 4-19-94 4H 23 Large Complex level
- 5 6 flat-692 E1M1 6-07-94 2A 34 A house w/furniture & yard
- 5 6 jadml1m1 E1M1 4-07-94 2B 22 Dark Ring w/Powerups
- 5 6 warehse1 E1M1 6-13-94 5H 35 VBig. Boxes mazes & outside yard
- 5 5 11bones E1M1 4-11-94 4B 21 Center room w/halls & perches
- 5 5 bigbro E1M1 4-19-94 5H 23 Large rooms. One "god" player -x
- 5 5 cross E1M3 3-11-94 5H 34 Big complex w/many rooms
- 5 5 dspiral E2M1 1-26-94 2A 43 Arena & spiral stairs in center -x
- 5 5 flash E1M1 4-04-94 4H 14 Side rooms w/central pit & balcony -x
- 5 5 frgfst21 E2M1 5-02-94 5H 21 Hex room, spiral stairs, big court yrd
- 5 5 techbase E1M1 5-31-94 4H 32 Large room w/crates + snipe zones -x
- 5 5 urbnbeta E1M1 6-06-94 4B 32 Several big houses & yards
- 5 4 acheron E1M3 6-10-94 4B 22 Many hex rooms & teleporters
- 5 4 dodge E1M1 6-29-94 2B 45 Very dark. Square chambers w/Barons
- 5 4 jaredm11 E1M1 7-03-94 3B 40 Coliseum w/side halls & teleports
- 5 4 xeno11 E1M1 5-24-94 5H 35 Many room complex w/outside area +G
- 5 3 cantrun E1M1 6-27-94 4H 50 VBig, TonsOWep Repetitive -X
- 5 3 stolen E2M1 7-01-94 4A 35 Based on Shadows. Bad lighting.
- 5 2 quirul E1M1 7-01-94 4A 12 Large warehouse w/halls -X
- 5 2 rip2 E1M4 6-13-94 3B 30 Many caverns -X
- 5 1 canyon E2M1 6-08-94 4B 32 Twisty canyon
- 5 _ kill E1M1 7-22-94 4H _0 Open area, ledges, buildings
- 5 _ circle_ E1M1 7-22-94 5H __ Vlrg. interesting complex.
- 5 _ rip2 E1M1 7-16-94 __ __ -x
- 5 _ rip5 E1M3 7-16-94 __ __ -x
- 4 8 coloseum E3M1 6-08-94 3A 35 Circular room. Outside Secrets
- 4 8 deadzone E1M1 6-07-94 5H 22 Arena & lift grid
- 4 7 thekeep2 E1M1 5-15-94 4H 20 In the shape of a castle/moat/court
- 4 7 9-to-5 E1M6 6-13-94 5H __ Vlrg office building w/outside.
- 4 6 dmat4 E1M1 7-01-94 3A 44 Large warehouse. LotsOBarrels
- 4 5 freedom E2M2 5-12-94 4H 33 Halls & large caverns interconnected
- 4 5 sewer E2M1 5-30-94 5H 32 Large open center circled by building
- 4 5 stairs E1M1 4-30-94 6H 35 VBig. Lots of rooms & stairs
- 4 4 grrfy11 E1M1 4-16-94 3H 22 Large multi-room complex -x
- 4 4 pyramid E2M1 5-11-94 4H 34 Pyramid w/mazes. (DM?)
- 4 4 quary11 E1M1 5-02-94 2A 33 Large pit w/trenches. -X
- 4 4 rampage E1M1 5-16-94 4H 33 Large complex w/many small rooms
- 4 3 atica E1M1 6-29-94 4H 12 Large maze w/outside area
- 4 3 horror21 E2M1 5-28-94 4B 45 Multi-room complex
- 4 2 pellejos E1M1 7-01-94 3A 10 Large Square room w/outer ring -X
- 4 _ biosci E1M1 7-22-94 5H _4 Outside yard w/Lrg. building
- 4 _ gryblood E2M2 7-20-94 4H __ Bizaar floating building (DM?)
- 4 _ holymoly E2M3 7-20-94 2A __ Huge circle arnea -x
- 4 _ rip3 E1M2 7-16-94 __ __ -x
- 4 _ rip4 E1M1 7-16-94 __ __ -x
- 4 _ rip6 E3M1 7-16-94 __ __ -x
- 4 _ rip7 E1M5 7-16-94 __ __ -x
- 4 _ rip8 E1M3 7-16-94 __ __ -x
- 4 _ convertm E1M1 6-30-94 4H __ Rooms w/cages, halls, elevators -x (HOM)
- 4 _ hiding E1M1 7-28-94 4H __ Halls, Lrg rooms, traps, secrets
- 3 6 castle E1M1 7-12-94 5H 33 VLrg. Castle layout w/outside & moat.
- 3 6 longmtch E2M1 4-21-94 4H 43 Lots of rooms, cages, secrets
- 3 5 djg21-1a E2M1 3-28-94 5B 45 Rooms connected by halls
- 3 5 nitro2 E2M1 6-08-94 3H 23 Interconnecting rooms
- 3 5 pleasure E1M1 5-10-94 5B 15 Huge stadium w/bleachers & lot -x
- 3 4 daemon2 E1M1 4-07-94 4H 25 Not a deathmatch specific.
- 3 4 upliftng E1M1 4-17-94 4H 25 Halls, pits, & trees
- 3 3 hellbnd E2M1 6-04-94 5H 30 Large multi-room complex
- 3 3 jal_dm1 E1M1 5-10-94 3B 31 Several large court yards + teleports
- 3 3 jeff-1-2 E1M2 3-24-94 4H 31 Large rooms some dark w/teleports
- 3 3 rings E1M1 6-19-94 2A 12 Sq. Rings around a central block
- 3 2 dprison E1M1 1-21-94 2A 45 All start in center room w/Baron
- 3 1 arena E1M1 4-08-94 6A 40 Biggest room ever- Lots of HOM & equip
- 3 _ wwf E1M1 7-27-94 2B __ Arena & halls
- 2 8 dethwalk E2M1 4-11-94 2A 33 Planks on a green acid lake
- 2 8 quatro E1M1 6-14-94 4H 44 VBig multi-level complex w/outside
- 2 4 lvnghell E1M1 7-01-94 2H 33 Lots of large & weird rooms +M -X
- 2 4 pillars E1M1 2-18-94 3H 34 Pillar room, Outside circle
- 2 4 sniper E1M1 6-30-94 3H 32 Many connected rooms -x
- 2 4 softhell E2M1 6-14-94 4H 35 Very big complex. Too many monsters
- 2 4 rock-it E1M1 5-09-94 4H 35 Several Large rooms. Many Suicide
- 1 1 nitro1 E2M2 5-20-94 2A 30 Very small. Interconnected rooms.
- 1 2 stewbeta E1M1 9-07-78 5H 45 Outside lake & tower (lots of HOM)
- 1 3 tnspires E2M1 4-07-94 2A 10 4 tall pillars surround by acid
- (14-2-3): PWAD Authoring Template v1.4
- --------------------------------------
- For all of you PWAD authors out there, here is the "Official" PWAD
- Authoring Template v1.4. When you release your PWAD, please fill this form
- out and place it in the information file you create about your PWAD.
- Thanks to Steve Bareman (bareman@hope.cit.hope.edu) for creating a WAD
- about file standard.
- WAD Authoring Template V1.4 (Clip this line)
- ================================================================
- Title :
- Filename : xxxx.WAD
- Author : Your name here
- Email Address :
- Misc. Author Info :
- Description : Set the mood here.
- Additional Credits to :
- ================================================================
- * Play Information *
- Episode and Level # : ExMx (,ExMx,...)
- Single Player : Yes/No
- Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes/No
- Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes/No
- Difficulty Settings : Yes/Not implemented
- New Sounds : Yes/No
- New Graphics : Yes/No
- New Music : Yes/No
- Demos Replaced : None/1/2/3/All
- * Construction *
- Base : New level from scratch/Modified ExMx/xxx.WAD
- Editor(s) used :
- Known Bugs :
- * Copyright / Permissions *
- Authors (MAY/may NOT) use this level as a base to build additional
- levels.
- (One of the following)
- You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
- no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
- format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
- intact.
- You MAY not distribute this WAD file in any format.
- You may do whatever you want with this file.
- * Where to get this WAD *
- FTP sites:
- BBS numbers:
- Other:
- (14-3): Sounds
- ==============
- Here is a catalog of various sound collections available for DOOM.
- Bill Neisius' DMAUD v1.1 or similar utility is needed to import many of
- them into DOOM. Others are in PWAD format, which require the use
- of the command line:
- "DOOM -FILE <wadfile>.WAD"
- Site (1): sounds/(filename)
- ==== =========== =======
- aliens2 .zip Aliens movie Unknown
- ash-doom.zip PWAD of doom-ash.zip Unknown
- awsdm1-2.zip Best sounds collection Christian Reed (jcr@gas.uug.arizona.edu)
- dm_chris.zip Realistic/frightening Chris Hayashida
- (chayashida@ms.asucla.ucla.edu)
- dm_fluid.zip Fluid Motion sounds Dagda Samildanac
- (dagda_s@hebron.connected.com)
- dm_gheto.zip Explicit lyrics Unknown
- dmaliens.zip Aliens movie "Peacemaker"
- dmmisc .zip Star Wars/Ren & Stimpy "Asthmahound"
- dmnsnd1 .zip Aliens/Predator/Ash Daniel Kennett (dkennett@sfu.ca)
- dmnsnd2 .zip Simpsons "Shriker" (gills@qucdn.queensu.ca)
- dmnsnd3 .zip Predator/others "Shriker" (gills@qucdn.queensu.ca)
- dmpython.zip Monty Python Adam Isgreen and Andre Vrignaud
- (andrev@aol.com)
- dmsally .zip When Harry Met Sally "Duran Duran"
- dmsilly1.zip Humorous Unknown (dchouina@sobeco.ca)
- dmstrwr1.zip Star Wars PWAD Unknown (aaronf@netcom.com)
- dmwierd .zip 36 new sounds Scott Schuricht
- (schurich@mn.ecn.purdue.edu)
- dmzounds.zip TV shows/songs/CDs Stephen Pandke (pandke@zeus.achilles.net)
- doe.zip Homer Simpson Steve (gunhed@netcom.com)
- doom-ash.zip Army-Darkness/Evil Dead Brian Olson (olso0389@maroon.tc.umn.edu)
- doomdwdk.zip Darkwing Duck Patrick (patrick@fornext.com)
- doomsnds.zip Util plays sounds Michael Albers (mal@netcom.com)
- doomwkd .zip "Wicked" sounds "D.H."
- doomwavs.zip Sound collection "Halitosis"
- drwho.zip Dr. Who sounds Simon Jansen (sjan01@cs.aukuni.ac.nz)
- dsmdoom .zip Original DOOM sounds Unknown (drudman@corp.hp.com)
- dsmterm .zip Terminator Unknown (drudman@corp.hp.com)
- gdsounds.zip PWAD of greatds.zip Unknown (efisher@moose.uvm.edu)
- greatds .zip Sound collection Unknown
- gus1m.zip Optimized GUS MIDI Tom Klok (a344@mindlink.bc.ca)
- hn_doom .zip HellNet sounds Unknown
- hhgwavs .zip Hitchhiker's Guide TTG S.P. Harvey (sharvey@interaccess.com)
- homer .zip Simpsons PWAD Dave Sawford and Andrew Gerrard
- (dws@ras.phy.cam.ac.uk)
- jb-doom .zip James Brown sounds Steven Fox (steven.fox@twwde.com)
- jbrown .zip James Brown sounds Ron VanDevender
- (renv@graylady.uoregon.edu)
- jesco .zip Jesco White sounds Unknown (un035345@wvnvaxa.wvnet.edu)
- jpdoom .zip Jurassic Park sounds Steven Waldner (waldner@plains.nodak.edu)
- mstdoom .zip MST3k sounds Michael Coleman (grolsch1@aol.com)
- mydoom10.zip Sound collection Unknown
- mymixwad.zip Sound collection Unknown
- not4kids.zip Explicit lyrics Unknown (cluster@neosoft.com)
- python .zip Monty Python sounds Solomon White (whitesol@math.enmu.edu)
- sex .zip Explicit lyrics Wade Stewart (swade@efn.org)
- swsfx .zip Star Wars sounds Unknown
- st-snds .zip Star Trek Pete Hesse (pmhesse@vax1.acs.jmu.edu)
- sternwad.zip Howard Stern Unknown
- stooges .zip The Three Stooges Phil Robinson
- (robinson@euler.jsc.nasa.gov)
- swfxpwad.zip Star Wars Unknown
- t2sounds.zip Terminator II Unknown
- t2 .zip Terminator II Unknown
- yaasp .zip Aliens sounds Jeremy Phillips
- (jphil@tartarus.uwa.edu.au)
- (14-4): Music
- =============
- Here is a catalog of various music collections available for DOOM.
- Bill Neisius' DMMUSIC v1.0a or similar utility is needed to import many of
- them into DOOM. Others are in PWAD format, which require the use
- of the command line:
- "DOOM -FILE <wadfile>.WAD"
- Site (1): music/(filename)
- ==== =========== === =======
- allepmus.zip assorted music 123 Unknown
- (jtdickin@ouray.denver.colorado.edu)
- classic1.zip classical music 1XX Unknown
- classic2.zip classical music 1XX Unknown
- clasmus .zip classical music 1XX Unknown
- e2music1.zip assorted music 12X Unknown (chadan@daisy.cc.utexas.edu)
- jaymust .zip assorted music 12X Unknown (bgorski@emr1.emr.ca)
- lithmusi.zip classic rock 123 Chris Hopkins (chopkins@peinet.pe.ca)
- starmid .zip Star Wars music 123 Unknown
- swmusfx3.zip Star Wars music 123 Chris Hopkins (chopkins@peinet.pe.ca)
- swmusic .zip Star Wars music 123 Chris Hopkins (chopkins@peinet.pe.ca)
- t2mus .zip Terminator II music 1XX Wirta Wiriyan (kosasih@cae.wisc.edu)
- (14-5): LMPs (Recordings)
- =========================
- Here is a catalog of various movie recordings (LMPs) available for
- DOOM. To use these files, the following command line is needed:
- "DOOM -PLAYDEMO <LMP name without extension>"
- Site (1): lmps/1.2/(filename)
- Site (1): lmps/1.4/(filename)
- Site (1): lmps/1.5/(filename)
- ==== =========== =======
- 3manlmp .zip Three-player DeathMatch Terry Echiverri (terry@usis.com)
- 3pdm-02 .zip Three-player DeathMatch Tony Fogle (cluster@usis.com)
- 4p-death.zip Four-player DeathMatch Alan Wen/Tony Fogle (cluster@usis.com)
- 666l .zip 666.wad LMP Bob Tausworthe (tozz@cup.hp.com)
- abyssl .zip abyss.wad LMP Bob Tausworthe (tozz@cup.hp.com)
- arlmp1 .zip DeathMatch LMPs Alan Ruth (aruth@comp.uark.edu)
- daemon2l.zip daemon2.wad LMP Bob Tausworthe (tozz@cup.hp.com)
- dodge29 .zip Antics on E2M9 Sven (sn@g386bsd.first.gmd.de)
- doomsplt.zip Enemy gory deaths Unknown
- e1-lmps .exe Episode 1 walkthrough Alan Wen (cpw8034@summa.tamu.edu)
- e2-lmps .exe Episode 2 walkthrough Alan Wen (cpw8034@summa.tamu.edu)
- e3-lmps .exe Episode 3 walkthrough Alan Wen (cpw8034@summa.tamu.edu)
- escaplmp.zip escape.wad LMP Unknown
- flashl .zip flash.wad LMP Bob Tausworthe (tozz@cup.hp.com)
- fourplay.zip Four player LMP "The Kid" (thekid@orglobe.intel.com)
- lmpvol1 .exe DOOM LMP Hall of Michael Houston (mp_hous@pavo.concordia.ca)
- lmpvol2 .exe Fame Collector's Edtn. Michael Houston (mp_hous@pavo.concordia.ca)
- megalabl.zip megalab.wad LMP Bob Tausworthe (tozz@cup.hp.com)
- megawatl.zip megawattt.wad LMP Bob Tausworthe (tozz@cup.hp.com)
- octagon .zip octagon.wad LMP Bob Tausworthe (tozz@cup.hp.com)
- opost21l.zip opost21.wad LMp Bob Tausworthe (tozz@cup.hp.com)
- ral3man .zip Three player LMP Unknown
- scream .zip scream.wad LMP Bob Tausworthe (tozz@cup.hp.com)
- threplay.zip Three player LMP "The Kid" (thekid@ornews.intel.com)
- *14-6*: DEHACKED patches
- ========================
- DEHACKED (see Chapter [13-2]) allows modification of the DOOM.EXE
- file. DEHACKED can be used to create DOOM.EXE patch files, which are used
- to save DOOM.EXE settings to be distributed. To use a DEHACKED patch,
- the DEHACKED utility is required (see Chapter [13-2]). Using the DEHACKED
- utility, type this to use a DEHACKED patch file.
- "DEHACKED <WAD file name/path> -LOAD <patch name>.DEH"
- For example, to use a DOOM.WAD in the C:\DOOM directory, and patch
- it wil the monster morphing patch, you would use this command line:
- "DEHACKED c:\doom\doom.wad -LOAD monsmorf.deh"
- Site (1): wad_edit/doomhack/(filename)
- ==== =========== =======
- firework.zip High ammo value, changes shots to Chris Gillespie
- BFG and bullets to rockets (gilles2@hubcap.clemson.edu)
- flame12 .zip Changes plasma gun to a flame "Night Child"
- thrower (night@iastate.edu)
- lamp2imp.zip Creates an Imp from a lamp proving Jason Gorski
- that new monsters can be made (bgorski@emr1.emr.ca)
- morfmons.zip Monsters morph into other monsters Greg Lewis
- when they are attacked (gregory.lewis@umich.edu)
- r12-21b .zip New monsters and faster weapons Jason Gorski
- (bgorski@emr1.emr.ca)
- rckt_hak.zip Slows down ammo speed and creates Ron
- triggerable rockets (if25097@maine.maine.edu)
- undead12.zip Dead Imps become reposessed Chris Gillespie
- (gilles2@hubcap.clemson.edu)
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- CHAPTER *15*: What other miscellaneous DOOM add-ons exist?
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- [15-1]: BNUDOOM v1.26
- =====================
- A DOOM serial driver replacement utilizing a fossil driver. Allows
- modem-modem connections with modem speeds up to 115K with full error
- correction and hardware flow control, non-standard IRQ setups, voice to
- modem connections (no need to wait for RING in this case - goes straight to
- on-line to get the handshaking going), option NOT to drop DTR after a game
- has ended in order to restart the game without losing the connection, and
- more. If you are having trouble with your modem and DOOM, this is for you.
- David Nugent (address@here)
- Site (1): multi_doom/BNUDM126.ZIP
- (15-2): DIRPWAD
- ===============
- Reads episode and mission number from a PWAD file, including
- information about mode.
- R. Nijlunsing (csg465@wing.rug.nl)
- Site (1): wad_edit/misc/dirpwad.zip
- (15-3): DOOMBSP Source Code
- ===========================
- id Software's BSP builder source code.
- id Software (help@idsoftware.com)
- Site (1): wad_edit/nove-build/doombsp.zip
- [15-4]: The DOOM Hall of Fame: Collectors Edition
- =================================================
- This package contains a compilation of the most visually
- entertaining (not to mention highly educational) .LMP files that you will
- ever see. When you finish watching these you will not only be a veteran at
- the techniques and secrets of DOOM, but you will also have seen some of the
- most spectacular near-death battles this side of Phobos. At the time of
- this writing, this version of the package only works with v1.2 of DOOM.
- Included with this package are:
- - LMP's of ALL the levels, with ALL the secrets and ALL Kills.
- - The famous Hall of Fame .LMPs!
- - Unbelievable RanDOOM .LMPs!
- - LMP's created with different PWADs .wad files.
- - ALFRED, The Automatic LMP File Recorder and Developer, to make
- viewing and recording as simple as firing a shotgun.
- Michael Houston (mp_hous@pavo.concordia.ca)
- Site (1): lmp/lmpvol1.exe and lmp/lmpvol2.exe
- (15-5): The DOOM Hacker's Tool Kit v1.0
- =======================================
- The full source code for Josh Jackson's WAD editing utilities.
- Josh Jackson (joshjackson@delphi.com)
- Site (1): wad_edit/misc/dhtk100.zip
- *15-6*: The DOOM Help Service
- =============================
- A group of many files, including the "Official" DOOM FAQ and modem
- information, for help with DOOM.
- Ian Mapleson (mapleson@cee.hw.ac.uk)
- Site (1): text/doomhelp.zip
- *15-7*: The DOOM Honorific Titles
- =================================
- When you think your DOOM skills are solid and that no monster in
- hell can be a match for your shotgun, you have two basic ways of getting
- street credit. One is to win lots of DeathMatches against well-known
- players, and the other is to get one or more "DOOM Honorific Titles".
- The DHT is a rating system that awards top players with standardized and
- universally recognized titles. If you feel proud and/or silly enough,
- you can include the relevant letters after your name in your .sig and
- impress your fellow DOOM players.
- There are four titles to be conquered:
- DOOM Master (DM): can complete any level on Ultra-Violence.
- DOOM Grand Master (DGM): can complete any level on Nightmare.
- DOOM Tyson (DT): can complete any level on Ultra-Violence
- using nothing more than fist and pistol.
- DOOM Grand Ass Kicker (DGAK): has the combined skills of a Master, a
- Tyson and a Grand Master.
- The titles are awarded by passing an examination. As with most
- examinations, this will only be a random sampling of your
- capacity. You won't be required to complete all 27 episodes to prove
- that you can do it.
- You will be your own judge for the results. You will receive the text
- of the examination, which tells you what to do to be awarded the title
- you think you deserve; from then on you just have to produce the
- corresponding LMPs and upload them to a specific public place in a
- specific format to be able to call yourself a DM, DT, DGM or DGAK. There
- is no time limit. The LMPs must be produced especially for the
- examination -- you can't just send in your old ones. This is because
- there is an authentication mechanism which prevents people from
- recycling other people's LMPs.
- Frank Stajano (fms@cam-orl.co.uk)
- Site (1): incoming/dht-exams/DHT3.ZIP
- [15-7]: DOOM Launcher for OS/2 v1.1
- ===================================
- This program will create a REXX exec on-the-fly that will launch
- the DOOM v1.2 registered version with appropriate DOS SETTINGS and
- PARAMETERS to allow you to play DOOM under OS/2 2.1 in one of 3 ways:
- Stand alone, via Modem, and network. This program supports all known
- command line options for the DOOM.EXE, SERSETUP.EXE, and IPXSETUP.EXE
- executables.
- Kevin Royalty (k.royalty@genie.geis.com)
- Site (1): /pub/doom/misc/dmos2run.zip
- (15-8): The DOOM Level Design FAQ v1.1
- ======================================
- A file containing frequently asked questions about DOOM level
- design and editing.
- Tom Neff (tneff@panix.com)
- Site (1): wad_edit/text/design11.zip
- [15-9]: DOOMLOAD v2.01a
- =======================
- A replacement for DOOM's SETUP.EXE which allows quick net and modem
- play, "Sudden Death" play, play-logging for Novel networks, LMP recording
- and playback, and more.
- Christian Antkow (christian.antkow@swcbbs.com)
- Site (2): doomld2.zip
- Site (1): multi_doom/doomld2.zip
- [15-10]: DOOM Master v2.0
- =========================
- The "ultimate" DOOM shell/launcher, handling everything from
- network to modem play, all DOOM configurations, and even has CD-ROM audio
- support.
- Joe Wilcox (sillysft@aol.com)
- Site (3): dm200.zip
- *15-11*: DOOMenu v10.0
- ======================
- [15-10]: DOOMenu v10.0
- ======================
- DOOMenu is a utility which allows IPX network, modem, and null-modem, or
- single play quickly and easily. DOOMenu allows you to choose cooperative or
- deathmatch with respawn or monsters on or off. It can load a save game, or
- use an external WAD file. It will ask you for the skill, episode, episode
- map, number to dial, and whether to disable call waiting. It can store up to
- 9 different default phone numbers for speed dialing. It also has a built-in
- wad rating system, so you never have to remember which wads were good, and a
- wad counter which records the number of times you have played each wad. It
- fully supports DOOM v1.666 with -fast (speeds up monsters), -altdeath
- (DeathMatch v2.0 Rules), -turbo (Speeds up players! Gr8 for handicapping), and
- Jason Sandlin (000082937@ucis.vill.edu)
- Site (1): misc/doomen10.zip
- [15-12]: DOOMODEM v1.0
- ======================
- Changes the default port addresses and IRQs for SERSETUP in DOOM
- v1.2, allowing modems with different configurations to play with others.
- Joshua Lehan (jlehan@galaxy.csc.calpoly.edu)
- Site (2): doomodem.zip
- [15-13]: DOOM Modem Contact List R7
- ===================================
- The purpose of this list is to act as a directory of DOOM Modem
- players to help DOOMers connect with each other. If you are seeking a
- fellow player, simply locate someone near you on this list and send
- them E-Mail.
- If you would like to be added to the list, send E-mail with the
- subject "DMCL - Add me" to 73743,431 on CompuServe, or
- "73743.431@compuserve.com" on the Internet. Please provide the following
- information:
- 1) State/Province/Country (For North America, please use the state/province
- 2 character postal abbreviation.)
- 2) Area Code
- 3) NNX - This is the first 3 digits of your phone number, also known as
- your exchange. (Not required for European addresses)
- 4) Name
- 5) City
- 6) Game play preference (D=Deathmatch/C=Cooperative/E=Either)
- 7) E-Mail Address
- Example: Canada, ON, 416, 631, Jeff Forsyth, Toronto, E, 73743,431
- Jeff Forsyth (CompuServe: 73743,431)
- Site (1): text/dmcl7.txt
- [15-14]: DOOMPICS.ZIP
- =====================
- A series of DOOM pictures, including death scenes, barrels, and
- a close up of a rocket. These graphics are in PCX format.
- Edgar Roman (eroman@dante.nmsu.edu)
- Site (2): doompics.zip
- [15-15]: DOOM Serial Connection Manager v1.06b
- ==============================================
- DOOM Serial Connection Manager is an alternative to using SETUP.EXE
- or command line parameters to set up serial connections. It allows you to
- change many more options than with SETUP, and allows you to save up to 40
- configurations.
- The Blind Preacher: Nick Sabinske
- To reach Nick, E-mail "sharvari@coke.eng.umd.edu" and the message
- will be forwarded.
- Site (1): multi_doom/dscm106b.zip
- Site (2): dscm106b.zip
- [15-16]: DOOM Utilities v0.1
- ============================
- Allows you to view DOOM maps. Includes such features as zoom, pan,
- and multiple episode support.
- Bill Kirby (bkirby@netcom.com)
- Site (1): dmutil01.zip
- (15-17): DOOM WAD Manager v1.30c
- ================================
- DOOM WAD Manager is a program that allows you to organize and work
- with all of your DOOM PWAD levels. You can catalog your PWAD and IWAD
- files, change the level a PWAD modifies, and run DOOM with a single IWAD
- or PWAD to try them out.
- The Blind Preacher: Nick Sabinske
- To reach Nick, E-mail "sharvari@coke.eng.umd.edu" and the message
- will be forwarded.
- Site (1): misc/dwm130c.zip
- Site (2): dwm130c.zip
- (15-18): The DOOM IPX Network FAQ v1.2
- ======================================
- A file containing answers to frequently asked questions about
- playing DOOM over an IPX network.
- Josh Jackson (jsoftware@delphi.com)
- Site (1): text/ipxnet12.faq
- (15-19): LNTYP v1.01
- ====================
- Contains descriptions of the available linedef types by number,
- grouped by function. Includes 33 previously undefined linedef types and
- corrections to many others.
- Brian McKimens (samneric@connected.com)
- Site (1): wad_edit/text/lntyp101.zip
- (15-20): MIDI2MUS
- =================
- Converts MIDI music files to DOOM's MUS file format. Useful for
- available DOOM music editors.
- id Software (help@idsoftware.com)
- Site (1): music/midi2mus.exe
- [15-21]: OLDIPX.ZIP
- ===================
- These are some files which may be useful in getting DOOM running over
- a TCP/IP network. Included is an older version of a 3Com Etherlink III
- packet driver from 3Com, which has been found to be more reliable than
- the newer version from the Crynwr collection. Also included is an older
- version of the Crynwr collection, which includes a number of useful
- utilities that were taken out of the newer version. An old version of an
- IPX-to-PD converter is also included, which seems to run much better with
- DOOM than the new version by Intel.
- Other files include a copy of the DOOM IPX FAQ.
- Steve Bonds (sbonds@jarthur.claremont.edu)
- Site (1): oldipx.zip
- Site (1): multi_doom/oldipx.zip
- [15-22]: SER4.ZIP
- =================
- A DOOM SERSETUP.EXE replacement which allows many baud rates,
- fixes all serial bugs, chat functions, statistics display, warping, and
- much more.
- Russell Gilbert (gilbert@esd.dl.nec.com)
- Site (1): multi_doom/ser4.zip
- Site (2): ser4.zip
- [15-23]: The Ultimate DOOM Maps
- ===============================
- 1024x768x256 GIF maps of all DOOM levels.
- Hap Campbell (hsc5m@watt.seas.virginia.edu)
- Site (2): ultmaps1.zip
- [15-24]: Unofficial DOOM Specs v1.4
- ===================================
- Technical information about the DOOM .WAD file for programmers.
- Includes complete explanation of all components of the .WAD file,
- including nodes. v1.4 of the specs may not be available until late July or
- early August of 1994.
- Matt Burnett (matt.fell@acebbs.com)
- Hank Leukart (Distribution: ap641@cleveland.freenet.edu)
- Site (1): wad_edit/text/dmspec14.txt
- Site (2): dmspec14.txt
- Site (3): dmspec14.zip
- ------------------------------------
- CHAPTER [16]: Future add-on software
- ------------------------------------
- (16-1): Add-on software wish list
- =================================
- Attention programmers! Here is a wish list, created by the DOOM
- players, of add-on software that should be made for DOOM. If you would
- like to make an addition to this list, please send me E-mail. Additionally,
- if you are planning on creating one of these utilities, tell me, and I'll move
- it to the "Add-on software in the making" chapter.
- o Patch for network play that allows more than four players
- [16-2]: Add-on software in the making
- =====================================
- This chapter tells about add-on software which is being currently
- worked on. If you are working on something that is not in here, please send
- me E-mail so I can put it in. In this section, you can also request help on
- creating some add-on software.
- Project: None
- Author: Ghent (ghent@rushnet.com)
- Status: Looking for programming project. If anyone would like help
- from an experienced programmer for a DOOM project, E-mail
- him.
- COMING FROM EMPTY PRODUCTIONS (joakim.erdfelt@swsbbs.com):
- Note: These projects have been delayed for an unknown amount of time.
- JADE - Just Another DOOM Editor.
- 640x480x256 color VESA standard support.
- Level editor with Mouse support.
- - FEATURES / Special Effects -
- - Map transformations :
- - Integrated JUMBLE.
- - Perspective View of Level. (Possibly with Texture mapping)
- LGD - Looking Glass Doom
- Part of the JADE release.
- will mirror, some, but not all Maps inside of DOOM.
- GREAT for the seasoned player.
- SUDS - Screwed Up DOOM Sounds
- Sorta the SOUND version of the original JUMBLE program
- MMP - Music Management Program
- Manage the musical scores in DOOM.
- replace them with your own MIDI selections
- A DOOM Graphics editor. - For Enemies, Walls, Floors, Weapons, etc..
- ==============================
- ==============================
- --------------------------------------------
- CHAPTER [17]: Why won't DOOM work correctly?
- --------------------------------------------
- This chapter helps you if you cannot get the game to function as it
- should.
- [17-1]: How can I use SMARTDRV.EXE with DOOM?
- =============================================
- Some people have been complaining about problems with DOOM and
- SMARTDRV.EXE. DOOM is not completely compatible with SMARTDRV.EXE, but
- here is how you can get it to work. Try putting the following command in
- your CONFIG.SYS (This will not work in the AUTOEXEC.BAT):
- The double buffering uses memory differently than the normal
- SMARTDRV.EXE commands. This command will take up 2k of conventional RAM and
- cannot be loaded into high memory. This has been tested on two machines that
- did not work with SMARTDRV.EXE, and this corrected the problem.
- [17-2]: Why am I getting an "OUT OF MEMORY" error with DOOM?
- ============================================================
- If you are receiving an "OUT OF MEMORY" error when attempting to run
- DOOM, you might want to attempt any of the following:
- (1) DOOM requires at least 4mb of RAM. Check to make sure you have
- at least this amount.
- (2) If you are using MS-DOS v6.xx, try holding down the LEFT SHIFT key
- during bootup. This will stop all your TSRs from loading. Remember to
- reinstall your mouse driver, however.
- (3) If you are using MS-DOS v5.0, rename your AUTOEXEC.BAT to stop all
- your TSRs from booting.
- (4) If you are using MS-DOS v6.xx, try running MEMMAKER to free up more
- RAM at bootup time.
- (5) If you are using MS-DOS v6.xx, create a boot menu. For details
- on creating a boot menu, type "HELP MENUITEM" at your MS-DOS prompt.
- (5) Try running DOOM without using HIMEM and EMM386. If you are
- using a different memory manager, try removing it instead.
- [17-3]: Why does DOOM crash when I start it?
- ============================================
- Your motherboard may not be compatible with the DOS extender that
- DOOM uses. Try getting DOOM v1.2. If that still does not work, try running
- DOOM with one of the DOS extenders in the file "altdoom1.zip". See Chapter
- [6] for more information on how to get these files.
- [17-4]: How can I run DOOM under OS/2?
- ======================================
- People have been having a lot of trouble getting DOOM v1.x to work
- under OS/2. Native OS/2 code is being worked on, so hang in there!
- Here is a list of settings that many DOOM users have been able to use.
- -----------------------------------------------------
- CHAPTER [18]: Why won't my sound card work with DOOM?
- -----------------------------------------------------
- This chapter helps fix problems with various sound cards in DOOM.
- [18-1]: Why won't my Sound Blaster v1.0 or v1. work with DOOM?
- ===============================================================
- The v1.0 shareware release of DOOM does not work correctly with
- earlier versions of the Sound Blaster. It is recommended that you receive
- v1.2 of DOOM to fix this problem. Information on getting this upgrade is
- available in Chapter [6].
- If you insist on using v1.0 of DOOM, here are two different ways to
- fix your problem, although they are not guaranteed to work on all computers.
- (1) If you have a turbo button on your computer, turn it off. Run
- DOOM, and when the title screen appears, turn it back on.
- (2) Disable the internal cache.
- (18-2): Why won't my Sound Blaster Pro work with DOOM?
- ======================================================
- If you are using an older graphics card that supports HiColor (16
- bit graphics) you may have trouble getting this to work correctly. The
- only recommendation is to borrow a friend's graphics card.
- DOOM v1.1 has a bug that keeps the Sound Blaster Pro from working
- on IRQ 2, and later versions do not allow usage on IRQ 10.
- (18-3): Why won't my Gravis UltraSound work with DOOM?
- ======================================================
- To get DOOM to run properly with both music and digitized sound
- effects on the Gravis UltraSound use these three steps.
- ////// SOUND //////
- (1) Set your ULTRASND environment variable, and use GF1 IRQ less than 8
- example: SET ULTRASND=220,1,1,7,5
- |_______ GF1 IRQ
- NOTE: DOOM v1.2 may be able to use any valid GF1 IRQ including 11,12,15
- However, high IRQs are _not_ recommended. See BUGS.
- ////// MUSIC //////
- (2) Doom requires that you have installed the General MIDI patch set from
- the 2.06a Install Disks (or later) that came with your UltraSound (and are
- also available via FTP and BBS). DOOM will find your patches (using the
- ULTRADIR variable) in the MIDI subdirectory pointed to by ULTRADIR.
- (DOOM will look in C:\ULTRASND\MIDI for the patches)
- NOTE: Step 3 is only required for DOOM v1.0 / Operating System 0.99
- (3) You will also need to copy ULTRAMID.INI into your DOOM directory and
- rename it to DMXGUS.INI (or find and use the DMXGUS.INI file). ULTRAMID.INI
- is a part of the UltraMID/AIL package (also available via FTP and BBS).
- ////// SETUP //////
- Run the SETUP program in the DOOM directory and select the UltraSound for
- both sfx and music. Now run DOOM!
- ////// BUGS //////
- NOTE: DOOM v1.2 is known to occasionally lockup with GUS support.
- If you experience frequent lockups AND are using a high GF1 IRQ
- (10,11,12,15), try using a low IRQ (less than 8).
- If you experience frequent lockups AND have less than 1024K of
- GUS RAM, try upgrading to 1024K (1 Megabyte).
- ////// OPTIMIZING //////
- ========================================================================
- Title : GUS1M.WAD
- Author : Tom Klok
- Email Address : a344@mindlink.bc.ca, a00344@giant.rsoft.bc.ca
- Description : An optimized MIDI instrument mapping for
- Gravis Ultrasound cards with 1024K on board.
- NOTE! If you don't have a GUS with 1024K, this wad will gain you
- nothing (but shouldn't hurt anything either).
- This PWAD contains no new MUS music files or sounds whatsoever.
- Nor does it require any new .PAT files, just those supplied
- with the more recent install disks.
- ========================================================================
- Information
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- As you probably know, Doom's wad file contains a resource named
- DMXGUS which contains a list of all MIDI instruments (patch file
- names) and a table specifying which instruments to load into card
- memory. Since all 190+ instruments can't be loaded at once, the DMXGUS
- file loads a subset of the full GM set and then maps the remaining
- instrument numbers to the loaded instruments.
- I was curious about the internal format of MUS files, and pretty
- happy when the MIDI2MUS utility was released. Thanks, guys! Mucking
- around with the original D_* MUS files Doom is supplied with, I
- decided to compare the patches they used with the DMXGUS file to see
- what kind of mapping was going on. It turns out there's a lot of it,
- but much of it is poorly set up. id's supplied DMXGUS file is almost
- exactly the same as the ULTRAMID.INI file supplied with Ultramid 2.00.
- That's a good shot at a generic GM mapping, but Doom never uses many
- of the loaded instruments... and many of the instruments it DOES use
- are mapped to something else.
- Therefore, I've rewritten the DMXGUS file to match Doom's MUS
- files as closely as possible. I've booted out about 40 unused
- instruments and added 29 new ones. The difference is quite dramatic.
- Some of the songs have percussion parts that were being thrown out
- before; some of the instruments sound quite different. It's a shame
- that id didn't take the time to do this themselves, but I guess
- they've been too busy tweaking other stuff.
- Ok, how do I use it?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Extract the GUS1M.WAD file to wherever you normally put new wad
- files (ie c:\doom\wad), then use it as you'd use any other new WAD
- add-on:
- doom -file WAD\GUS1M.WAD
- That's it! Hopefully you'll hear the difference as soon as Doom's
- welcome screen comes up.
- Why only 1024K GUS's?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Well, because that's what I own. :) It's taken about 10 hours of
- work to get the 1024K mapping to the point where I'm happy with it. If
- someone else would like to help out with mappings for 256, 512 and
- 768K boards, then go for it! Feel free to contact me for a few utils
- I've written to make >some< of this easier. Much of it is still trial
- and error.
- Will it work with id's shareware release of Doom?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Well... yes, it will. I'm not sure that should be a problem, as
- it's not adding anything that wasn't there before... no new levels,
- sounds, music, etc. It's just touching up something that I feel
- wasn't properly implemented in the first place. And more importantly,
- I can't think of any way of preventing it. The typical means to foil
- shareware use for new levels is to either insert them into episodes 2
- or 3, or to use textures/objects not found in the shareware release.
- Neither would work here.
- Look at it this way: it makes the music Doom comes with sound
- better on a 1024K GUS. If you like the change, register Doom and get
- ALL the music! Please give id your support. They're writing the best
- damn games on the market, publishing them as shareware, and supporting
- the GUS. What more could we want? Please let them know you
- appreciate it.
- Copyright / Permissions
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Authors may use this optimized DMXGUS WAD in their own WAD files,
- and may use it as a base to further modify the GUS's GM mapping,
- provided they give me (Tom Klok) credit within the DMXGUS resource and
- on their PWAD documentation.
- Anyone may distribute this WAD, provided you include this text
- file with attributions. You may distribute this pwad in via any media
- (BBS, floppy disk, CDROM, etc).
- [18-4]: Why does the game crash when using my Gravis UltraSound?
- ================================================================
- DOOM v1.2 has a small bug which causes DOOM to crash on some
- systems, some of the time. People have reported that these crashes
- can be minimized by using an IRQ at 7 or less, and upgrading the GUS'
- on-board RAM to 1024k.
- [18-5]: Why won't my Pro Audio Spectrum 16 work with DOOM?
- ==========================================================
- You may be using an older version of DOOM such as v1.0 or v1.1.
- Get DOOM v1.666 for full PAS-16 support in native mode.
- If the game is locking up after the "HU Init" line, there is a
- solution. Make sure you are loading your PAS MVPRODD.SYS driver low.
- Loading it high can cause DOOM to lock up.
- [18-6]: Why won't my ATI Stereo-F/X work with DOOM?
- ===================================================
- Turning off DMA buffering in the sound card's SFX.EXE
- configuration program should fix this problem.
- -----------------------------------------
- CHAPTER [19]: Miscellaneous DOOM problems
- -----------------------------------------
- [19-1]: Why won't my mouse work with DOOM?
- ==========================================
- [19-1-1]: Why does my mouse start moving itself during play?
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- It is recommended that you upgrade to DOOM v1.666 to fix this
- problem.
- Older mouse drivers cause a problem with DOOM v1.2. Make sure you are
- using Microsoft mouse drivers v9.x instead of v8.x. Logitech mouse drivers
- v6.x work as well. The newest Logitech mouse drivers are available at the
- FTP site "wuarchive.wustl.edu" in the directory
- "/systems/ibmpc/msdos/mouse" under the file name "drvr???.zip" where ??? is
- the version number of the drivers.
- If you continue to have this problem, try playing with the keyboard
- or joystick, with the mouse unplugged. DOOM has a bug that causes it to do
- strange things at times.
- [19-1-2]: Why won't my two button mouse work with DOOM?
- -------------------------------------------------------
- DOOM's SETUP.EXE program assumes that one has a three button mouse.
- The left button is "fire," the right button is "forward," and the center
- button is "strafe." If you run the setup program that comes with DOOM, you
- can assign "strafe" to the right mouse button, and the setting for "Move
- Forward" then appears to be blank. In actuality, "Move Forward" is set to be
- permanently "on." This can be fixed easily. Edit the file "DEFAULT.CFG" in
- your DOOM directory with any text editor. The three lines of interest
- are: mouseb_fire, mouseb_strafe, and mouseb_forward. The settings for these
- are 0 (left button), 1 (middle button) and 2 (right button). When you ran
- the setup program, mouseb_forward was assigned a value of -1. Go ahead and
- change this to "1", save the file and restart DOOM. The final entries
- should appear as:
- mouseb_fire 0
- mouseb_strafe 2
- mouseb_forward 1
- This will allow you to shoot with the left button and strafe with the
- right button.
- (19-1-3): Why won't my IBM PS/2 mouse work with DOOM?
- -----------------------------------------------------
- The IBM PS/2 mouse does not seem to work well with DOOM. id
- Software is working on a solution to this problem. The only current
- solution that has been discovered is to load DOOM under Windows. Doing
- this allows the mouse to work perfectly.
- (19-2): Why does netDOOM seem to crash at certain times?
- ========================================================
- This is a known bug in v1.2 of DOOM. Upgrade to v1.666, it fixes
- this problem.
- (19-3): Why won't my modem work with DOOM?
- ==========================================
- You may use a non-standard IRQ for your COM port. You can get the
- "DOOMODEM.ZIP" utility to fix this. (see Chapter [15-7])
- DOOM seems to be very picky about certain kinds of modems and the
- initialization strings you use with them. Here is a list of initialization
- strings that seem to work well. Many modems have more than one in this
- list; if one does not work, try another one. Place these initialization
- strings in the first line(s) of your MODEM.CFG file.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- AT&T Dataport 2001: AT &F%VFX7S62=0%VG9\Q2\N0&W
- AT&T Dataport: AT &F X7 S62=0 \Q2 \N0 &W
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Boca AT &Q6 %C0 &K0
- Boca 14.4 Fax/Modem AT S46=0 S37=9 N0 &Q0 &D2 &K4
- Boca 14.4k AT S46=0 S37=9 N0 &Q0 &D2 &K0 %C0
- Boca 14.4 internal AT &C0 S37=9 N0 &Q0 &K0 W0 S36=3 S48=128 %C0
- Boca 14.4k (external) AT &F S0=1 S36=0 &K0 &Q6 N0 S37=9 &D2
- Boca M1440i (internal) ATS48=0S37=9S46=136%C0%E0%M0&K0&Q0&R1&C1&D2\G0\N1N0
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Cardinal AT &F W0 &Q0 &D2
- Cardinal 14.4k AT &F N0 S37=9 &Q0 &D2 \N1
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Computer Peripherals 14.4 AT &F S37=9 S46=0 N0 &Q0 &K0
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Digicom Systems (DSI) (softmodem) AT Z \N0 &D2 &K0 S48=48
- Digicom Systems Scout Plus ATZ*E0*N3*M0*S0*F0&D2
- Digicom connection 96+Softmodem: AT \N1 &d2 %c0 s37=9 &K0
- Digicom connection 96+Softmodem: AT Z \N0 &D2 &K0 S48=0
- Digicom connection 96+Softmodem: ATZ*E0*N3*S0*M0*F0&D2
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GVC 14.4k (internal) AT &F B8 \Q0
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Gateway Telepath AT &F S37=9 %C0 &K0 &Q6 \G0
- Gateway Telepath 14.4k AT S46=0 S37=9 N0 &Q0 &D2 &K0 %C0
- Gateway Telepath I: AT S0=1 &N6 &K0 &M0
- Gateway Telepath I: AT &F S37=9 &K0 &Q0 %C0 N0 \G0 &D2 S46=0 S0=1
- Gateway Telepath II AT S0=1 S37=9 %C0 &Q0 &K0
- Gateway Telepath II: AT &F &K0 &M0 &N6 S0=1
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Generic 14.4k Fax/Modem AT S46=0 S37=9 N0 &Q0 &D2 %C0 \G0 &K0
- Generic v.32bis 14.4k AT \N0 %C0 B8
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hayes 28.8k V.FAST Modem AT &Q6 &K S37=9 N %C0 \N0
- Hayes Optima 28.8/14.4 AT &F S37=9 N0 &Q0 &K0
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Infotel 144I: AT &Q0 S37=9 N0 &D2
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Intel 14.4k AT \N0 %C0 \Q0 B8
- Intel 14.4k (internal) AT Z B8 Q1 \C0 \N1 %C0 \V
- Intel 400/i Fax/Modem: AT Z\N0 %C0 "H0 S31=9 &Q0 &D
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Macronix AT S36=3 S37=9 &K0 %C0 \G0
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Microcom QX/4232bis AT %C0 \N0
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NOKIA ECM 4896M TRELLIS V.32. AT Z %C0 /N0
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Netcomm M7F AT &E &K0 B0 \V0 X4 &D2 \N1 \Q0 #J0 #Q9 %C0
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Nokia ECM 4896M Trellis V.32. AT Z %C0 /N0
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Practical Peripherals 14400FX v.32bis AT S46=0 &Q0 &K0 &D2
- Practical Peripherals 14400FX v.32bis AT Z S46=0 &Q0 &D2
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Supra AT &F0 S46=136 %C0
- SupraFaxModem 14.4: AT &K0 &Q6 &D2 \N0 %C0
- Supra (external) AT &K0 &Q0 &D0 \N1
- Supra 14.4k v.32bis AT &F0 S46=136 &Q0 &D2
- SupraFaxModem 14.4: AT S37=9 &Q0 &D2 N \N1 &K
- SupraFaxModem 14.4: AT \N0 &D2 &K0 S48 = 8
- SupraFaxModem: AT &F0 N S37=9
- Supra AT N0 Q0 V1 W1 &K0 \G0 \N0 \%C0 %M0 S37=9
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Telebit 3000/Worldblazer AT S50=6 S180=0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Telepath 14.4k AT &F &M0 &K0 &N6 &H0 S0=1
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Turbo Modem Plus AT &F B8 %C0 /N1
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- USR Sportster 9600 AT &M0 &K0 &N6
- USR 14.4k AT &K0 &H0 &D0 &I0 &R1
- USR 14.4k AT &F0 B0 S34=1 &N6 &K0 &I0
- USR Sportster AT &F0 &K0 &M0 &B1 S34=1 &N6 &I0
- USR 14.4k AT &B1 &M0 S27=16 &H0 &I0 &K0 &N6
- USR 14.4k AT &M0 &K0 &N8 &D0 B0
- USR 14.4k AT &A0 &B0 &D0 &H1 &I0 &K0 &M0 &N6 &R1 S34=1
- USR Courier 16.8: AT &A0 &M0 &K0& N6 B0 S0=0 X7
- USR Courier v.32bis AT E1 Q0 V1 S7=60 &C1 &D2 &K0 &N6 &A3 &H0 &M0
- USR Sportster 14.4k AT E1 Q0 V1 S7=60 &C1 &D2 &K0 &N6 &A3
- USR Sportster 14.4k: AT &F0 &K0 &M0 &A0
- USR Sportster 14.4k AT &F0 &M0 &K0 &N6 &H0
- USR Sportster 14.4k AT &F0 &K0 &M0 &N6 &H0 &I0 &B1 &R1
- USR Sportster 14.4k: AT &K0 &M0 &N6 &H0 &I0 &B0 &R1
- USR Sportster 14.4k: AT &N6 &K0 &M0 &B1 &H0 &I0
- USR Sportster 14.4k: AT B0 X4 E1 Q0 V1 &M0 &K0 &R1 &N6 &A3 &H0 &I0
- USR Sportster 14.4k AT S7=60 E1 Q0 V1 &C1 &D2 &K0 &N6 &A3 &M0 &H0
- USR Sportster 14.4k: AT S7=60 E1 Q0 V1 &C1 &D2 &K0 &N6 &A3
- USR 14.4k Dual Standard AT B0 X4 Q0 &R1 &B1 &N6 &A0 &D2 &H0 &I0 &K0 &M0 M1
- USR DS v.32bis v.42bis AT &M0 &N6 &A0 &R1 &H0 &K0 &I0 &S0 &B1 X1
- USR Courier HST/DS 16.8k AT X4 B0 &A0 &B0 &H2 &I0 &K0 &M0 &N6
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ViVa 14.4k AT &F &Q6 \N0 %C0 &D2 N0 S37=9
- Viva 14.4 Fax/Modem: AT S11=50 S37=9 S95=52 L0 N0 S46=0 &Q0 &D2 \N1
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Wang 14/14 modem: AT S46=0 S37=9 N0 &K0 %C0 %M0 &Q0 &D2 \N1
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Zoom Init AT &F &Q6 S37=9 N0 &K0 %C0
- Zoom Init AT &F &Q0 S37=9 N0 &K0 S46=0
- Zoom 14.4k VFX AT &Q6 S37=9 N0 %C0 \N0
- Zoom Init AT &Q6 S37=9 N0 &K0 S46=136 S36=1 S48=128 %C0
- Zoom OEM Modem AT &Q6 S37=9 N0 &K0
- Zoom: AT &Q6 S37=9 N0 &K0 %C0
- Zoom: AT &Q0 S37=9 N0 &K0 %C0
- Zoom: AT &Q6 &K0 &D2 \N0 %C0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Zyxel (E+): AT &N3 &K0
- Zyxel U-1496E+ AT Z &N4 &K0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [19-4]: Why is my network slowing down when using DOOM?
- =======================================================
- You may have an older version of DOOM, such as v1.0 or v1.1. These
- older versions utilized broadcast packets, which slow down many networks.
- Upgrading to v1.666 will fix this problem, since v1.666 utilizes direct
- packets.
- (19-5): Why won't the v1.666 patch install correctly?
- ===================================================
- The DOOM v1.666 patch expects to find the ORIGINAL game in your DOOM
- directory. If you replaced or altered the DOOM.EXE file with a new
- version, the patch will not work.
- If the patch complains about missing "LICENSE.DOC" and/or
- "FILE_ID.DIZ," the command "PATCH -ignoremissing" can be used. However,
- this will not help if the patch complains about "DOOM.EXE" or "DOOM.WAD."
- If you are using the registered version, some distributors shipped
- an older release of v1.1. It is recommended that you call your
- distributor, or E-mail "help@idsoftware.com" if you ordered from id
- Software for more help.
- [19-6]: DOOM is too easy
- ========================
- If you find DOOM too easy, here are some suggestions.
- (1) Play on a harder difficulty level.
- (2) Only save your game at the beginning of each level.
- (3) Never save your game and try completing the mission.
- (4) Only use your fist and pistol for the entire game.
- (5) Turn down your screen contrast so you can see less.
- (6) Use the "-respawn" parameter upon loading DOOM to allow the
- monsters to revive in other difficulty levels.
- [19-7]: DOOM is too hard
- ========================
- If you find DOOM too hard, here are some suggestions.
- (1) Play on an easier difficulty level.
- (2) Save your game often.
- (3) Try using some of the cheat codes or a cheating utility.
- (4) Turn up your screen contrast so you can see more.
- (5) Press F11 during game play for gamma correction.
- [19-8]: I get motion sickness when playing DOOM
- ===============================================
- There have been a lot of discussion about this phenomenon. In short
- some people experience dizziness attributed to the game movement. There were
- many theories, most along the line of motion sickness. Some also said that
- the animation is too smooth so it fools your brain into believing it to be
- real. Others said its too jerky and it makes you vomit like being sea sick.
- Another popular theory is that lack of proper acceleration (like on-off high
- speed) attribute to the nausea. I will not go into discussion of why.
- Instead, I will post some steps people suggested. Remedies are not
- guaranteed to work. There are many, all are experimental and some will have
- opposite effects on different people. This, it seems, is a very individual
- problem.
- (1) Try different display sizes. Either use different size monitors
- or use the screen size option to vary the display window.
- (2) Try sitting closer/further from the display (don't stick your
- nose in it, I don't want you to get radiation sick). Try combining this with
- focusing/defocusing on the display or surroundings. This is to see if you
- are being aware that you are looking at the monitor and hopefully it may
- convince your brain that what you play is not really real.
- (3) Try different machine speeds. If you have a turbo switch try
- playing with it on/off.
- (4) Try different input devices. With a mouse you can control
- acceleration more accurately than with a joystick or the keyboard.
- (5) Play on your friend's/colleague's computer. See if it is
- better/worse.
- (6) Have breaks while you play. Play in turns. Watch others play &
- then play yourself.
- (7) If you have sound card, try playing with/without the sound. If
- your sound card is stereo try playing with headphones on. Reverse the
- headphones so that left becomes right.
- After switching machines, many have problems adjusting too.
- On a 486, things may seem "too smooth." On a 386, it may make you want to
- vomit. Sometimes you just have to give time to adjust.
- ============================
- ============================
- ---------------------------------------------
- CHAPTER (20): Confidential NORAD transmission
- ---------------------------------------------
- Well, Chapter [20] has gotten a lot of feedback. This is the
- chapter where I place the newest edition to DOOM iNsAnItY, the comedy file
- I also publish about DOOM. If you enjoy this chapter, download
- "dinsan57.txt" on your favorite online service or FTP site.
- You can thank "Clint" (ffjjd@acad3.alaska.edu) for this one!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I work for NORAD (North American Defense) and recently the
- following transmission was received from the planet Mars. Originally
- it was classified top secret and sealed away in a vault. I felt it was
- too important to humanity and so I absconded with a copy of it and
- have decided to release it to the world. I fear for the future of
- humanity. The message is as follows:
- (lots of static and radio frequency type noises which finally clear. A
- bunch of voices can be heard mumbling to one another.)
- Voice 1: Are we on?
- Voice 2: What's going on? Did you guys get a link yet?
- Voice 3: We're on man we've got a clean connection.
- Voice 2: oh we're on?
- Voice 1: I think we're on.
- Voice 4: (booming and aggravated) You're on you damn morons start
- talking now or I missile your faces.
- EX-MARINE ROGER JOHNSON: Hello earthlings. How's it going? We've
- got a problem up here on Mars. You guys keep coming up here and
- attacking us. And I'm not talking about just a few of you, this must
- be the rage or something because you guys seem to be coming in
- droves. What's the deal? Can't you just leave us alone? What did we
- ever do to hurt you guys? You probably think we're the problem.
- You probably think we started all of this but actually it was you
- guys. Sure we shoot back now but wouldn't you too? Sometimes we
- even shoot first just because we're all so edgy. But it's all because of
- the havoc and destruction you have wrought on our once peaceful
- little colony. Why can't you just stay on Earth and leave us all alone?
- I'm going to tell you something right now you've got a lot of the
- residents up here really pissed and I don't think they're all going to
- take this lying down. Some of these guys are starting to get really
- irritated so you better watch yourselves. Anyway I don't want to
- sound threatening..... Oh darn a piece of my rotten arm just fell off.....
- ouch that smarts. Like I was saying I don't want to sound
- threatening or anything but you guys are taking a toll on us and I
- was just wondering if you maybe you could chill out a little bit?
- Would that be possible?
- BOOMING VOICE: Get that whimpering [annoyance] out of there before I
- missile his head.
- EX-SERGEANT BUD SCHIMTZ: Sergeant schmitz here. Look folks lets
- talk numbers here for a minute. Do you have any idea what the kill
- ratio we're looking at here is? I don't have hard numbers but it's
- something like 50 to 1. You folks are killing fifty of our young men
- for every one of you that we kill. And like roger said, this is all in
- self defense. Now what in God's name are you savages trying to
- accomplish. These are fine young men who could have had careers.
- They could have had futures. But no you [idiots] had to come on
- along and wreak absolute havoc on our peaceful Mars colony. I HOPE
- IMP: See now you've gotten sarg all upset. He's not going to be right
- for the rest of the afternoon. See what you guys have done? You've
- caused quite a stir up here. Well let me get to the heart of this
- message. You see so far you folks have been the aggressors and we
- have been sitting here like sheep just waiting to be picked off. You
- don't think we're going to let this go on forever do you? I'm just
- going to say what I'm hinting at- WE'RE COMING AFTER YOU
- BASTARDS!!!! Got that. Don't think you can just sit there in your
- ivory tower and launch invasion after invasion on our colony and
- expect us to take it sitting down. Earth is open to invasion too you
- know. This is a two way street. What comes around goes around. Do
- as I say not as I do.... wait a minute that was the wrong cliche, at
- any rate be forewarned. We are planning an invasion of your feeble
- little planet. We've decided that we've had enough. It's our turn to be
- the aggressors and your turn to be the victims. Sort of like Clarence
- Thomas and Anita Hill. Or that dame and Bill Clinton - WE ARE GOING
- TO HARASS THE HELL OUT OF YOU!!. Consider yourselves warned.
- (pause)
- BOOMING VOICE: I liked his tone. Did anybody else like his tone?
- BOOMING VOICE: Who's next?
- PINK GORILLA: Did you guys know that if I wanted to I could bite
- your entire face off in just one bite? Take a look at my jaws
- sometime. They're fraggin' HUGE. I've just been restraining myself up
- to this point. From now on it's no holds barred. When we come to
- earth I'm taking one face per bite. Got that? One bite equals one face.
- I'll be seein' you soon.
- BOOMING VOICE: I like that. Short and to the point. I've always liked
- Pinky. He speaks my language- succinct and threatening. That's good.
- SPECTRE: Spectre here. Look folks, you brought all of this on
- yourselves. What did you expect? Now as for my invisibility
- algorithm. Up to this point it's been fairly successful. It works real
- good in the dark. But I know you guys can still see me. I've looked at
- some of the other guys and I can always see this outline, this kind of
- shimmering form, you know what I'm talking about. Well not much
- longer you won't because we've been working on the algorithm and
- we've made some marked improvements. By the time this ones
- finished you jerks aren't going to be able to see JACK. Keep that
- in mind when you tuck in your children tonight. We're coming for
- you. Sleep tight.
- FLAMING HEAD: Am I supposed to talk now? Is it my turn?
- BOOMING VOICE: Do you see anybody else at the microphone
- FLAMING HEAD: Oh right, it's Cacodemon's turn.
- BOOMING VOICE: He's in the bathroom right now you [fraggin'] dolt.
- Speak now or be ERADICATED. (mechanical sounds can be heard)
- FLAMING HEAD: Right, sure, OK, well. Say earthlings did you know
- that all I've been trying to do this whole time is light one of you guys
- on fire. That's my big goal. I just want to crash into one of you guys
- and just see you light up like a Christmas tree. Sure I'll bite you and
- stuff but that's usually because I'm frustrated. What I really want to
- see is one of you fella's ON FIRE. Then you could run around and
- bump into your buddies and light them on fire too. Then you'd all be
- on FIRE. Pretty soon there'd be fire everywhere. FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE.
- VOICE ON THE SIDE: Uh oh. He's getting on one of those fire kicks
- again.
- In the background mechanical sounds can be heard. Mechanisms and
- gears and engines firing up. Suddenly a rocket can be heard
- approaching followed by a LOUD explosion.
- Several moments of silence.
- VOICE 1: Are we back up again?
- VOICE 2: Yeah we're on again. Good thing I brought several
- microphones I knew this was going to happen.
- BOOMING VOICE: Let that be a lesson to all of you. Lose your cool on
- the stand and I'm going to blast you and the [fraggin'] podium to Earth.
- Who's next?
- BARON: Yeah that would be me.
- BOOMING VOICE: Go ahead.
- CACODEMON: I think I was supposed to go next.
- BARON: Oh right. It's your turn.
- CACODEMON: No offense.
- BARON: None taken.
- CACODEMON: Great, just let me squeeze in there.
- BARON: You need to lose some weight.
- CACODEMON: I know I've been working on that but it's a problem
- I've had all my life.
- Mechanical sounds can be heard in the background.
- CACODEMON: Howdy everyone. You heard the Baron mention my
- weight well I've been thinking. Rather than trying to lose the weight
- maybe I should put it to my advantage. I've been thinking about
- transforming myself into a Flaming Bowling Ball from Hell. What do
- you all think?
- a lot of mumbling and discussion in the background.
- VOICE: What would happen when you hit a pool of acid?
- CACODEMON: I don't know I guess I could dissolve or something.
- BARON: You want the truth, what I really think?
- CACO: Sure.
- BARON: Sorry but I think it bites.
- CACO: Ok well I don't have to become a bowling ball, but I could
- throw my weight around a little more. Instead of just shooting
- pretty, sparkly, purple balls at people I could corner them in tight
- situations and just smash the crap out of them.
- (pause)
- BARON: That's not at all a bad idea. I like that. Do you think it would
- get the kill ratio down from the current 50 to 1?
- CACO: Absolutely.
- BARON: I say do it. What do the rest of you think?
- VOICES: Yes, good, do it, sounds good to me.
- BOOMING VOICE: OK it's done. Start throwing that weight around
- fatty. We're going to need all the help we can get. Baron you're on.
- BARON: Well what can I say that hasn't already been said. How about
- if I just say what's on my mind. You suckers are dead. You're minced
- meat. You're toast. You're going to wish you were never born. You
- haven't felt pain yet. You don't know the meaning of pain. You're
- going to see that kill ratio drop from 50 to 1 in your favor to 50 to 1
- in our favor. As far as personal modifications go, I'll be shooting
- flames out of my hands, like I do now, as well as out of my feet, my
- eyes, my ears, my mouth, my knees and for those who sneak up
- behind me I've got a special surprise for you. Let's just say I'm going
- to be a lot tougher. See you at your favorite city or coming soon to a
- neighborhood near you.
- BOOMING VOICE: OK, it's your turn.
- SPIDER DEMON: Well I have to admit Baron is looking a lot tougher
- these days. In fact I think he's started to muscle in on my turf. I
- don't know, I don't feel at all comfortable with this development.....
- Large crashing sounds.
- BOOMING VOICE: Out of the way milktoast. This is CYBERDEMON here
- and I'm going to make it real plain and simple. We're coming to your
- planet. We're coming for revenge and we're coming to eradicate you
- pathetic little wimps. We're coming for the pure fun of blowing you
- all limb from scrawny little limb. We'll be there soon, (aside) what
- would you say two weeks?
- BARON: Yeah about two weeks.
- CYBERDEMON: Two weeks and you won't be able to stop us. Consider
- yourselves forewarned. This is going to be the mother of all battles.
- It's going to be the end of life as you know it. It's going to be the end
- of human civilization. In short it's going to be HELL ON EARTH. This
- game is not over man.
- (stunned silence)
- (after several moments)
- VOICE: OK that's it, kill the link.
- Some clanking around can be heard which is followed by pure static.
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- CHAPTER *21*: Other literature available from Hank Leukart
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Other literature from Hank Leukart includes:
- - dmspec14.txt: The Unofficial DOOM Specs v1.4 (v1.4 late Sep./early Oct.)
- - dinsan57.txt: DOOM iNsAnItY: A humorous look at our favorite game
- ------------------------
- CHAPTER [22]: Conclusion
- ------------------------
- Phew! Well, that is all I have! I hope this FAQ proves to provide
- a good resource for DOOM information. If you have any suggestions,
- additions, or comments for the FAQ, send me E-mail at
- "ap641@cleveland.freenet.edu". Now, I will just wait in horror as id
- Software releases a press release about a new, upcoming game.
- Thanks for reading the FAQ!
- -Hank Leukart
- ------------------------------
- CHAPTER [23]: Revision History
- ------------------------------
- [23-1]: Pre-Game-Release FAQs
- =============================
- v1.0: First release of the DOOM FAQ. (October 25, 1993 EST)
- v1.0a: When ASCII uploading v1.0, the spacing malfunctioned. This is
- the same version as 1.0, except with fixed spacing. (October 25, 1993
- EST)
- v2.0: First major revision of the "Official" DOOM FAQ. Id gets involved,
- giving new information. The FAQ is rearranged. The FAQ is renamed
- from "The DOOM FAQ" to "The 'Official' DOOM FAQ." (November 1,
- 1993 EST)
- v2.5: A standard revision of the "Official" DOOM FAQ. More information
- comes in on what DOOM will and won't support. More DOOM iNsAnItY is
- added. Information on related DOOM software is added. Information on
- DOOM's music and multi-playing is added. Sorry! The "Official"
- DOOM FAQ is no longer 666 lines. :) (November 13, 1993 EST)
- v2.6: A minor revision of the "Official" DOOM FAQ. Grammatic and spelling
- errors are corrected. The use of asterixs, parenthesis, and
- brackets are used to highlight which information is new to a FAQ.
- Two new additions to DOOM iNsAnItY that didn't quite make it
- to the v2.5 release are added. More multi-playing information
- added. (November 17, 1993 EST)
- [23-2]: Post-Game-Release FAQs
- ==============================
- v5.0: A major revision of the "Official" DOOM FAQ. DOOM is released. FAQ
- is completely rewritten. FAQ tells about troubleshooting, cheating,
- and add-on software. New additions to DOOM iNsAnItY. (December 18,
- 1993 EST)
- v5.5: A standard revision of the "Official" DOOM FAQ. DOOM v1.2 is
- released, and information on modem play is added. DOOM iNsAnItY is
- released seperately. A complete list of add-on software, modem init
- strings, and troubleshooting guidelines are added. (February 24,
- 1994 EST)
- v5.6: A minor revision of the "Official" DOOM FAQ. New add-on software is
- added. Many grammatic problems fixed. The secrets section is
- rewritten. (April 17, 1994 EST)
- v5.7: A minor revision of the "Official" DOOM FAQ. Secret information
- completed. New add-on software, more grammatic problems fixed.
- Released in the DOOM v1.4 package. (June 28, 1994 EST)
- v5.8: A minor revision of the "Official" DOOM FAQ. Minor grammatic
- problems fixed, updated for v1.666 of DOOM. Released in the DOOM v1.666
- package. (August 30, 1994 EST)